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Condoms. Wearing a condom

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Condoms. Wearing a condom

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  • #48081

    Her teasing sends little jolts of pleasure from my nipples to my clit and back. I think she said something, but in the fog of lust that threatens to cloud my mind I can only smell myself on her breath. A shivers runs down my spine as she plays with my neck.

    As I pull myself back down over her body dragging my nipples over her belly I ease her panties over the cloth-deforming bulge that was pressed against me just moments earlier. As it springs free a slippery liquid connected to the tip by a clear glistening string slowly oozes towards her bellybutton. With the tension lessened I slide my hands towards her asscheeks while pulling the waistbands down in the same movement. Only a little nudge is needed to have her lift her warm ass off the bed just enough to give the offending piece of cloth a last push, removing one more barrier that stands between me and her and delivery upon the promise we can read in each others  eyes.

    “Adera, baby,” I say, “it's beautiful…” as I look down her body through the valley of her breasts and behind that the valley of mine with nipples dragging over her belly. I notice the liquid now pooling in her bellybutton and dip a finger in it, then another, as if one finger couldn't contain all of the taste and feel. With a pant of anticipation I bring my hand to my mouth, brushing breasts and nipples on it's way. A clear tendril stretches and separates, leaving a few drops higher on her belly. My mouth opens and hot breath escapes as slick fingers go in, touching down on my eagerly waiting tongue, spreading the slippery goo from front to back. I savor the taste, but don't even try to define it. When I pull my fingers out, my tongue follows, unwilling to relinquish. My tongue flicks a parting goodbye as my fingers move out of reach.

    After my little indulgence I return to the “issue” before me, two luscious mounds of flesh with tasty tips. I start a trail of kisses, licks and nibbles in the valley in between, tracing it to the underside of one and then back to the other, where the underside receives similar. Slowly I work my way around the nipple that now seems to be screaming for attention while I gently start kneading the other with a hand, avoiding that nipple as well. Just as I'm about to reach the nipple with my mouth I switch sides again, leaving a slick teat to be fondled while the other is nibbled, kissed and licked upon.

    This time I don't stop at the nipple. Instead, while I capture the other between my fingers to roll and pinch, I encircle it with my lips and suck it in to better clamp it between my teeth while my tongue starts playing with it like a kitten with a ball of wool…

    (P.S. Janine's Slumber-party thread could go on for a while yet… :-* ) 


    Definitly deserves a thread of its own…


    *nudges Tight
    Shhhh…threads get hijacked all the time..let them play this topic is dead…and this sooooo much more interesting.


    *slips a note to Bear: “You are in there, no more room for another guy to sneak in…” Then decides to listen to the muffled sounds coming from the half opened windows..*


    I look down at Ardeur, hot heavy breaths coming out from my open mouth as her mouth kisses and nibbles around my breast while one of her hands are playing with the other. I gently stroke a little hair from her face watching her tease me, her fingers and mouth so close to my aching nipples.

    She then switches and her hot mouth envelops my nipple, fingers playing with the other. A shuddering gasp escapes my mouth and my dick throbs as I feel her wet lips around my nipple. My hands strokes through her hair and aimlessly over the skin on her back. I feel her teeth clamp down lightly making my mouth open and her tongue flicks over my nipple. Waves of pleasure courses through me from her attentions at my nipples, my dick twitching in response and I arch myself against her making my breast press against her. I cannot hold back the moans coming from my mouth any more, the pressure from her teeth makes me squirm a little and my nails digs into her back in my pleasure.

    Eyes closed, moaning and mouth gasping I feel a little precum trickling out from me again “Ardeur… your tongue… its so… good”. I move my hands to her head, through her hair, angling her head up slightly, her mouth letting go of my nipple, I bend my own down and kisses her passionately. I push my tongue deep into her mouth, my lips tight against hers as my tongue entwines with hers.

    A sudden pinch on my nipple in her hand makes me gasp and loose focus releasing her from my kiss. I move my fingers to her nipples rolling them between my fingers and just pinching them softly. Looking deep into her eyes with my mouth half open I can feel her hot breath against mine.


    Our faces are just inches apart. Her breath is my breath, my breath is her breath. In her eyes I see myself reflected, eyelids drooping, creating a look that made kingdoms crumble. Beyond that I see her desire, her wants and needs, promises waiting to be fulfilled. Then I lose focus as her fingers create jolts of pleasure that run up and down my spine.

    My thoroughly soaked panties grow uncomfortable as they cool down despite my heat. Some quick manoeuvres leave me on my knees next to a panting Adera, still reaching for my nipples. My breasts dance before her eyes and eager hands as I hook my thumbs inside the waistbands and pull not-much-more than a strip of black cloth from between my ass-cheeks as I lower the waistbands. Lowering it further reveals a smooth but wet pussy. When my panties reach the bed I pull one leg out of it's embrace and swing it back over the eagerly waiting girl. Bending my other leg, I pull the wet cloth over my foot and release it when it's free.

    Accompanied by a not so elegant splat I lower myself back on Adera, again face to face, but now with clit pressed directly against dick without anything in between. I mutter “Where were we?” as my mouth closes in on hers, already waiting half open, tongue wetting her lips. My hips move involuntary, grinding my pleasure button against and slowly spreading my juices over her stiff rod.

    Janine Dee

    If Ardeur or Adera want to start a new thread I'll try to join in, and could probably drag Sinnnn in with me when she's available. 


    Hmm should we repost everything or just continue?


    hmm,.. go right ahead and move it ,… I am just going to sit here for a bit…. :


    Move it? Can we do that… I mean with transferring the posts or something?


    Not necessarily transfer the posts. You can create the thread, then copy and paste what has been written into a initial entry…(best way is to quote or modify existing entries to copy…then transfer over…and away you go…)


    I guess its best if I post everything then, otherwise me and Ardeur will have to repost a lot.


    Just made a suggestion…  :-[


    There, I've made a separate thread of it.

    @Tight: Don't feel bad about it.


    The story continues here 
    *hopes this works*
    See you all there…  :-* :-* :-*

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