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[VOTE] For your Favorite Clothing Idea – [CLOSED]

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas [VOTE] For your Favorite Clothing Idea – [CLOSED]

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    That Alice outfit is cute but oh so naughty.

    I've mostly played a schoolgirl but that Principal outfit makes me want to play one in an RP. I could scold the bad boys and maybe let them off the hook if they “perform” well. And what should I do with the bad girls at school, they should wear the school uniform properly and not be so rebellions.

    I've only once played a schoolgirl, but if you're the principal Adera, I might be persuaded. Can't guarantee not to be rebellious though!

    I was actually going to say that was the only outfit I'd wear, however the long dresses that have aqppeared since (I only wear jeans in rl) really look nice and my wife just wouldn't allow me in the catgirl suit, shame a redheaded catgirl mmmmmmmmm. How about if I let you hold the crop Sweetheart?

    I hope your teacher NG will keep you somewhat in line.

    Aww Adera, that's not fair 



       I'm sure it's been mentioned before…but a trench coat and fedora for both the ladies and men.  Having an option to wear it open like secret squirrel here would be nice, too.


       Then we could play spy.  You know there's a spy here somewhere.  Your job?  Find her or him. 

    Thanks for letting me share,


    We'll create a poll from the data gathered here, and the winner will be added to the system. We plan to do this on a regular basis, just the rankings will decide which one will be made first.

        Almost 2 months and 15 pages later, still waiting for that Poll, Susy. I think there's alot of great ideas here, a few have even been designed by other members. This thread is just going to continue to grow (unless that was your intention.) Was wondering if we can narrow any of these potential ideas down to ones the development team find “creatable.”


    A good observation Keiko…

    I have noticed a diminshed interest by the dev-team in the forum. Less posts, hardly any replies to questions posed.. Been on holiday Suzy?


    I think we have to look at the past post and creat a little list. this time we have ton of suggestion and it's gonna be hard to choose.


    hello all
    Studying  the  proposals for further female clothes I was very very impressed about the fantasy of the senders. most of them I would like to see the ladies dressed in them.
    But the male clothings were neither numerously  nor so impressing.
    And because I,m male, I have no fantasy for this too, but I would like to have more dresses because I like dressing  up for the ladies.
    Only two complete sets touched my interests the robber and the gangster.
    For roleplaying a good choice. The robber  who will be caught by the lady of the house…, the gangster as pimp who punishes his bitch… see  your own fantasy.
    I think the proposals for female closes are so numerously, that needs a voting.
    And for the male are there some more fantasyful males than me??  -than hurry up. I need more!!
    thx for your interest


    @Hentai Isn't that Suzy's job?

    Siralirali, welcome to the forum and thanks for your input. If you want to see more suggestions for male clothing, I'd like you to refer you to the 'pantless friday' thread. That is aall about male clothing and especially the look of goodd outfits..


    Sorry, tight…..i had write “lock” but i mean look……edited


    A good observation Keiko…

    I have noticed a diminshed interest by the dev-team in the forum. Less posts, hardly any replies to questions posed.. Been on holiday Suzy?

    They are testing the new poses


    A good observation Keiko…

    I have noticed a diminshed interest by the dev-team in the forum. Less posts, hardly any replies to questions posed.. Been on holiday Suzy?

    They are testing the new poses

    In fact. Less words, more action.


    Nice to see you around after long time, susy!  :-*

    Can i ask you about all ths new poll!? when you gonna start them!?


    In fact. Less words, more action.

        We appreciate all the hard work by the Development Team and by no means want to disrupt their current projects, however, I think we all can agree that an equal amount of focus on “words” would be very helpful to us in the forums. It just seems like quite a few of the Admin. threads have been neglected and need attention. I don't know if you have multiple responsibilities including Forum Administrator as a member of AChat, Susy, but is it asking too much to have a more frequent presence from a moderator on the forums? If it's too much for a single moderator, perhaps we can find some way to consider promoting another moderator to assist.


    I think we should all realize that the forum is secondary to the Achat software. The forum is a place for us members to voice our concerns and ideas. The dev team reads them but they dont reply too much cause they are busy making the Achat software better, I think they have been doing a great job.


    Yes and no Bonnie. They said, this forum is less important to them as they concentrate to the game itself. It's ok.
    Now look at this forum: We haven't had a mod for a very long time and it worked. Just as one user started to be unfriendly to the developers, Suzy came on this stage. Now it seems to me she is just here to watch about rules. Of course, ths is the job of a mod, but imho a mod has to do moire then just wacth rules and say yes or no.

    I admit they do a very good job for the game and it's great they are supporting some ideas, like erotic story contest, cloth texture and few poll. And there also is my big question: For exapmle the dream tits – started may 2011. What is going on?
    Clothes ideas, clothes texture… what is the background? How long do we have to wait til something is happening?

    So, perhaps I'm wrong, but I think if there is a mod she should be more active. I don't expect her words everyday, but it would be nice to get more answers when they ask us and also more answer to some of our questions.


    We finally got some kilt action going! As for moderators, there should be at least an every other day check in, or even every three days. I want the “horns” available to men, or at least a version of them (perhaps a little further toward the forehead). We'll probably have to wait till next halloween now for something that would have been so simple.

    If they come out with wedding fashions, would there be any chance of opening the “open chat” area for nuptials? Sorry… wandering again. looking forward to the poll!

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