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[VOTE] For your Favourite Room

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas [VOTE] For your Favourite Room

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  • #69574

    ….in their mind it could mean Actually Beautyfull & Gay or Attention Bomb & Gun . 



    Great Rukya


    I hope it's not too late to include this.  These darned topic titles got me so I don't know if I'm coming or going.

    Anyways… Hey all you AChat designers and developers.  For a room, how about giving us a hayloft to play in?  You know, y'all can move those hay bales into all sorts of configurations to make them comfy for a roll in the hay.

    Here are some examples:


    Sexier examples:


    Country clothes and a country place to romp.  Thanks for looking.


    I was sure we have a barn on the list of suggestions… but as I don't find it at  the moment I added yours

    About the topics… at the moment the poll is open for the listed rooms. After this poll is done I add more suggested rooms for a new poll – yeah, the list is long and is still growing


    The poll will be closed at the end of this week. If you haven't voted yet please do it.


    The winner of the poll is Concerto – bathroom AND leftunsaid – back alley .
    Congrats to Concerto & leftunsaid

    The result is send to Susy.

    You can add new ideas. The old ones willl be added to the poll automatically.


    The Voting Poll is now OPEN for Rooms.

    Please show your support by casting your vote for new rooms you would most like to see added to the Shop.

    Voting will be CLOSED at the end of next Month and the results will be sent to Susy.

    A special thanks to everyone who submitted ideas to this thread and HAPPY VOTING!


    I don't know how practical this is, but what about a plain room which can be customised with purchases?

    It would be customisable in two ways.  Firstly with active furniture that is required for sex postions, and secondly with passive furniture (basically decoration).

    The plain room could be included as a free item, but the furniture part of the shop, so you can decorate the room in accordance with your budget (or wishes).

    This could then be the base of any number of fantasy or rp situations, and generate a lot of income in the shop.


    i'm not really for , this will mean use A$ to buy poses , and use A$ to use poses . Not really a good thing to me , just what i think


    i'm not really for , this will mean use A$ to buy poses , and use A$ to use poses . Not really a good thing to me , just what i think

    I mean as an extra, the existing rooms would stay.

    When a new room is released it would be charged for anyway, so you pay whichever way you look at it.


    Honestly, i'd like to have the chance for more room personalization…….the point is how we can have it!

    I was thinking about something like this:

    • a couple of free room for everyone
    • basic room for, let's say, 200 o 300 A$ at max with no forniture
    • different style of forniture to put in the room: the ones we need for the action will be placed in a room automatically, the other (decoration), as we want.
    • [/list]

      my 2 cents!


    when you say “different style of furnitures” , you mean differents bed , chairs , tables … etc … etc ?

    And what will it have in the basic room ?


    well, let's ipotize we have basic forniture with standard colours but, as premium, you can have access to new forniture with different colour and shape! For example…what about a bed (not properly a bed, i know!) like this!?

    [img width=500][/img]


    I voted for a SPACESHIP ROOM first cause we have alot of SCI-FI Space Outfits and i will vote a Beach Room 2nd.

    I read a couple months ago they was talking about a sexy Shower Couple Pose what ever happen to that idea.It was a great idea 


    The shower pose is an idea of the forum. We don't know when or if they will make it.

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