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What are your expectation from AChat experiance

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Home Forums Polls What are your expectation from AChat experiance

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    Hello everyone! In next 60 days, I want to understand what people are looking for, playing AChat, what type of experience they seek to find in this game.
    AChat is one of most cheapest games ATM (if you subscribe for year) thus financial question is not included in this pool.
    Virtual SEX games act as substitute for something, that you are unable to get in Real Life for variety of reasons. Unlike dating portal, virtual sex games are aimed to expand sexual experience of player. So what are you actually looking in AChat?

    To put it simple – What do you want to find in AChat? (Within sexual experience)

    Description of options:

    Soft and romantic sex experience
    You lack softness,cares and romantics in RL, thus you try to find it in here

    Traditional sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, based on common norms of society. Male has a dominant role, female submissive (both roles are to be considered as natural attraction and Patriarchal approach to relations between the man and woman)

    Kinky and more daring sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, but dominant and submissive roles may switch between partners, adding Role Play to your relationship and some anal sex.

    Hardcore sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, but with extensive Domination of one of sides. Includes traditional BDSM. Anal sex.

    Fetish sex experience
    Bisexual attitude. Traditional  Dominant and Submissive roles can switch. Addition of fantasy sexual actions (includes RP purpose) Something that is not possible in real life, like vampirism, t-girl pregnancy, food fetish, scat  and e.t.c

    Extreme sex experience
    You are looking for experience that is out of scope of all above – Bestiality, Vore,  extensive damage to body (extreme BDSM), unnatural breeding, critter (monster) sex and all the other freaky stuff I cant imagine right now. 

    LBGTQ sex experience
    You are in search of same gender sexual experience and relations.


    Oh I forgot to mention why I want to know that:
    First – curiosity, I'm doing surveys for social science and sexual experience and relations is important part of it.
    Second – this will allow AChat team to focus on MAJOR clients demands, sort of market survey to understand what to deliver in priority.


    Hi Jasmine and Happy New Year 

    Voted “Traditional sex experience” with anal option because for me it's very difficult to have vaginal option 

    I search in AChat actually that they remove as promise the dislikes option in the meeting places 
    Otherwise I would like to find small games to do in community on meeting places other than the game of likes and dislikes !!!

    On AChat I found a lot of friends, many are unfortunately gone but many others arrive.
    I like to talk about everything and nothing, rain, fine weather …
    It must have been a good month since I was not in room because I don't play!
    Need a little break this sometimes happens to me 


    Thanks Nat!

    I have lost a lot of friends too, they went to other game, which has much more outstanding graphic quality and freedom than AChat. But I think AChat still has a chance, if company management will listen to us.


    Hm Jasmine, I think one reason is missing. When I came to AChat, it was curiousity. I have read about an interesting sex game, where you meet real people. This, combined with the wish for (more) sex was my reason to give it a try.

    It would fit to Traditional Sex Experience and in general I'm more alpha and the active one, but I wouldn't call the female part as submissive.


      After, posting last night I read what I put down and thought no.  I was a little melancholy.  So I deleted it and I'm starting again.

      I joined because I was a little bit lonely I guess.  Curious, maybe.

      But, what did I want from ACHAT when I first joined ?   Good question.  I didn't really expect anything.  I came here with an open mind and just started chatting with other people.

      But, now,  I'm between choosing traditional or kinky.  I love being submissive here and wearing latex too.  Looks sexy. (Wish there was more to choose from).  And omg Collars.  I'll never take them off.  hehehe.  I am now spoused and I also wear his collar.  I didn't expect that, but it happened.

      So,  after thinking about for a bit, I'm choosing kinky.


    I too was curious and wanted to learn more I guess and OMG  Achat was a wealth of knowledge.

    I think you should add an extra option topic –

    Sex with equal partners and a hint of daring.
    Heterosexual / LBGT  partners who mutually enjoy sexual relations with a willingness to learn and enhance pleasures with sex toys and mild pleasurable sexual experiences.  Vanilla dipping a toe in the BDSM world

    It's in between your –

    Traditional sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, based on common norms of society. Male has a dominant role, female submissive (both roles are to be considered as natural attraction and Patriarchal approach to relations between the man and woman)

    Kinky and more daring sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, but dominant and submissive roles may switch between partners, adding Role Play to your relationship and some anal sex.

    Here I am  5 years later, a Moderator and running the Erotic Story Contest…  I found friends, education and an interest that is still there years later… 


    Thank you for your input guys! 

    I didn't add curiosity cos I think it's moving absolutely everyone to try those games 

    I will keep making notes from your additions, will be good to analyze those too in general context.


    Cant vote !

    that would mean I have to pick one what I would not do cuz 1 isn't enough for me.

    {Soft and romantic sex experience
    You lack softness,cares and romantics in RL, thus you try to find it in here
    Traditional sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, based on common norms of society. Male has a dominant role, female submissive (both roles are to be considered as natural attraction and Patriarchal approach to relations between the man and woman)
    Hardcore sex experience
    You prefer heterosexual experiences, but with extensive Domination of one of sides. Includes traditional BDSM. Anal sex.}

    I am a chameleon when it comes to feelings.
    One day I like to talk and cuddle – the next day shut up and take me – than hm….lets play and see who will be on top …and show me that you can control me

    I came her for a totally other reason
    A friend told me about the great sex graphic but said they might need some more sexy outfits
    So, I thought I come to be an Artist and Developer

    BUT Curiosity kills the cat
    Final I end up with a player who fits and we have more in common as just sex. One of the reasons I am exclusive to that player is I don't like to become a challenge cup

    So what could be the point I vote for?

    Knowing it is a virtual world where all can happens


    It's not quite that simple for me.    Being autistic, I have limitations on my ability to “pick up” girls.  So I attempt to use the internet as both a social and sexual medium…since I'm not really getting either from anywhere else.


      WOW.  Light. 

      Your honesty is just, just…………….  Staggeringly beautiful.


    I agree with Zu..and Light, I think you are in some ways more open and able to talk free than many of us here! Maybe it's diffrrent in real life,but if you cna transfer your “social online abilities” to real life, I think you are a great person to talk to


      WOW.  Light. 

      Your honesty is just, just…………….  Staggeringly beautiful.

    I”ll just say thank you and leave it at that.


    I”ll just say thank you and leave it at that.

      Sorry, I get a little carried away sometimes.    :

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