The forums › Everything about sex and love › (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
- This topic has 95 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by chien_lubrik.
March 29, 2012 at 3:08 am #61605
I have to agree Zinah. While I want to keep the Free Ignore option if they implemented a way to shut down invites until I turn it on I would use that option much, much more.
March 29, 2012 at 5:12 am #61606OK I have an Idea, why dont we all settle down and listen to each others points instead of critizing there posts
Yes I said that this damn button will be the end of achat, and I stand by that statement, IF nothing is changed about it, however, it is my OPINION, not a book of law. I hope I am wrong, I really do. But I see less and less new members, and the concens from the newbies I talk to is they feel unwanted. Why on earth would you want to join a site where you feel unwanted. So they dont.
Why not have more options in the button, so gingerly can ignore all free users and others can ignore only cold invites. No one is wrong here, this is our place to discuss things and make things better. It has been proven, that the dev-team listens.
May I suggest to the moderator of this topic to start a poll of other options that we would like on the Busy button. That way we might get something accomplished. Not just bickering like a bunch of old women
March 29, 2012 at 8:39 am #61607Adera, Ginger is making a connection between people who gave their opinion to remove this button. She has another opinion and it's absolutely ok. But then she says those people force what she has to think. She might feel so, but I don't feel it.
Here are several opinions – from keeping this button as it is to adding more options and to abolite it (yes, this is actually the headline, but in the poll are several choices).
If Ginger is really meaning, she cant be friend to someone who forces her she is right. Imo I read she feels to be forced, as there are other opinions. This is not correct.
If I'm wrong (and at least only ginger is able to answer) I apologize.Yes, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, what Gingerly is looking at is the consequences of the idea and what that would entail… not just the opinions.
I think that Janine put it well with this:
I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of “I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them.”
I see many in favor of removing the button/option arguing for the greater good and equality between users but missing that their idea stomps on other ideals such as freedom of choice, trust and equality of belief.
It's not very surprising that Gingerly doesn't feel like she can trust people who states that they can't trust her to choose on her own.
Oh well, enough of that.
I do agree that the busy functionality isn't what it should be yet, it should clearly indicate that you've set an busy option instead of showing the same thing as when you're in a room and I also believe that the options should be extended so you can choose more finely what you want to filter.
March 29, 2012 at 11:15 am #61608Well, i understand it can be frustrating for free users to read that optiion but sometime i think it can be useful because lot of people just registered to achat starts to spam invite to everyone without even give an “hello”.
The option “Ignore cold invite it is useless”. People can just send an empty message then send the invite. How the software can know we already had a whole discussion or just a “.” message?
I think they should add a set of privacy options:1. Only friends can invite me
2. Only premium can invite me
3. Doesn't accept invitations from people who never talked to me
4. Limit the invitations from people speaking my languages (of course they should add a cohomprensive list of selectable languages)
5. Today I am looking for Male/Female/shemale, younger/older people, Group/Couple sex: show invites that comes only from those categories.I think this is a good selection of options that will greatly allow people to reduce that incredible “invite-bombing” i receive everytime i login.
March 29, 2012 at 2:45 pm #61609i have a doubt on the option “only premium can invit me” , not sure this reduce the cold invits (maybe just little) cause free members are not the kings of cold invit . Premiums are good (sometimes better) in the game of cold invit too (or you need the option “only free can invit me” so you can choose from who you receive cold invits)
. For me receiving cold invit from a free or a premium mean the same thing , its still cold invit , the difference is that free are little less arrogants than some premiums (men and women) . I mean only premiums introduce themselves sometimes like the one of last night saying “FUCK ME BITCH” (hehe its exactly how it was writed , all in big letters)
March 29, 2012 at 2:56 pm #61610mmmmh, i had use the wrong phrase…….not “Block all cold invite” but “block all invite”, a little bit more general.
Fate, i think yours is more like a provocation, cause create all privacy option ou had mention can be a little difficult, i think. too many variable to consider and programm!
March 29, 2012 at 4:35 pm #61611i try not to get involved in these types of debates but i'm gonna anyway
i call that button “the snooze button” because it looks like the one on my alarm clock
so i offer this:
to snooze or not to snooze
i want my right to chooseif you don't want to use it, then don't
if you do want to use it, then dothat decision should be up to you
March 29, 2012 at 5:51 pm #61612For developers able to create a piece of software like achat, the options i proposed are something they can do in one day of work. According to my experience in other 3D eanabled worlds, they are nothing more than normal things (give a look to S……. L….. privacy statments and options, those are really a comprehensive set of options…
But of course, it was just a bunch of ideas, some probably useless, some probably more useful. Ideas are free, i don't pay them.
March 29, 2012 at 9:20 pm #61613I heard many times someone (means first of all I ) forcing something on here and someone of you agree with it..
Now I really don't know what to think about it…
The biggest reason why I am still on this forum is that I had the impression that here you can speak freely when it comes to the game, what would we like and what doesn't like so far in the A-chat ,thought we can share here our honest open even intimate thoughts and experiences in the game.
that here is allowed different opinions and above all, to me it seemed that the members of this forum respecting mutual diversities.differences in between people, opinions and everything else.Reading some of your posts, I was amazed how so many different people on a great way keep the game alive, the entrance of their time, ideas, gladly sharing and overcoming all obstacles together, language barriers and all the others.
Some were so wonderful entertainment, some very constructive, some lough me to the tears and some made me sad because I thought for some misunderstanding someone wants to go from the forum, then i was surprised – all of you, carefully rushed up to sort out misunderstandings,always and above all – trying holding together.
If you ask me that is so precious even when it comes to the an virtual world. Thank you – means all of- you cause i really enjoyed in your posts and great topics,Wondering what's wrong with this topic, can we talk, can I talk ? Or Is it enough to show up anyone with heavy words – force , coax, coerce, embarrass – calling this discussion silly ? (for me means i am silly cause this was my idea)
Of course It was not enough ,she had even one of us directly denounce as silly, all that in just one post – cause of what , cause of she don't agree ?
In additional she got reply -has been welcomed ,with a sad smiley face asked nicely maybe to apologize from the person she offended – by the way did someone notice that ?
Moreover in her second post she just continued what she started in the first, not listening anyone, not quoting on anyone post, not mentioning any moment to say what caused all these bitter feelings??I will not comment on her second post and all these inappropriate words ,I do not like generalizing and when it comes to attention to this subject at least 10% is due to her just two posts- revolutionary speeches about simple option Busy state in the A-Chat game.
For me it's called pure arrogance. You can condemn me as you wish for i am talking such openly but it is so.
And no i don't mean only Gingerly I mean anyone with similar behavior.Also, I believe my replay to her wasn't rude – although she,sort of ,accused me of causing such a feeling like force , coax, coerce, embarrass..but i don't mind to much – and i am not angry cause I see a very immature person, who responds quickly and tactless.
Except that i knew in advance ,at the beginning of this topic that I would not displease many of you.Janine said “I will however say that this thread seems designed with the idea of “I don't like people having this choice available so I want to take it away from them.” and Adera agree, that's okay i guess
But i just don't understand why you don't speak directly to me, I ma not ghost here.If I should be ashamed of something, that would be what I am starting this topic and spoke honestly from the heart, sharing with you my experiences in the game, my thoughts, trying to respect each of you, thinking first of all the best, and without an intent to take away something.
I couldn't even if i wanted.. I don't have any power to do it, except that – we are not children here.
There is no one my post here without full respect for all of you.
At the end, almost every my word – my intention here inverted upside down .If I wanted to force something here it would be able to vote only for two options, means without possibility of – No, I want to keep the button”Ignore all free users”
March 29, 2012 at 10:12 pm #61614What we all have to do (and some already tried it) is to separate this discussion.
On one hand we have the discussion about this poll. Everyone is allowed to give his opinion and to vote – Jeanona gave us more then just the chance to vote for abolish this button and most recognized it.On the other hand (my opinion) we have to tell Ginger she is welcome to tell her opinion, but the words she used are not accepted. Our forum is not a place to affront someone. I really hope she just did it because she was very stoked when she posted. Perhaps she had some bad experiences just before she decided to use this topic.
Ginger, I don't ask you to change your mind about the busy-button. I just ask you to apologize to the people you offended with your harsh words. You shall recognize, you may share your thoughts and ideas here without being afraid to loose “your” fun in game.
I also ask every other member (especially you Jeanona) not to be afraid to start a new topic or poll. This forum needs every idea and every “silly” thought. It will be the end, if we just talk about those things, everyone is accepting and wishing.
March 30, 2012 at 11:59 am #61615Thumbs up for Lover.
March 30, 2012 at 12:11 pm #61616But however better to HAVE more options (that for definition are OPTIONAL) than to have less of them. More means to allow user to have a wide choice, less means less freedom. I prefer more freedom.
Privacy is very important for chat systems. And also if I don't presonally care about to stop free users from invite me or IM me, someone prefer to share his/her time only with people full of animations and then reduce the stress to see if the people is sending you IM or invite is one who has animations or a freebie.
Why to force them to do what we don't agree?
To be honest sometime I used that option too. I don't feel guilty for that.
My idea about a much more selective set of options I think will help alot. It is something like the Search for partner feature. Someone is angry because they allowed people to search only males or females or shemales? Or to search only italians? Is this a sort of racism? No! It is just a way to fit the tastes of all the people. If I want to meet people from all around the world, I don't set the Country in my search. But if I want to search only for people from my country, I've to be able to do. Same for Busy Mode Features. Why to lose my time controlling if the people is sending me an invite is italian or foreigner if I know I am totally unable to talk other languages? Better to set the allowed language in the Busy Mode. This way I wil lreceive invitations only from italian speaking people.
That's all.
Remember: more flexible is a software, longer it will be alive. Personal experience with other 3D worlds. The most flexible of them is still here. Others are already dead. I don't want Achat dies. NEVER.March 30, 2012 at 2:33 pm #61617WOW!
Ladies (and Lover) I am absolutely amazed by the emotions here, are we all on the wrong part of our cycle at the same time?
I have read and re-read this topic from beginning to end and I can see how one little mistranslation or misunderstanding of point of view has been compounded and inflamed.
We didn't get this much vitriol over the formation of “The Committe” I cannot believe that we are so keen to diss each other over the zzzzz button.I am neither conciliatory nor sanctimonious, this is what the forum is for, good healthy debate and laying out of points of view, but I do think maybe things are not being taken in the spirit they were intended.
I have seen and understood all the points of view on offer here. I might not agree with them but I'm not about to insult the person offering them just because I don't.
I have tried to encourage members to talk to newbies, even to assholes who cold us 6 times in a row, but you know what?
I voted to keep the button..
Whether I use it or not is up to me and I do try not to, but for when I'm getting dressed it is useful.
I do think it could be improved as iuse of it by my partner who didn't realise that it shows as “In Room” reduced me to tears once.Younger members such as Rukya and me don't have the tolerance or patience of you older members, especially being redheads, please try and set us an example!
March 30, 2012 at 2:56 pm #61618i don't think it's about being young or “whit more experience” for tolerance or patience, Blue, it's about yourself, nothing more.
And yes, using the ZZZZ button (the sleeping button!? lol! no better icon to add on it!?) is on our own, nut more option can be really usefull.
Honestly, i think this poll have make merge what more of us think about it: useless in the actual situation, no other things to say.
so, what about starting to talk how to make it work in a better way and stop getting angry between us!? We have some interessing suggestion in this topic, so we have a good starting point. Personally i like if we can have this new option (and the actual one staying like they are):- Stop all invite: if we are just in chat mode, it's so usefull!
- Aknowledge only friends, lover and spouse chat
- Aknowledge only friends, lover and spouse invite
Plus, yes, it's really necesserly modify the busy message, whit the way it is now mistake are over every corner and Blue know it really well!
Any other hint are wellcome!March 30, 2012 at 3:12 pm #61619Hiya's….
Great idea Hentai
Since “the button” probably isn't going anywhere, let us turn the page and move on to the next chapter. How to make it more functional for us.
Blocking all invites is what I would like. That would almost force people to chat first. Then if you agree, or your lover logs on and you're ready to room then you open it up for invites. So simple.
If we could get the busy button message changed would be helpful too. Maybe something such as: “I am away from my keyboard” or perhaps (and I know this will take up more space) choices of 3 messages that would appear. I'm sure all you clever people will come up with messages that would work for almost any instance. What would really be neato to me would be the ability to put my own message there.
Thanks for letting me share,
Pafe -
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The forums › Everything about sex and love › (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"