The forums › Everything about sex and love › (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
- This topic has 95 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by chien_lubrik.
March 28, 2012 at 1:52 am #61590
I, for one, would be very happy if we could exchange the “busy button” for an “ignore invite” button. I don't mind chatting with new members at all, in fact I've met some very nice people that way. I remember how it was when I was “free”, and all I wanted was some answers to questons. Many premium members helped me, but I think it was easier for me because I am female. I've talked with a male friend who did that survey for us (see other post) and he said it was amazing to him how many “sorry, but I don't reply to free users” he got. But as his survey pointed out, 46% answered his initial question, which I think is pretty good (wanting that donut).
sm3369.. I'm so happy to see you posting again, I wish to offer a sincere “Welcome Back” to you.
Gingerly… Welcome to the Crazy House that's called the Forum…
Please keep posting you two.Thanks for letting me share,
PafeIt's always good to hear your thoughts Pafe, you're always so kind, caring and careful .
Will you forgive me for I stole your sentences in short, hm you didn't you say anything …
I hope have not gone too far and maybe offended you in some way ?Hi
Gosh, it's only been 4 days since this thread started and look how big it has gotten…
I mean NO insults,, I do not ever wish to appear as Mean to any “class” of member and Absolutely Never wish to take any other Free or Premiums Members rights or Options away…
But,,, I do think this tiny Mole-hill of a Ignore Button has been made into a giant Mountain…Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
It is you people that wish to force what YOU think is best,, upon me,, shame on you…Some of you want to see even More options,, That I applaud,, more Options to use if we, the individual chooses to use or NOT to use…
I will never understand why some people want to force upon others what they think is right…
Bottom line
use it When and If you choose and/or Don't use it if you choose,,, YOUR decision…
Do Not make my decisions for me…TO the Dev team
Thank you for giving me the Option and Please Never take that Option away..March 28, 2012 at 6:50 pm #61592@ Ginger
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
I believe, those who say “remove this button” don't wanna be your friend – if you can't accept that a friend is allowed to have another opinion.
The busy-button was an idea of this forum. We members are the forum – every one of us.
If a member is having an idea, we post and discuss it. Sometimes the majority is pro, sometimes not. But everyone is allowed to give his opinion. We want to discuss – but in a friendly and construcitve way.I am for more options – ignore cold invites, but I don't see any reason to ingore incoming chats, as long as they are friendly and not just “Fuck me”. I also get more “Do you wanna buy pics of me?” or “Fuck for 250?” from prem members. I'm sure every woman gets more invites and messages from men as we men get from women. And probably there are more colds from men – this is exactly the reason I wanna decline them.
I do believe it's not a question if the A-Team wants to change it. Probably it's a technical question – it might not be possible to block just invitations. I think we have to take it as it is. Even if all would agree that it is good to have more options.March 28, 2012 at 7:24 pm #61593Quote
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..Hello ginger,
Not to worry…I don't need your trust, & I certainly don't need you as a friend if this is how you feel. As Lover said, everyone here is entitled to an opinion, be it right, wrong, or indifferent. :
It's your right to use or not use this function. I can tell exactly where you are going with your words here, & that's if a person does not agree with everything you say, you can't trust them or be friends with them. Real life does not work like this, & that type of thinking is definitely unrealistic here.
Bottom Line – I don't like the idea of that ignore button for reasons I have spoken about earlier in this thread. Do I use it from time to time…yes, although not for the purpose that some use it for. I definitely don't expect all to agree or follow my lead, but this is my feeling on this matter.
March 28, 2012 at 8:49 pm #61594Will you forgive me for I stole your sentences in short, hm you didn't you say anything …
I hope have not gone too far and maybe offended you in some way ?Thank you Adera… I re-read Gingerly's statement and have removed this part of my post. It was wrong of me to jump to a conclusion, so quickly and I wish to apologize to everyone. However, I (and this is only my opinion, so please don't hate me for it) would like to see the “busy” button repleaced with an “ignore invites” button.
Thanks for letting me share,
PafeMarch 28, 2012 at 9:59 pm #61595Umm… three people in a row that have misread Gingerly's post? I'm surprised, I though we actually read what people wrote here before we judged them?
Seems like all of you missed what comes after “ever..” in her message so I think you all better read it once more… and this time, please do it thoroughly.
Some of you actually want to take that option and button away,, to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..
It is you people that wish to force what YOU think is best,, upon me,, shame on you…As you can see there's a connection between the lines so you should interpret them together.
She never says she doesn't accept your opinion, what she says is that it's wrong of you to force your opinion on others by removing the option… quite the opposite from what many have read from her post.
Well I could be wrong of course, you might actually have read her post correctly and still feel the same about it. :
March 28, 2012 at 10:08 pm #61596Adera, there are 3 points…. “to you all I say I can never trust or be friends with you ever..”
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I understand she never can trustthe people who wanna remove this button or be a friend to them… just because they have another opinion.March 28, 2012 at 10:36 pm #61597Lover you're missing the whole context by breaking it down and just reading that part.
What she says is that she can't trust nor be friend with people that try to force their opinions on others.
What if EU decided that everyone had to be muslims because they thought that would be for the best. Would you be fine with them forcing that on you?
March 28, 2012 at 10:49 pm #61598Umm Adrea dear as a semi-professional Devil's Advocate I would suggest not taking such an extreme example.
Perhaps to say… what if to make free users feel more welcome they take away the ability to refuse invites? You can still leave the room, but if they feel they want to get to know you better they can pull you into a room so they can make their request in a more personal way.
I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of “I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them.”
March 28, 2012 at 10:59 pm #61599mmmmm …. Are there handbags and hissy fits going on here …. Come on Folks …
I read Gingerly's post as everyone is entitled to an opinion and freedom of choice … thingy
and So keep the option of ignoring free members so members can use it if they want to.
Welcome Gingerly
I am one who thinks it should be abolished though. Cold invites are a nuisance … but I can up with them, 1) to have a bit of fun as outlined in my previous post hehe 2) I have made great friends with free members and members whos subs have expired 3) I dont think Achat can distinguish between cold invites and invites from people you are chatting with, so to have one, you have to have the others 4) Most prems start out as freeusers ( I know there is always exceptions ) and Achat needs to grow. I have no problem with helping with that & it would be nice to think other members feel the same.
Sure I can choose, the option of never using it , if it stays … but you can also choose the option of letting the timer run out or declining those red boxes if it doesnt. So my friend , lets just vote and see which majority rules
Isnt that what democracy is all about
oh btw, I have this terrific handbag … black leather with gold studs and a great logo on the side – says in massive gold lettering ” Its nice to be nice” Perhaps I should post it as an accessory hehe.
Love and luck to all, however you may vote
March 28, 2012 at 11:03 pm #61600Ahaha I guess you're right Janine, I was just looking for a simple example but yours better. Yes, the thread does seem designed with that idea in mind.
March 28, 2012 at 11:35 pm #61601Adera, Ginger is making a connection between people who gave their opinion to remove this button. She has another opinion and it's absolutely ok. But then she says those people force what she has to think. She might feel so, but I don't feel it.
Here are several opinions – from keeping this button as it is to adding more options and to abolite it (yes, this is actually the headline, but in the poll are several choices).
If Ginger is really meaning, she cant be friend to someone who forces her she is right. Imo I read she feels to be forced, as there are other opinions. This is not correct.
If I'm wrong (and at least only ginger is able to answer) I apologize.March 29, 2012 at 12:21 am #61602Anonymousi voted “no” for the simple reason that using it means my ignore list stays small. if they can't contact me then they will never be added to my list
March 29, 2012 at 1:28 am #61603Ginger you say that you dont insult , how about this ? “Ruyka,,,, gosh,, do you not see how silly your most recent post is.?” . i translated silly , it mean : idiot , stupid ect…. so if my post is stupid , mean i'm too . And personnaly i dont know why ask “ignore all premiums” is more idiot than ask coddoms in a video”game” (no offence , its just an exemple
you say someone try to force others , show me where someone tell “do this its an order”
you say you cant be friend to these peoples , good they dont really need to be friends with all members of achat , and i dont think that not be your friend will make them have less fun in achat or in the forum .
March 29, 2012 at 3:04 am #61604~sighs and gets out the cookies, cake and ice cream~ Eat sugar and play nice.
Now then.
You know, I have never, in my year+ on AChat stopped to check if the moron who sends me “Hey bb u r hawt wanna room?” is a free or premium member. I've never once cared, because it's not about how much they pay AChat, but about the fact that they are being uncouth jackasses and lazy as fuck and that approach indicates I want nothing to do with them, ever. My only effort after I get a line like that is to slap an ignore on them and move along with my day. Nor have I ever, ever stopped to check if the string of uninvited, cold invites to room from complete strangers, are premium or free members.
What's more annoying to me? Having invite after invite appear on my screen when I'm playing with clothes, or chatting with friends. Blocking invites is far more useful, in my opinion, than blocking messages. This may encourage people to engage, hopefully in a mature and coherent fashion, in conversation that leads naturally to rooming, rather than just spamming people with invites and hoping to get lucky, while pissing off strings of people, premium and free both, in the process. I can ignore a line or two in the middle of my conversation. If it's bad or funny enough, it may even add some amusement to that conversation and no clicking involved on my part. However, that damn count down window over and over again, that I either have to watch tick away or click upon to clear, is both an eyesore and a nuisance.
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The forums › Everything about sex and love › (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"