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Can’t load a profile picture.

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    Upload profile pic for in-game, blocked by firewall?

    Hi guys,

    I can’t get access to the downloading menu when I want to upload a new profile picture. When I click the link after agreeing to the terms of use, nothing happens. It’s probably something with my firewall, but have tried everything I know how to solve it. I’m using McAfee (which is a pain with this program anyway) and Ad-Aware. Any tips or suggestion would be welcomed, a fixed solution even better.




    Character Picture

    Hi and Hello all,

    i´m new “on board”. Want say : I love Achat and also this Forum ! 🙂

    Ok i have a Problem to load a own Character Picture. When i klick the “Character Picture upload” it comen :

    Character picture upload Go to Home
    Valid subscription

    No payment found

    Enough A$ on account

    You are not eligible to upload a custom character picture. You must be a paying user with at least A$99 balance.

    But i have enough Money. Where is my Mistake ?

    Greats and Thanks

    Janine Dee

    Are you a Premium member? Or did your A$ come from a gift?


    What Janine is asking, did you buy a subscription first? It's not enough to have money on your AChat-account, you have to be premium member.


    Hi .-)
    Yes i´m a Premium Member !


    Hm, Tight has had the same problem few days ago. Perhaps he has a solution, I'm sure he will read your post soon and answer if he has an idea.

    Welcome to the forum Upstecher, I hope you stay and share your ideas here.


    mmmh, if i don't mind there are some terms to agrre whit, so if you forget to set it, you can't apload a pic on your online ptrofile


    I have read the post. Welcome Upstecher.

    my problem was difrent however. I met all requirements to upload, the upload-menu just didt't appear. I followed the advice of the support-team and cleared the cache of my explorer.

    I think the problem is, that appareantly the subscrition is not valid. You can only upload a picture if you bought a subsctiption with 'real' money, instead of AChat money. Did you get a subscription with a$? If that is the case, you won't be able to upload. If not, it would be wise to contact support..



    Character picture upload – seems doesn’t work anymore?!

    Guys ,

    I tried to insert a new (avatar) character picture on my profile but upload link seems doesn’t work anymore ??
    I managed to do that before but now i can’t, can someone check that for me ??
    Procedure is quite simple, I am not sure what’s wrong


    When I come to ” Click here to upload an image now” ,I clicked but nothing …

    Thank you :-*


    Weird, seems to work fine for me. I just tried after reading your post. The link went to the normal area where you accept the agreement and the link to upload the pic. Clicked on upload and it opened the window to choose a file. Are you logged in to the Homepage which is a separate log in that the forum log in? Maybe clear your browser history and tempfile folder.. is worth a try…


    Hello Jeanona31

    I did had tested too and it work as far as I didn't validate the modification.
    So as for Mister Taztexan, it seem to work well for me too.

    I hope you will solve this problem of yours.


    Taz thanks, you were right.
    I cleared the history in my browser and easily uploaded image.

    Thank you both my dear friends  :-*


    Glad it worked for ya. Always willing to help out, and glad  you were able to upload. Will have to keep an eye out on what you uploaded too.. Hope to chat with you soon, my very good friend.. ***Hugs n  Kisses*** 


    The Caracter Upload Works,But You Must Be A Payed Premium, and Not if Someone Gift To You and You ll Be Premium,that way  dont work!!

    You really Must Pay From Your OWn Pocket to be Premium…And Then You Can !! Upload Real Profile Photo. On Caracter Upload.



    Profile pic in Dressing room not saving.

    Went to take an updated pic, worked on my side of things, right angle right pose, take photo, save changes….

    go to check and its the default white silhouette, black background, but on my change me part its the new updated picutre.. ive refreshed, ive closed and restarted, ive taken another pic n different angle…

    ive come onto my website profile here and deleted the previous photo as well to see if it was clogging it up… but nothing working 🙁

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