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We’ve all gone Shiny & a Shadow button has appeared in private room.

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The forums Upgrades and newly added features We’ve all gone Shiny & a Shadow button has appeared in private room.

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  • #203702

      We’ve all gone Shiny

      Don’t know if you have noticed, but it looks like we’ve all been smeared in baby oil.

      Ok when in room I guess, but when just in lobby. Hmmmmmmmm….


        Yes i think AChat do a update and we are full oiled body, but maybe a little too much lol


          The shiny needs to disappear


            Hi Zuz and Zav,
            Welcome to Forum Cheyenne.
            Happy New Year to you all and Thank you for posting.

            I can see what you mean. The Avatars in “The Lobby” do seem shiny and far too sweaty.

            I’ve checked the public rooms and the effect does not seem so bad or not at all. Has anyone checked the private room?

            Also some of the room effects in Summer seems to have altered too and appear sub standard to what they were before.

            I have reported it to Achat to see if they can improve it at all and directed them to this topic.


              seems to be a gfx update, there is also a ‘shadow’ button added above the Settings ‘pinwheel’ right below


                This update? ruining the whole game, fully unacceptable cause its not adjustable, ergo forcing us to play with those disgusting avatars instead to set a a slider and let us free decide if we want it or not or less or whole etc and ruins the climaxing features too.


                  I never noticed the shadow on / off Icon. LOL.

                  The “shiny” effect is in private as well. But, just depends what your opinion of it is, in room. Would like to see a slider as to how shiny you are as mentioned above.

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Zuzannah.

                    Sorry if i am ot. Are you receiving replies from devs? I completed a new pose in mid december, i sent it and sudden receibed a reply about some fixes, so i fixed it and sent it again…guys, several days have passed, i wrote almost everyday, also using another email address in case the first could have finished in the spam, yet no replies. In the past i got accostumed with devs habit to take their time in doing things, but now i’m starting to feel really concerned…so, any advices?


                      Hey Adelaid.

                      Just wait for a little while longer. It’s just getting into the new year.

                      If they don’t respond say, after this week, try again. And keep trying.

                      On another subject.

                      Is it just me or has the Shininess been toned down a bit ?


                        @ Adelaide, Achat are renowned for taking their time answering. I have been waiting awhile now for the forum tools to be returned. Believe me I know your frustrations. All we can do is wait.
                        Often, you just find things are adjusted and dealt with and without any form of notification.

                        This topic is a great example.


                          @ JohnFoxx – Thanks for the info on the Shadow button and welcome to forum.

                          The Shadow button is only in the private room and seems to affect the avatars only, that is the item shadows seem the same.

                          The button is located bottom right of your private room screen. It is the circle/full moon with a shadow at the bottom. See below by the eye camera icon. It is an off/on button.

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                        The forums Upgrades and newly added features We’ve all gone Shiny & a Shadow button has appeared in private room.