The forums › Shemales and their lovers in AChat › TS Orientation? please help.
- This topic has 25 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 10 months ago by Kingdustin.
November 3, 2012 at 6:41 pm #6004
OK I have asked this question few time but not here and Iv gotten my answer but I'm still running into a wall sometime. I would like cleaner cut answer and majority ruling on what is the appropriate sexual attraction for Hetero Ts and Homo Ts. by real T-girl. please I don't wish to upset anyone by talking to wrong type any more and I'm also tired of being told to fuck
to all who I have talk to and gotten it wrong I'm sorry did not mean any disrespect.
this is what I thought
Hetero=females home=male, but after thinking a bit and talking with dear spouse in Achat she told me its like this
hetero=male homo=female. witch made sense as i believe most not if all Ts are women at heart and soul.
but i still get called out for getting it wrong sometime.Girls please help me. thanks in advance and if this topic upset anyone or is in the wrong spot I'm deeply sorry.
November 3, 2012 at 8:20 pm #75704AnonymousThis is purely a personal opinion and one I know that others will disagree with.
I am not an expert apart from my own sexuality and I can't claim to be able to answer your question definitively.Gender identity is an extremely complex subject. On the face of it, there are female, male and intersex genders.
The “Ts” that you mention would fall into the last category which is considered to cover conflicting male/female gender identity i.e. those with conflicting male/female physical and/or mental gender identities.Homosexuality is, strictly speaking, a term applied to persons sexually attracted to people of their own sex/gender.
Consequently, an intersex person who lives as a female and who has female partners would, in theory, not be considered homosexual but if they had an intersex partner who lived as a male they would, in theory, be considered homosexual.
So, to answer your question, persons classified as intersex would be considered to be homosexual if their preference were for other intersex persons and heterosexual if their preference was for male or female partners.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that it should really be that simplistic, it is typically highly subjective within (but not limited to) the intersex community and it is a very emotive subject so you might still be told to “fuck off” but then what are you saying that invokes such a response?
November 3, 2012 at 8:40 pm #75705I see, as to the Fuck off part it only happen twice. And all I did was say hi. or Hi how are you doing. they responded- NO MALES FUCK OFF!. I would be lying if i said that didn't hurt. maybe they were having a bad day. I didn't press the matter any more. I left it as if they were having a bad day.
as to what you were saying it does make sense but I guess it ends being very subjective. It all come down to what each Ts feel for them self.
Thanks for your Answer Concerto. It give me more to think about.
Of any others would like to share there thought please do.
November 3, 2012 at 8:53 pm #75706This is how I see it, I guess not everyone sees it this way but I find this to make the most sense.
If a MTF transsexual lives as a woman for all intents and purposes and hides the fact that she's a transsexual (called living in stealth) and then wants a normal relationship with a man who sees her as a woman and likes her as such, then she's a heterosexual transsexual. Amongst these people is where you find the most who goes through SRS (sexual reassignment surgery).
If a transsexual on the other hand are into men who likes her because she's specifically a transsexual, or if she likes women then she's a homosexual transsexual.
November 3, 2012 at 9:27 pm #75707Hmmm…Interesting point of View Adera. I understand SRS. but my focus is mainly on those who don't take the full change. I only ask this because of Achat having the orientation on the profile. I don't wish to be hit on by a guy or ask to room with them. Iv tried and found out that I don't like men sexually. so i understand. I don't wish talk to any one who has zero desire to chat with me or to room. I will respect there wishes and want to up hold it.
For Achat, dose the community have a set rule on witch is witch. because a Ts who still thinks he male and like men would think hes home. now a Ts who thinks she female and like other females she also think she homo. as you can see this crate a contradiction.
I just find it little confusing at time as i don't know who talk to lol.
now most bisex Ts that i see for Achat have in there profile, no men or asking Acash and I don't pay for sex or to room. I don't want a living doll. I want a person I can communicate have fun chat and enjoy each other company. not here some cash bang bam boom and its done. If i want that I spend money a real person. if I was into that. but that a different topic all together.
November 3, 2012 at 10:30 pm #75708I find it very contradicting with a mtf transsexual who still thinks “she's” a man… well irl that is. There are of course some that regret changing themselves, though they usually strive to change back to being a man after realizing that.
Though here in AChat we of course find a lot of men who choose to play as shemales and then does it as a man.
November 3, 2012 at 11:04 pm #75709yes I find little stupid my self, even when I played on my Ts avatar. for the longest time i play as female Ts. its only be resent that i gave it and let other know I'm not a Ts I'm male but i never really gave up mentality of women. I changed of course but it still stayed little. I guess in every man there some part of him that feminine. its one of the reason I thought I might be Bi-sex but I all ready find out I'm not. I'm just open minded about what i like and I know for sure I find Ts to be very beautiful.
Is there anyone els willing to share there thought in this topic. i would like to hear other TSs or even women and other males opinion too.
for those who have posted here I thank you greatly for trying to help me out. Concerto, Adera thanks a million.
November 4, 2012 at 10:30 am #75710i think like adera , for me a tg is a woman cause i dont see the interest ( in real ) for a man to modify his body to become a woman if he is not a woman inside . So a tg who is attracted by a woman is homosexual
November 4, 2012 at 12:14 pm #75711Thanks Rukya, personally I agree with you and Adera. still I have found other who think the other way.
I will take to heart that the majority of Ts that are homo don't like men, the ones that are hetero do.thank you all for your help.
November 4, 2012 at 7:27 pm #75712You might not be able to follow that logic in AChat, though I guess you already knew that.
What I find funny are those that have bisexual in their orientation but wont play with men, I have bisexual as my orientation because I have an interest in all… though mostly in men I have to admit.
November 4, 2012 at 8:15 pm #75713I find it that i run into less of the problem following my logic. the whole bi-sex and not liking men is confusing too. Lot TS I see on A chat don't like men. I think is because they are not really TS. but i could be wrong.I all so see a lot of working girls in the TS population. It very hard to find someone who willing.
If your ever on Adera and see me, please feel free chat me up. lol I love making new friends
this go to anyone on one forums.
I don't bite…… little warning my 3 mouth membership should end soon if not all ready. as I am right now I'm to poor to renew it and I'm being threaten of being kick out of my apartment do lack of rent pay. so be stuck here in forum till my situation is fixed. jobs are getting very hard to find.
November 30, 2012 at 10:51 pm #75714Welllllllll .. -skipped most of the comments, sorry- Figured I'd give some background on myself at least. I am a twin of a dead twin (twinless twin). She was female and I was regretably the other. All my life I never considered myself the way I was born. Conflicted. Confused. It lead to so much depression and anger. To always feel I was not born the way I felt and saw myself. To call me the gender I was, disgusted me. I have not had a ton of money so only have had a few operations. I still feel incomplete, conflicted. I DO NOT consider myself “male” at all. And prefer to be address and refered and treated like any woman should. I still sadly have conflicts as I still have “male” parts. I would rather not. Now about roles and thoughts as some pointed above. I am female in mind and spirit, I see me only that. I engage with men, I do not consider me homosexual. Though this twisted world would say I am. I love to feel a mans touch as a woman, not as a “male”. If I can be so bold I hate the whole homosexual tag. I prefer to say I am me. The best damn me I can be. Even as incomplete as I feel, it is still me inside. Even before my surgeries and being with men. I never once considered me as a homosexual. Only ever, doing what I felt inside. To do what any woman would do. To love a man, to have a bond, a soulmate. Though even before all my surgeries. Who would have called me hetero, as a “male” in love with another man. When I am no disgusting man
-no offense to men hehe-
December 1, 2012 at 2:47 am #75715Welcome to the forum AnnieMay, I do believe there are quite a lot of girls out there that are in the same situation as you are in. I know one personally, she having very tough time handling it. I just hope I was able to reach her and help her through the hard time till she can relies her true self. The whole TS orientation her in Achat community is little off balance but I do stand by what said in my earlier posts. All TS are women till expressed other wise.
Once again Welcome to the forum AnnieMay, Please take stroll here,22.0.html and Introduce yourself to everyone.
January 11, 2013 at 8:35 pm #75716I must share a lil of my life experiance on this matter and conqur with KingDustin on his sentiment and views on transgendered, however there are as many graytones here as people. Generally a femme tg IS indeed a woman in all aspects and want to be treated as such in all ways, myself included. My personal preference is men but i equally love making love to a woman. I jus ttend to be a little more dominant with a woman *grins
When a man asks me if he is gay because he likes a female TG with a cock i ask him “Do you find men that look like men sexually appealing? They usually say “No” then i say you are straight. I tell, them that per my experience most guys who like female TGs are straight and not gay. Gay men tend to like men as men not pretty girls with a cock. Bisexual men like men as men and girls as girls and TGs where ever they fall. I tell these men who ask as far as the female TG cock goes there are two normal approaches to dealing with it. One is they simply ignore it if the Tg female is pretty enough. and Two they love it because they feel they are doing something considered wrong and doing wrong is always more fun then doing right.
Straight men like TGs generally, Gay men does not. Many straight men who are attracted to a TG and get angry or confused because they don't want to be attracted to a girl with a cock are usually from the misguided religious right. When i get tired of being hit on all the time i go to a gay club or bar or a predominantly Gay Men Club and i seldom get hit on all all no matter what super sexy outfit i am wearing. I have been hit on by a few bisexual guys but to date not one Gay guy has hit on me – just the simple fact. To them i am a girl regardless what is between my legs as i should by all rights be considered. Gender is NOT whts between ones legs. Sience and doctors today clerly identifies as many as 24 diffrent sexes inbetween the male and the female – which one of theses are you? *sly smile …and we r not talking of a few percentage here. The numbers are staggering.From my experience atleast 80% of women are sexually attracted to a Female TG with a cock because they get to live out their lesbian fantasy as well as be satisfied buy the cock they love so much. If there is one thing i know it is you can't mess with what turns people on and the majority of straight men and women find a beautiful Transgendered Female sexually attractive.
Now all i have said applies in here too. In the real world many who are attracted to a female TG with a cock would never go near one in real life fearing what others would think. That is the real life fact of the matter. Transgendered people are perhaps the last prejudicial barrier to be overcome.However, Adera do have a point above with her hetero- and homo- analasys on the matter. Personally i have never met a homosexual TG femme in my life lol – they are women no matter wht their panties are packing. And not all need go through with teh final opertaion either, i am one of them. I jus thappened to meet a man tht treated me like woman in all aspects and still, all theses years later does to an even breater extent. Back then, almost 20 years ago these oprations was hazardous and i shure didnt wanna gamble losing senistivity and my ability to orgasm especially when with a man tht really just love d me in way i was. Had i however done the transition today i would not even have hesitated doing it. Thanks for listening and i hope my lil essay shed sum further light on this matter
January 12, 2013 at 12:04 am #75717I have read this topic with interest, I like learning about subjects I know very little about and what better way to learn than from people who live and experience it. Thank you for sharing your own personal feelings here.
I am of course a hetero female and I guess, rightly or wrongly I always think of transexuals as female until they let me know differently.. . so of course until I joined Forum I had no cause to mix with shemales or females.
I also regard guys who room with transsexuals as hetero too.
Most of all though, you are you and I have met some great people and am honoured to class them as my friends here.
People who are prejudiced against your gender should take note. Thank you for sharing with the Forum village
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The forums › Shemales and their lovers in AChat › TS Orientation? please help.