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Trouble in Achat Game

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  • #7021

    Hey there Achat

    I doubt this is the right Place for this but well, better here than nowhere.
    Since a 2 -3 weeks a user , calls himself the ‘God/King’ of AChat bothers me and My Spouse in a very bad way.
    I saved all my Conversations with him, in case i have to Prove it. My Spouse, Cateyes999, gets horrible messages from him or his ‘friends’.
    She is already Scared to come online cuz she never knows what he will do next, she even thinks about leaving achat. I have tried to talk to him in a nice and polite way. But no chance, he always talks about Revange, i have no idea for what but well. He told me he enjoys to treat people bad and i guess that says enough about him. He called me several times a Whore, i laughed about it many times but now i reached a point where its just enough.
    He told me i will get banned from Achat cuz he wants it, i have no idea whats coming next, so i decided to write about it here. I sent Two mails to achat support already to make sure they know whats going on. He says we all have to respect him here but well, i cant respect someone who is treating people this way for fun or crazy stuff in his head. If there is more, I’ll write more about it. Just don’t believe any crap of him, he’s… well… as i said.. im polite… so he’s a bit ‘crazy’. I bet he will know about my post, so if i get banned you guys know why, lol.

    We are all here for Fun and to meet nice people from all over the World, so i wont allow him to ruin this for anybody of us.

    You all take care, have fun and enjoy your days


    Kisses, Chantall.

    Moderated by Brandybee. Players name removed to prevent embarrassment.


    Hello Chantelle,

    Welcome to Forum.

    I am sorry you are having such annoyances in the game.  I do know of the player you speak of and have spoken to him several times.

    If a player is harrassing you,  then you have done the right thing in reporting it through Support. Your spouse needs to as well.

    You need to copy all your chat logs and abusive messages, outline your complaints to Achat and forward them all to ” Support” which can be accessed on the top bar above where  ” Forum”  “Shop” etc…

    Achat will investigate and deal with the member accordingly.

    They will not tolerate on line bullying or harassment and it is against TOS.

    Forum, however, is not the place to name and shame offenders, nor to seek revenge in this way.
    The Moderators will not allow personal spats to overspill  onto here.

    It is only in exceptional circumstances do we allow users to be named,  examples are :-

    * when there has been  a flood of multiple attacks on a mass of members,  stating things that are clearly not true, 

    * warning people of scams that are circulating the game

    This list is not exhaustive and we will judge every case on its merits.

    This however, albeit annoying is not for publication.  The correct procedure is outlined above and I urge anyone who is abused in this manner to report in the manner outlined  above or to one of the Moderators who  can assist in reporting it or trying to resolve the matter.

    I strongly suggest , you put this player on ignore and any of his alternative accounts who contact you.

    Report all of the accounts who abuse you.


    I am very sure this is the same guy I just made a post about.  I have sent mail to AChat staff and also have pictures of his chat.  But as it seems this guy does this all the time and gets away with it I doubt it will be helped now.  AChat staff seems not to care about abusive members running around playing “king” on the game.

    SO!  Every player out there that has had this crazy “king” = “baby” try playing dom of the AChat jungle with them let's all get together and take care of him ourselves.  AChat wont help, this guy knows it, and uses it to do as he pleases.  I say it sounds like time to knock this little boy off his over sized ego butt.


    Good Morning,

    New Day, New Trouble.
    I just logged in this morning and he was already there talking to me. This time i'll show what was said, cuz im getting so tired of this Crap. Here…

    THE KING: Did you talk with ( he told me a name i better not call here ) about me?
    Chantall : no, i didn't. Why?
    THE KING: Then cateyes999 did.
    THE KING: Now i sent a message to brandybee about cateyes999.
    THE KING: I want her banned.
    Chantall : this will not happen
    THE KING: She sent bad messages about me to my secrets spouses
    Chantall : she did nothing
    THE KING: She always send bad messages to people about me.
    Chantall : no… she didnt… sasha does not care for you.. dont you understand that? She just wants to be left alone.
    THE KING: Now i send a message to achat'staff because i want her banned from achat.
    Chantall : you are crazy… lol… bye
    THE KING: Crazy?
    THE KING: Now i report it to achat staff.
    Chantall : listen… i already have done that goodbye
    THE KING: You and cateyes999 will be banned from achat as i did with x_rachel_x.
    Chantall : goodbye
    THE KING: Promise.
    Chantall : goodbye

    So.. if each day on achat has to start with this, well then i don't know.
    Cateyes sent messages to his 'secret' spouses? She just wants to be left alone and enjoy achat! How shall she know about his spouses if they are SECRET!?!? Unbelievable.

    And Btw. This is not my kind of 'Revange'… I've been told to wrote about it onto the Forum and as long as this keep to happen, i will do it. I just want him to stop, that's all.


    Please change the names if you publish here. Send the original chatlog and offending user name into “Support”   Forum is not a platform for extending any personal spats here.

    NB  x_Rachel_x  was not banned by this user. She was banned for abusing other members in multiple messages.


    @Mrs_Wife:  They are  not the same guy…..

    @Chantall: sorry for this……he is a guy who make trouble with several users from long time and we already know him. All i can suggest you, is to put him on ignore….as your spouse have to do too!


    Oh wow, this guy has the same deal.  How insane, does this game have that many of these guys that AChat staff can do nothing about?  Just let them go free?

    But my statement is the same, any of you out there who has either of these guys or the alts trying to bully you speak out.  We can stomp these people out.  Since the staff is not able.  No reason to let these kids get away with playing bully.

    This is a game for us all to have fun, let's take it back from people like this.

    MODERATED BY BRANDYBEE. Please do not name offenders here. Send your complaints to the Moderators or Support wuth copies of your offending logs and messages.
    You are right. We all work together to stamp out this online bullying but The Moderators will not allow it to spill out on to Forum. Thank you.


    Ok awesome to hear Brandybee.  So what is being done about these guys you know about and are watching?  Anything?  Or just watching them do what ever they please as they bully the games members?  Not trying to sound mean asking that, completely just asking is all.

    From the facts I have seen, these guys you know are being a bully to players.  You are watching them.  Reports about them, logs, screen captures, and even an off site web page trashing players by name with these guys names on it, have all been sent into staff.  Yet nothing is being done and they are left free to keep doing what ever they please. 

    So if the AChat staff can not, or wont, do anything about it what are the players supposed to do to stop it?  Please do not say ignore as they have many accounts to keep coming at us. And will keep making alts to keep harassing.

    If we, the players are to take this on ourselves as no one else can.  And we, the ones being harassed have to follow rules that these guys do not.  How are we to stand up to this threat?

    I am not trying to be disrespectful to any mods here,  am very truly sorry if it sounds that way.


    Mrs_Wife, you are new so you can't know, but me, Brandy,Lover and Bear are not member of the AChat stuff, but users like you who had the chance to help with modding the forum.

    After this, let me tell you we have reported this type of abuse to AChat and we do it almost everyday. Now, we are waiting for their answer to our messages. I promise, when we know something we tell you and to the others


    I have  had my run in with this  guys  and a few others  let me tell you  that  Achat  will take care of it

    as  soon  as they can  they do give us a  Ignore  button  and let me tell you  it  dose help as soon as you see trouble
    ignore them  all them  every new acct  they make,  and also  ignore  new users that helps a lot  they will  get tired of it
    and move on.There is no stopping  fools from being  fools  but you can  avoid  there  foolishness ..

    Achat is  fun you  just  will learn to  ignore  a  lot    ..The    forum is a  great  place  to have  to have fun I  love it in here
      hope you  give it a try 


    I just posted this in another spot but will here too.  The ignore does not always work.  If someone does this often they know how to get around it.  I kept getting messages from people on ignore and did not understand how.  As it turns out if you ignore someone, they can ignore you too then take you off ignore and it takes them off your ignore as well.  So just a heads up.


    Thank you  for the  info Mrs Wife 

    I had the same  with this  people you are talking about  they will  go away  when  they see that it  don't  bother you
    I like you  to know that  its  sad to let them  bothers you  Achat can  do the best they can .

    they cant  control the actions of this fool's  being  fool's  I know its hard  being new 
    and its a pity you'r  letting a few  control your emotions ..

    The  forum is a  great place to start  I would say maybe  you  give it a try  and  post to make a  difrentses

    Don't expect a miracle overnight  but you can  hope


    I can certainly understand  your frustration and anger with these very sick individuals (possibly one with multiple identities) but please  don't judge all males here  by the actions of the very few. I am a newbie here  but have found all those I have had interactionms with to be nice and friendly not to mention  “sharing”.

    These  very sick individuals  thrive only when you are paying attention to them   and as hard as it is  to do    ignoring them works best  if they cannot get the  “attention”  they seek from you they will move on  and hopefully to some other  site   (hey we can hope)

    I whish you and your friend catseye  a happy and fun time here  do it just to get up his skirt  lol

    see ya round  the traps sometime  *kiss


    Well I hope your right AusWoody.  But again has not been a very few, has been many and most.  I just posted this in another spot, but I think I am getting all this negative attention from not wanting to have sex with just anyone.  I think since my profile had on it that I was here for my husband, most the nice guys do not message me out of respect.  While all these not so nice guys message me to bash me for not being slutty.


    I am also exepriencing the same from, i assume, the same person/persons that you are referring to. I just wanted to know that you are not alone.

    I have found the best way to deal with him is to not give him the attention that he is looking for. Ignore, ignore each new profile.Never respond to him and do not log into his blog. He can see when you do. This person needs to be isolated. I expect that I will appear once again on his blog, but he cant do anything to hurt me. No matter what he says, my true friends will understand and know me for who I am. He has threatened to post my private chat logs on his blog. But he edits then anyway so they are not a true reflection of anything.

    I love Achat and I have made some realy good friends here. I have been here for almost a year and I refuse to let anyone spoil what I have gained.We all just have to tough it out for a little while. If we all stick together, we are much stronger than one individual. Good luck to us all. :-*


    Have yet to see any good in the game.  But will see as the month goes.  Right now not sure about putting money into a game that has no rules to keep this crazy stuff from going on.  Other games out there like this we have tried with none of this silly stuff.  One of those might be a better choice.  One has much more to do, and another had a little more to do with amazing graphics, leaning towards that one.

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