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Using the Camera in Room

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Home Forums Slip of the pen (Report bugs) Using the Camera in Room

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  • #8359

    I have previously taken photos using the in-room camera and it has worked – but now it seems to stop working. When I press the camera a quick window opens as if the screenshot has been captured and my Documents window opens on the pc, but no image file is created or saved. Any ideas anyone? Love and light.


    I am still working with Windows 7 … there you have to do the following procedure:

    When you are searching for your screenshots follow this path:

    ” Harddrive(usually “C”)UsersUsernameAppDataLocalAChatScreenshots”

    If everything works right, you should find your screenshots there


    Thanks Billy

    I am using Windows 10. I think, when it was working, they appeared on the desktop and I had to save them, but maybe I have not remembered that properly.


    I'm using Win 10 too and I have the same issue as Lynn.
    I don't use camera often. It was working in early April.
    Now, when I try to take a photo, an Explorer window appears at Screenshot path with older photos but the new photo doesn't show up. And no way to save it.
    Screenshot path is the same in Win 7 and Win 10 (AppData is a hidden folder).


    How do you take front  face  photos ?


    Achat has now enabled screenshots to be taken in the game with its own camera.

    The in-game Achat Camera and the mysterious hidden Screenshots folder

    In the game you may have noticed a camera.

    It will take pics of your game play and you can use the directional arrows and zoom in and out to find the pic you like.
    The advantage of using this camera is it will get rid of all the tools you use to play. It will clear the interface for a better pic.
    Lightshot and “prt sc” will not have this advantage and instead will have a more limited space for your pic.

    The issue with it is, it automatically saves to a mysterious folder you can never find again.
    The problem is that AChat installs the saved images in an Achat screen AppData which is a hidden folder by default.

    Well here is a solution:

    Those who don’t know how to find that elusive Achat screenshot folder – try this

    Create a short cut to your achat screen shots folder –

    1. Open up Achat Game & take a screen shot using your game camera (Camera icon, bottom right). This will open your Achat Screen shots folder.
    2. On the folder browser bar at the top, above the pics, right click on screen shots and from the drop down menu click on “Copy address as text”
    3. Then Right click on a spare space on your desk top – choose “New” ; then choose “Shortcut”
    4. A pop up box appears to create your short cut.
    5. Paste (ctrl+V) the “address” into the “location of item” box – it should look something like this
    C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\AChat\Screenshots
    6. Click next to finish the shortcut. Then Give the new short cut a name like “Achat Screenshots”
    7. Click finish to complete the short cut and a new icon folder will appear on your desk top.
    8. If you wish to, you can drag it into the same folder that hides your Achat Game.
    9. If you wish to create a folder to store the Achat game and screen shot folder –
    From step 3 above choose “New”, then choose “Folder” and a Folder will appear on your desk top.
    Name it as you wish and drag your games & screen shots folder into it that you do not wish to be on open display on your desk top.

    Happy Achat Pics.

    This is a pic using the in-game camera and no interface except the achat logo

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