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  • #18258

    Maybe it would be eaiser if they just implemented all those moves to the positions that already exist.  I would love the facing wall position while standing.  Or the chair suggestion you make Cakegirl(sweet name).  If they do add a chair, I want to be able to tie my lover up in it. 

    Janine Dee

    *snickers* The page is advertising their own 3D sex game. 

    And I call dibs on being first to be tied up too Sinnnn.  :-*


    You do mean tied up by me, right? hehehe

    Janine Dee

    I can't really imagine anyone else I would prefer, or even allow.  :-*


    Lover and Sinnn, thank you both for your input, tying up would be fun and we always joke around saying in version 2.0! Lover, I checked out the links and my goodness! so many wonderful ones to choose from! Loved the teaspoons, mastery kneeling, lotus, delight and dancer moves, the lap dance is perfect for the chair scene!

    Either way, if we could add them as actions to scenes already created and available or as a new scene altogether, you have me!

    Thanks for your input!


    I love this page, too. But I am not the one, who discovered it. It has been added 2 or 3 weeks ago.
    And I agree. No matter if they add it or if they create a new position – main we will have it.


    Achat Enhancements

    Hello Every Body,

    I’ve seen the other subject and it turns to positions characters and so while I would suggest some little enhancement to the program which in my opinion can make the experience better. Let me categorize them as following :

    Simple and Speed Development :

    1° : Is it possible to add a check box in the partner search to exclude ignored people, this should be as easy as adding a small where clause
    2° : Is it possible to add a menu bar button “On-line Friends” next to messages and relationships ones which shows all on-line friends in the search result area categorized (Spouse first, lovers second, friends third). This is better than click on show my self then spouse then show my self then lovers then show my self then friends.
    3° : Is it possible to use wild cards in search area and especially for the name. We don’t always remember the exact name for example “Catherine691_”. This shouldn’t be a performance issue if the database is indexed for that column.
    4° : Is it possible in the history chat window to have a “jump to the top” arrow the same as the end one
    5° : Is it possible to add “First Page” the same as “Previous Page” and “Next Page” but on top of the screen next to the text “Search Result”

    Simple but Need more Development :

    1° : Better off-line messages management. At this point we can only see the in-box messages while the same message should be at the out-box of the sender. We can imagine once the sender or receiver deletes the message its hidden for him and when the second deletes it the message is definitely deleted from DB. We can then imagine a bigger screen listing the user with whom we have messages and once clicking on the name of the user we can see all the communications. You can imagine automatically deleting messages older than 60 days…

    Complex :

    1° : The chat area is really uncomfortable. Many partners are asking to go out on YM or MSN and this is not good for Achat. There is enough space on the screen to imagine a tab management chat. Each chat history of a user is shown on a tab. This may lead you to change the actual DB structure but it will really bring neat functionalities enhancing user experience. This tab even closed, once a new message is sent it shows all the session history. We can this way add the popular request of clearing a partner chat history.

    more suggestions are coming soon 🙂

    Thanks for reading me


    good ideas MK and welcome to the forum 

    Janine Dee

    All good suggestions, but can I ask what 3 means with “wild cards”?


    I'm sure she is talking about “*” to search.
    You don't know the real (complete) name, so you jus type “Janin*”
    The result will be all names, including Janin – that means Janine Dee, too.

    Maybe placeholder is a better term?

    Janine Dee

    Okay, if that's the case I get it and agree.


    Notebook and search in language

    I suggest to enter two very necessary options.

    1) Search in language.
    The additional column where it would be possible to specify not less than two languages of dialogue is necessary.
    The language choice should be issued the dropping list to avoid different interpretations.
    All it is necessary for creation of search in dialogue language.

    2) Notebook.
    Possibility to leave a note is very necessary.
    To remember: why someone in ignor list, or what your partner loves more, or on where you have stopped in last time.
    To keep all in the memory it is heavy enough.

    April 15, 2011 at 4:54 pm


    The language idea isn't bad. The notebook/memory one, just keep a log in Windows Notepad or something similar for now.


    Welcome to the forum PinkII,

    all welcome suggestions, enforcing the ones that were made before. As been said many times here, as long as wekeep spekaing our minds, outing our wishes and desires, our wishes will be granted (one day)


    You bring up many valid points Pink….The dungeon or interrogation room has chains attached to the bed, but can't use them. You have a strap on dildo has a wardrobe choice, but it's not the one you use for poses (I have female friends that have mentioned it to me). All avatars are the same height. All male avatars have the same size dick.

    Currently there are only 2 rooms that we can purchase and 3 or 4 that are free. Some things I don't like for rooms are the fact that person that invites dictates the room that loads. So I have the city loft room. If someone invites me that has one of the free rooms, that's what loads. I think that if one of the users has one of the generic rooms and another has a purchased room, it should load that room no matter who does the inviting.

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