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Thought for the day!

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    I was sitting in my History class today and my teacher is giving the class the lecture about history. He was talking about how the history before America is important. That America's history helps you understand what is going on today. It's like missing the first 20 minutes of a movie, you wouldn't understand it if you missed the first part. You wouldn't get the rest of the movie.

    This lesson can be used as you meet people. Without someone's past history, you'll never understand why that person is that way, or why they act like that… I just thought of all those people judged and how many people judge me.

    No one really knows who a person is until you really get to know them do they? We get judged all the time for just the way we act, and the way we look. We are called names and rumours spread, about us, and it's not what they say that annoys me, it's that they say stuff in general.

    None of those people know the real me, no matter what they think. The people that really know me love my crazy side and my strange qualities. They know my past and understand me as a person. They don't judge. I hate when these people think they know me just by looking at me. I have been through things that created the person i am today. I don't cringe away from my history, no matter good or bad. People can't shame me about it either, and before you decide to look at a person and decide that getting to know them is not worth your time, think about the things that they might've been through.

    I always try to get to know a person, before i decide to brush them off. A persons past is very important in who they are. Someone’s history is important. Wow, history does teach you things. Others history teaches you something. Your history teaches you something. Just remember that next time you label someone 


    I can relate to that.

    A toast to slut muffins every where.




    No one really knows who a person is until you really get to know them do they? We get judged all the time for just the way we act, and the way we look. We are called names and rumours spread, about us, and it's not what they say that annoys me, it's that they say stuff in general.

    Just a few stickers



    Well , its spoken out of the deep of your heart and its true. But you never will change the Humans – they are like that !

    And in a online world……value of truth is rare.
    If we all would be honest and truthfull………….who woudl “play” ?

    A wrong thing to do – is let Ppl from online getting into your real live to fast.
    @Woody—I hear you saying many times you are arround long than some else. Havent you seen that Ppl dont want to change in here?
    Some just real dont care about other feelings. Its just a electronic fun, a entertainment like TV only you can bring in your side of story.

    When do you know someone????

    Most time when PPL gone – cuz THAN you know what you miss.

    And give the young ones the bonus of beeing young. They will go the same way if they lucky they get older and wiser, but they got it to do on there way, as we didt it on our path of live.

    Dont try to get to serious in a online game…..true behind the Avatar is still a living Human, but WHY is this Human right in here?
    To face reality? Or get out and play to be what ever they want to be.

    What ever role they choose to be , its there way, NO one can be forced to PLAY a role they dont want to stick with.
    No one can get raped in game – No one can be punish – if you dont like say NO – online much easier just hit X and close the chat.

    Everybody got his own opinion on what ever – sometimes its good to keep that to yourself

    for myself…Ill keep my opinion to myself – If I dont like I know how to avoid

    Please see that playground as playground – let them find out on there own.

    Hugs  be happy  life is to short for Bullshit


    All I know is all I AM. All I know how to be, is ME
    As Woody posted recently, we are all products of our history.

    I see our world through my eyes, you through yours
    Neither see the same, our past experience obscures

    Facts are facts, regardless of you or me
    But for each, our Truth is relative you see

    Truth is personal, facts are not
    The difference between us, a lot.

    Why we assume, we should all be the same
    is a mystery to me, that I can not yet explain

    We judge others as though they are us
    Would we be less critical or superfluous

    I am not perfect, not close, not even to me
    I stumble, I fall, then slowly rise to my knee

    Would I not give others this benefit of doubt?
    Knowing they too might stumble or feel left out.

    Life is like that, if you are willing to play
    It can knock us off our feet but also show the way

    Some will play it safe, preferring to sit and judge
    They are condenscending, hypocrital, with a grudge 

    I know there are some, much wiser than us
    I see their message of experience and tolerance

    What does it take, to possess wisdom n understanding
    Is it knowledge or experience? Why is it so demanding

    To think outside your box, see something you have not
    Look inside your heart, feel the human not the robot

    We each choose how we want to see our World
    To see the GOOD or the BAD as life's sail unfurls

    So once again, I look deep inside, I look there to see
    How can I judge others, how could they judge me?

    – Just my thoughts


    Thought for the day!

    Is to post lots of  sexy photos
    have a beer or 2 and then just enjoy what this online achat  game has to offer

    and to laugh at a  few posts..I think there is more  excitement on AChat then soap operas.
    The Drama how can we not love it 

    I say Aman to Achat for keeping us happy  haha

    entertained and always keeps us coming back for more

    so my thought for today is yay to Achat  I want to get drunk get on the bar and get naked

    Life is sweeter when you just enjoy it and not look the the left or to the right party on!



    Thoughts who make you think Hmmmmmmmm!!!!





    [img width=500][/img]

    Follow your dreams,
    Follow your heart,
    Don't listen to the whispers of others.

    Have the courage to be yourself, when
    everyone tells you to be something else.


    Follow your dreams,
    Follow your heart,
    Don't listen to the whispers of others.

    Have the courage to be yourself, when
    everyone tells you to be something else.

    I try…


    Hi Zoe *hugs* n welcome back from your Big Blue…. I know you do, and TRY is all any of US can do.

    My thought for today is simple….
    and ALL worlds can ALWAYS use more of this:

    It is just a single word, a universal hand sign
    Yet when you are bitten…. it's a LiFE changer.
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