The forums › Share your creative ideas › Time for a few changes
- This topic has 64 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by Brandybee.
April 23, 2016 at 8:05 pm #155130
I have a way to Improve all
and when I have time I will post it
my real life is so hard to get on here some time ….
I am not pleased with what is going on . :'(
April 23, 2016 at 11:55 pm #155131Copy and paste this post before reading as I am sure it’s time here is very limited if the threats are followed thru, and share it with those that didn’t get to see it in the forum.
Before I start let me apologise to all the innocents (and believe me there are some but NOT as many as claim to be) who have been hurt and damaged by this ridiculous fiasco.
Ok I been deeply involved in this SAGA for two months or more and yes it’s my entire fault. If anyone is to blame it’s me I was the one who initially refused to honour a date from the date game. End of story? It should have been but no it was poked prodded kicked bitten and beaten and allowed to fester and rot into one of the nastiest situations I ever seen amongst a group of friends and associates in 22 years of internet chat and cybering.
SHAME on all those who have done that.
Don’t those on the periphery who had to add their own 2 cents or 5 cents think your any better, sitting there laughing and grinning you are the worst kind of people taking pleasure in others pain, dropping comments into the pot to keep it boiling.
I have tried everything I know to defuse this situation, I begged for sanity and calm, asked for private meetings only to be ignored and scorned, I tried to remain friends with all to maintain channels of communication and hard as it has been tried to look at this as impartially as I can, all that did was alienate me from EVERYONE I cared about.
We have all heard of the seven deadly sins,
a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.
a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
strong, stern, or fierce anger; deeply resentful indignation; ire, vengeance or punishment as the consequence of anger.
excessive eating and drinking or other pleasures.(see lust)
intense sexual desire or appetite, uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.
habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness.
excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions.If you all look deeply into your actions you will see that several of these if not all are the reason you are doing whatever you’re doing.
Seriously are you all so fucked up you allowing this to go to this point? I’m right no I’m right no were right.Achat has an 18+age limit, that’s to assure we are all ADULTS but apparently there are a lot of very immature people pretending to be adults wandering about. There are also some very young people who are mature beyond their years.
Show me who the fuck has won here?
THERE ARE NO WINNERS JUST A LOT OF LOSERSFor Pities sake make a list of what it has cost you, the community and the people you used to care about?
The list is endlessI came here to have fun, that’s been destroyed now and as I said I blame myself, I also fell deeply in love but that too has gone
Ok that’s my opinion and to say the least I’m very disappointed, I no longer trust anyone, I won’t even room anyone anymore because I sick to death of the bullshit that comes with it, why am I still here? Because there are people care about here still even though they may no longer give a fuck about me, and I made a commitment to run the F1 amongst other things.
The funny thing about all this? Everybody is mostly right, but like any story there are always three sides yours, mine and what really happened. The problem comes from when people exaggerate and outright lie to strengthen their position.
Here are the facts as I know them:-
• I was unhappy about one of my partners in the date game, I approached Tango and discussed it and as a result I withdrew from the contest.
• Brandy (my spouse) suggested that she ask skydancer (a lover) to do a date with me replace my name in the game, I thought that was a good alternative to withdrawing, though I voiced my doubts that it smacked of Favouritism to her spouse but didn’t think it was that big a deal.
• Within hours the directors of the game contacted me and expressed concern that the change would reflect badly on the random draw, and I as owner of the square and the bot decided that it was a valid point (not that brandy’s was a bad solution overall) and again agreed to withdraw and revert the draw to its original with tango substituting for my dates.
• Brandy was quite upset over our decision and after along heated argument where she was outnumbered 4 to1 (unintentionally but my fault again I should have discussed it with her privately) agreed to disagree with our decision but left it stand.
• That should have been an end of it but it wasn’t the egos of all involved got in the way and it continued getting nastier and more vindictive as followsFrom this minor misunderstanding has developed a major concern, many of you have blamed Maron for creating this but you are not correct, Maron (and now others) have serious concerns regarding the credibility of the contests being run in the forums based on the fact that several prominent members of forum have repeatedly shown up with the same IP Address, there may be several reasons for that and this isn’t the place for a tutorial on networking suffice to say that these occurrences are too often to be pure coincidence and need to be discussed and explained or all credibility of any contests run thru the Forum has gone. These concerns have been deliberately ignored by those who should be addressing them despite several requests for a private meeting of those concerned to resolve them.
After being informed of this I laughed it off I know these people well and I had faith that it had to be a mistake or some tech glitch easily disproved by a simple sit down chat. NO? For some strange reason the people concerned are prepared to answer the claims, sure Lover dropped into square and found no one in attendance, well yes I did see him log in twice, once we actually spoke and I was told they would meet us IF and WHEN we stopped asking questions in forum. WHAT? No date was set and we had been waiting 2 months.
Are the forum member’s sheep of no account that they cannot raise questions regarding the honesty and impartiality of the mods that monitor and edit our discussions? Have the mods been in positions of power that they are now demi gods demanding that their conduct not be questioned?
Or have they become a tyrannical dictatorship rolling out the tanks to crush any dissent in the masses like the Chinese did in tiananmen square incident of 89.
Many of you know me some well some barely I have been a supporter of the forum and mods since I first arrived here, I have attempted to resolve this situation for two months quietly in the background and been thwarted at every turn by biased and ego driven self-interest, I am sorry that this has come out into the open and the damage it has done and is doing to the great fellowship of achat and the forum. Questions have been asked and whether they are valid or not they need to be answered completely and fully or the mistrust of the populace will continue to grow and the whole community will collapse into anarchy
In my discussions I have been told if I post this I WILL be moderated before the content has been seen? I put my reputation of honesty and truthfulness on the line here, these are the facts as I see them, right or wrong I am not pursuing any private grievance, yes this may cause the flames to explode into an inferno but my entire goal is to see it finished and over. Allowing sanity to return to MY community and put the FUN back into our mutual experience.
What has this cost me? Well the survival of the square is now counted in days, I have been lambasted by many friends on both sides of this situation, and the loss of many of those friends, it will possibly make my time here to come to an end, but better that than have this situation continue and ruin the time spent her.
Copy and paste this post before reading as I am sure it’s time here is very limited if the threats are followed thru, and share it with those that didn’t get to see it in the forum.
Owner and administrator of Achat SquareApril 24, 2016 at 12:05 am #155132Thank you Brandy for explaining the everyday situation of a moderator with multiple forum accounts and handling of the competitions. I'm just a bit concerned since this is not the issue that I was discussing. There is a difference between multiple forum accounts and multiple personal accounts wich leads to completely different implications.
Let me give you a few examples. Let's say it is found out in the square that you as a moderator use three personal accounts. We can call them A, B and C. It can be argued that even in a fair draw your odds to win money, for instance one year achat subscription, in a competition would be multiplied if for instance both A and B participated, even more so if also C participated. Your chances would be bigger than the other participants. Not to talk about the moral dilemma this would bring.
The fact that A and B could have different husbands is not any concern of mine, but if I was in an argument with A, I see a moral issue if B discussed my A problems with me.
I hope you see now that your description of multiple forum accounts is very different to what has been discussed here, ie multiple personal accounts, and the implications for a moderator would be far more serious.
April 24, 2016 at 1:22 am #155133icebox your last post proves one thing you are A asshole by the way Bla is like a bun where I come from and there lovely
April 24, 2016 at 3:04 am #155134Ok, This whole thread is directed at me and not the other Forum Moderators, mainly because I do most of the Moderating and I guess it’s time to speak out. I do not have multiple accounts.
I have said this previously and will continue to do so.
This situation has come about because of a meet and greet game.
Here are the facts as I know them:-
• There was a Greet and Meet game in Forum. It is important to note, that this was never advertised as a Square Event and there was an inappropriate date drawn. All it needed was a date swap but instead this option was never offered and caused bad feeling. Tantrums were thrown by the Director and member alike. The member felt he had no option but to withdraw from the game.
• This seemed harsh and being a Forum Moderator I saw there was a better option to resolve the situation. An alternative date was suggested and agreed to replace that persons name in the game. It was a good alternative to withdrawing and ensured that a big poster was in the game and guaranteed reports for the topic. It was also good for the director as he had less dates to carry out. It was discussed with that member and agreed. I then went to work.
• I was not party to this as I was at work. Within hours the directors of the game contacted the member concerned and expressed concern that the change would reflect badly on the random draw, and I as owner of the square and the bot decided that it was a valid point (not that brandy’s was a bad solution overall) and again agreed to withdraw and revert the draw to its original with tango substituting for my dates. Suddenly it was a Square event, presumably because The Directors were Square Mods.
• I returned home from work, to find another tantrum had been thrown by a director and the decision agreed to prior to work had been overturned by Square Moderators who did not have the authority to do so without a discussion at least with a Forum Moderator.
I was seething over that decision as I felt that a member had been bullied into withdrawing, a Director had publically withdrawn from the greet game with no thought to her dates, forum or the game. A Forum Moderator, ie Me, had been undermined by The Square (Forum Moderators would never undermine The Square so such actions were frankly an insult) The decision I had made was actually better for the game and forum but after a long heated argument I was outnumbered 4 to1. I therefore left the decision to stand.• That should have been an end of it but it wasn’t. It was over as far as I was concerned. I ended up having 4 days of heavy discussion with AusWoody as Head of The Square over the situation. The decision from that resulted in me pulling away from The Square and resigning as a Moderator at The Square. It was best all round and I would return to concentrate on Forum. Another Forum Mod would act as liaison to The Square and we agreed to disagree on the situation again.
• That should have been an end of it again but it wasn’t. Again it was over as far as I was concerned. Egos did get involved and it continued getting nastier and more vindictive and frankly became a vendetta for me and my reputation.
Things began to get nasty and spiteful. Old issues long gone and resolved or so I thought began rearing their ugly heads.I can hold my own but to my frustration and disbelief, persons were discussing things outside Mod circles and more people had a view on things that frankly did not concern them. And then Lo & behold, this topic suddenly appears and well it speaks for itself really and the persons posting.
During this vendetta, it became apparent that a Moderator in the Square was keeping and storing records of peoples IP’s and had conversations copied. She was using the information gleened in her elevated position as Moderator for her own ends. That’s confidential information of members being kept without due authority.
Then I received a threatening PM from a couple of Moderators at The Square, wanting me to meet a couple of them privately. After the above conduct I had no intentions of doing so. I immediately forwarded it to all The Mods involved. I was not going to be blackmailed!
Quote from AusWoody –
“From this minor misunderstanding has developed a major concern, many of you have blamed Maron for creating this but you are not correct, Maron (and now others) have serious concerns regarding the credibility of the contests being run in the forums based on the fact that several prominent members of forum have repeatedly shown up with the same IP Address”
Minor misunderstanding. It was blown up in to disproportionate levels!
The credibility of the contests in Forum is an afterthought in this matter and is a means to an end, probably in an effort to force me to resign as Forum Moderator. Just so you know, I offered my resignation prior to this topic and it was refused!
The contests are run with integrity and I am disgusted you would think otherwise. I have worked with The Square and you all know I work hard to get everyone involved and enter most of the contests to show support.I don’t need the money (AusWoody has seen my account) so to what end do you think I would need to stoop so low as to fix draws. Most of the random draws are done by the Robot, under The Square’s supervision and that of any members who attend to partake. So I cant “Fix” that to win.
The Forum Village vote on other contests, so that’s their deciding vote. I cant “Fix” that either but again why would I want to. It defeats everything I work so hard for. I want people in Forum not suspicious of it.
We are always open to ideas to show transparency and fairness in our contests. It’s one of the reasons I have not opened up a new story contest. I am not sure that the current voting is not compromised.
Lover has tried to meet and stated that he would if the detrimental posts stopped in forum. He has had a very busy schedule though. The other two also agreed if a convenient date was fixed. I was never going to attend. This was a good decision as to the posts as they could continue if necessary after the meeting. Forum is public and this is Mod business. I know that is something The Square has failed to understand completely throughout this situation. The leaks have all come from he Square.
It’s a pity because of it, The Square and Forum will, and have, suffered & I doubt many people will ever volunteer for a Meet & Greet game again for some time to come.
The Forum Mods have kept a dignified silence.
Yes, I did say to AusWoody, I would moderate if I felt his post was against TOS and named people, like always. I also wanted to protect Forum & The Square but you know what … who cares any more.
I am accused of having more than one account. I am not the people I am being accused of but can say it till I’m blue in the face, I will never change the mind of these people and frankly I don’t care what they think of me. I have not the time nor the patience to play the game in that way.
But let’s play Devil’s advocate – It’s not actually against TOS to have multiple accounts. Achat probably thrives on them.
Let’s face it, it has been a strong rumour certainly since I started that a lot of the girl’s playing in the game are actually guys. Most shemale accounts have their correct sex account too.If the person’s spouse and lovers are ok with it, What the hell has it got to do with you or any business of The Square or anyone.
So we are back to the Contests. I can’t fix them as explained previously, not that I would want to.
I don’t need the money as explained earlier and I would be a paying customer x 3. So have as much chance of winning and losing as anyone else, oh yes x 3.It doesn’t make sense, does it? Really?
Now let’s look at the flip side of the coin.
Now that said, let’s look at the wider issue and the how the IP was obtained.
Only a Moderator could get this information in The Square.
Not only did A moderator store the information but then they – yes more than 1 Square Moderator – took it upon themselves to act on the information and discuss it outside Mod circles.
But more than that, they acted on it further and approached a members spouse to tell him.That is frankly wrong, sickens me that you could cause such trouble between members and to abuse your position as Moderators in that way.
If you was in employment, you would have been dismissed on the spot for contravening data protection laws.
@ Roxy, the only posts removed in this topic were by the authors themselves, not The Mods.
A new topic was removed after Lover originally locked this topic because it was a PM and was sent to the person directed. They were also acting defiantly to a Forum Mods decision for everyone to have a 24hr break.
The author was fully aware and the reason explained of the moderation.I am now going to lock this topic. Everyone has had their say that’s involved. Anyone else is too late. You had your chance.
And I'm sure most of Forum is as sick of it as I am !Achat is fully aware of all this btw. The Forum Mods have bought it to their attention.
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The forums › Share your creative ideas › Time for a few changes