@fantasy : as Rukya said, in 2nd life they have all the players can create. If the Dev Team open the source code, anybody gifted enough in 3D could create a lot of stuff . Have to add that the graphics in Achat are far better
sorry, Prias, but i hope not! SL is more similar to a market now, when you can spend and learn real money! here, i'm looking for fun, not for commercial pubblicity all around the client! look at this….in this last month, at work 90% of telephone call i receive was for promotion of the end of the year…is annoying!
i prefer if someone little skilled whit 3d programm offer his talent directly to dev-team and help them to make aChat better! obvious, whit a right price for his service
back to clothes suggestion……yesterday i was listening an old song of Kylie Minogue and i'll remember this dress she was wearing in the video i bet loooot of the guys here had dream about her in that outfit…eh eh eh!
well, Urban, it's easy to dream about a beatyfull naked woman…….but, you know, sometimes a girl can be more sexy whit a particular outfit, even she is not showing to you her curves so directly…that don't mean i don't aprreciate it, but a girl have different way to be sey
No really ? Thank to educate me . She is sexy with or without outfit on the other hand Madeleine Allbrigth with the same outfit is probably fare less sexy
dunno what u wanna use, Rukya…….if u wan, i can send to u scissors and some fabric, so finally my mother can clean her room! eh eh eh! Grin
…..well, i had really to thank her for some good jacket and other clothes she made for me when i was young! never forget, the first person who really love us, is allways our mother…..so, thanks to all the mom on earth!
another little suggestion….something a little military inspired (old fashion) dunno how many of you can like it!