The forums › Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… › What do you think about… The discussion thread
- This topic has 175 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 4 months ago by jayc.
October 28, 2014 at 11:08 pm #78419
Stone put it perfectly and I have to say, I strongly admire, and always have admired, hers and Jayc's relationship. Congrats on maintaining a long & healthy relationship guys!
I think it is important and necessary for exclusive relationships to be respected around here in order to avoid conflict. That's a given.
However, I also believe that you can not assume that everyone else will know what you define “respecting” that relationship as, or even know what type of relationship you have and what that entails. It is up for you two consenting partners to determine what those guidelines are exactly and know where you stand and then when a third party approaches either one of you, it is your responsibility to inform them of these guidelines regarding the nature of your relationship with your significant partner.
Therefore, when someone approaches your man or your girl in a suggestive or flirty manner, don't go on attacking them and start a fight. Be a grown up about it and leave it up the partner that was approached to deal with the situation in a polite and respectful manner.
That's my two cents on the issue.
Peace & love to all xx
October 29, 2014 at 12:51 am #78421Some posts can cause a reactions and does not take a lot of intelligence to see what could happen
3 year whats that got to do with any thing ..
I am sure 2 years from know I will still be here to even 5 …..Any way I can understand how some can react to posts as many as other might, maybe some have a
different way of life style more free, that's ok that's your's to be as you wish.but if you triggere it and as many would see it , it can cause a reaction. I can see why some would.
who is talking about break up relationships
or others with flirty jealousiesQuot : amy
Therefore, when someone approaches your man or your girl in a suggestive or flirty manner, don't go on attacking them and start a fightStone I really Respect your post and i think thats great what you and jay have …..I say more later
What after being here almost 1 year I just don't understand why some cant understand that just bec its a sex game not all
play the same as othertopic is easy Respect others
example :
I see a relationship I am not going to go post that kind post to a couple that are in a relationship with out there consent
its very easy to understand it some one got very upset but there triggered it ….
Moderated by Brandybee. Words changed.
All power and authority is given to me in the name of jesus christ..
blessed is the one that stand up for justice
for by faith I am under his grace..For if I was wrong
I should apologize to you blue if you did not know as you said…
but if I am right then you and every one will be are under Gods justice .
and he will stand at my side I am under his grace.Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
grace reign through righteousness
I thank God for blessing me for wanting fair justice…
October 29, 2014 at 3:47 am #78420After playing this game for awhile and before joining forum, I found an easy way to explain most of the game play by phases
Phase 1 = Kid in a sweet shop, have sex with anything that will take you in a room, Male, Female, Shemale, or your preference, it doesn’t matter. You are learning the craft and how the poses work and what you like.
Phase 2 = Bored of meaningless sex, looking for a relationship, where you have regular harem lovers, that you care for but not a special one
Phase 3 = Special lover or spouse, who becomes priority, still play but with ground rules. You will leave a room and go to your special lover as soon as you are able to go to your special lover / spouse
Phase 4 = Special lover or spouse and exclusive, no other lovers. The only thing you can do with someone else is dance and talk. No sex or nudity.
Phase 5 = meet in Real Life. You both agree to meet in a real life encounter.
You can go up and down these phases as a relationship ends and new begin.
I find, conflict is usually found when potential partners are in different phases. Best to find out in chat before rooming. Saves lots of problems.
As for jealousy and silly outbursts. Don't show your partner up by confronting the said offender, let the partner deal with it. At the end of the day, if he / she wants you, he / she will stay. If he / she doesnt, trust me … you deserve so much better.
One thing for sure though, if you cant handle your jealousy, it will drive your partner away or, he / she will become deceitful to you and not tell you things to avoid conflict. Is that the kind of relationship you want?
Good Luck to all.
October 29, 2014 at 9:32 am #78427Respect is something everyone can demand and has to give too!
We all are here to have fun. Everyone on his own style and as he/she wishes, as long as you don't attack, offend or judge other. And of course, as long as you don't act against TOS.Respect is a word which is spoken easy. But having respect for other sometimes can be very hard. Maybe because we don't like what they are doing or how they are doing something. Maybe we don't like the words they use. Sometimes just because we don't understand the meaning of their words – what did the writer (the sender of the message) want to say?
Then it's on us to check our reaction. If we are upset, we better wait to answer. Maybe ask first – what do you mean? Do I understand you right?
We can agree with someone's opinion. Respect is easy then. Or we can disagree with someone's opinion. This is the point when respect begins. Respecting other relations means, not trying to go between them. For this, first you have to know they are in a relation. Either from opening your eyes or becausethey tell you. If you, knowing they are spoused or exclusive, try to seduce them, it's on them to tell you “Stop”. So long, so good. Nothing bad has happened. If you still continue, you lose respect. Simple but true.Respect also ends, when it comes to personal attacks or offending. This, and just this, we mods never will accept or tolerate. Not because we don't like it, but it's bad for a good atmosphere in forum. Tell me I'm wrong, but I believe we mods (and almost everybody else too) always respected oher's opinion. We never judged or harmd other lifestyles. As long as I'm mod here, this also never will happen.
We also make sure, we respect you as person, even when we have to edit or remove a post. This is just for the common sense and doesn't mean you're a bad person. We just refer to one single action you're doing. In this moment we judge the behave, never the person. This is respect too.
Tolerance is another term in this context. Being more tolerant is the ONLY way to get all these different people under one hat. Everybody, including me, has to learn to be tolerant. Step back, think about, say “not what i like, but it doesn't affect me”. Smile – done.
Intolerance is not just the opposite of tolerance. It's saying “I am right and you are wrong. You, as person, are wrong. You are bad, because you're not living the way I do.” Here, in this forum, there is no place for this attitude. You can stay and learn to be tolerant or you can go.I always will stand for free speech. For respect. For tolerance. Join me. Let's make it a place for a strong community. Let's make it a place for a big family, where not everyone has to agree with everything, not everyone has to be friend with everyone. But is respecting everyone.
To learn, to grow – and to HAVE FUNOctober 30, 2014 at 1:14 am #78428Well said Lover, and I can appreciate your views as well as your words of wisdom. What I do not understand is how analyzing occurs. No one truly knows how he or she will or would react or behave in an unsavory situation until thrust into one for themselves. So to try and speak about others choice on how that unsavory situation is or was dealt with; and making comments on how you yourself would have done this or that or not this or not that isn't a statement that should be made; unless one has gone through it themselves…not watched someone else but themselves gone through. To call this person or any other person who has gone through the unsavory situation names is also not fitting in the positive message you have just sent out, Lover. I fail to see how doing so could ever bring upon the peace and positive atmosphere that is meant to be. It comes more across as fuel to the fire…wishing to fan the fumes if you will and all other who chimed in as well. I am not here to excuse my behavior not at all nor do I feel any wrong other than I should not have made it public. I feel very vindicated in my feelings and will continue to do so. I do not see where making posts and trying to analyze me or my feelings is helpful either, if you wish to know something anything for that matter about me; I have no qualms in helping you understand. But do not think or assume that you know anything about me simply by that posts or others misinformation about me. I am the ONLY one here that knows me best. So with that being said I hope we all can go back to having fun and busting many nuts! Have a good evening
LeighDeeXXXOctober 30, 2014 at 2:26 am #78429The topic is about relationships in general.
No individuals or their relationships or their behaviour is mentioned specifically unless they themselves volunteer it.
People usually speak from their own experiences and have every right to do so.
No one is analyising you. This topic is not directed at you. Its about relationships in general.
October 30, 2014 at 3:09 am #78430I was analyzed before the topic came up and it did so out of my reaction to something unsavory.
Not once did I say no one should be allowed to post their opinions, clearly it was never said not by me.
The topic started off as respect and some how was flipped to relationships; with a chart to try and explain ones views, about what they felt goes on here; and the time they have been a member. So it does seem a bit coincidental that all of this “relationship” topics came about the same time I openly and publically posted my views and feelings. As I have mentioned in my upper post…I regret not handling it in a private manner and the fact that I was called names that I too regret but will and have gotten over it. And with that being said I wish everyone a blessed day and bust many nuts!October 30, 2014 at 3:11 am #78431And I moderated accordingly so this would not occur in public. If you want to continue this PM me
Meanwhile back to topic please.
October 30, 2014 at 3:55 am #78432The topic is about relationships in general.
No individuals or their relationships or their behaviour is mentioned specifically unless they themselves volunteer it.
I can not agree with this statement. The topic may no longer mention certain names, but the players involved are still in the foreground; whether you want to admit it or not.
I agree with Leigh on the issue that this topic is coincidentally started right after a recent incident between two members. It is poorly timed, and should have not been started in the first place. People are free to discuss any subject they wish, but in this case it comes at the cost of putting our relationship and recent disputes under the microscope.
Had this Topic been presented later down the road I would not take any offense. Personally, I simply wish this was a stand alone thread that would have been CLOSED by now.
I know perhaps I am may be adding to the problem rather then helping, but I could no longer stand ideally by and say nothing while this topic was being discussed.
October 30, 2014 at 4:02 am #78433You know what I quit.
I am sick to death of petty squabbles and no respect to other members or the Moderators who work hard to try and make this place fun.
You have the forum you deserve.
I out of here.
October 30, 2014 at 7:24 am #78434Respect is something everyone can demand and has to give too!
We all are here to have fun. Everyone on his own style and as he/she wishes, as long as you don't attack, offend or judge other. And of course, as long as you don't act against TOS.Respect is a word which is spoken easy. But having respect for other sometimes can be very hard. Maybe because we don't like what they are doing or how they are doing something. Maybe we don't like the words they use. Sometimes just because we don't understand the meaning of their words – what did the writer (the sender of the message) want to say?
Then it's on us to check our reaction. If we are upset, we better wait to answer. Maybe ask first – what do you mean? Do I understand you right?
We can agree with someone's opinion. Respect is easy then. Or we can disagree with someone's opinion. This is the point when respect begins. Respecting other relations means, not trying to go between them. For this, first you have to know they are in a relation. Either from opening your eyes or becausethey tell you. If you, knowing they are spoused or exclusive, try to seduce them, it's on them to tell you “Stop”. So long, so good. Nothing bad has happened. If you still continue, you lose respect. Simple but true.Respect also ends, when it comes to personal attacks or offending. This, and just this, we mods never will accept or tolerate. Not because we don't like it, but it's bad for a good atmosphere in forum. Tell me I'm wrong, but I believe we mods (and almost everybody else too) always respected oher's opinion. We never judged or harmd other lifestyles. As long as I'm mod here, this also never will happen.
We also make sure, we respect you as person, even when we have to edit or remove a post. This is just for the common sense and doesn't mean you're a bad person. We just refer to one single action you're doing. In this moment we judge the behave, never the person. This is respect too.
Tolerance is another term in this context. Being more tolerant is the ONLY way to get all these different people under one hat. Everybody, including me, has to learn to be tolerant. Step back, think about, say “not what i like, but it doesn't affect me”. Smile – done.
Intolerance is not just the opposite of tolerance. It's saying “I am right and you are wrong. You, as person, are wrong. You are bad, because you're not living the way I do.” Here, in this forum, there is no place for this attitude. You can stay and learn to be tolerant or you can go.I always will stand for free speech. For respect. For tolerance. Join me. Let's make it a place for a strong community. Let's make it a place for a big family, where not everyone has to agree with everything, not everyone has to be friend with everyone. But is respecting everyone.
To learn, to grow – and to HAVE FUNOctober 30, 2014 at 12:48 pm #78435Heated words were said.Maybe some of the things said both in public or private were justified..maybe some of them weren't.
At this point, after having settled down myself I express regret for having been a cause for Brandy's sudden departure.
Hope you change your mind.
October 30, 2014 at 2:20 pm #78436@ Leighdee, hukk:
In no way my post was referring to you both. The opposite is true. My intention was, to get a general discussion about repsect, tolerance and consideration. For this forum, but also for life in general. I believe, this attitude and an honest but also fair communication is they key to a good together. Obviously I failed and you think, I was talking about you. I apologize. Please read my post againm having this new background.It's good to have this discussion topic. Maybe here we can concentrate the storm, which otherwise would have been in more topics. Here we can talk about the forum and us. No game, no events, no funny stuff is disturbing. Just the passion of our hearts (and sometimes tounges). It shows, we're alive and it's important for us. So look ahead, think of how you want to be treated and how you should treat others. Post your opinion in the same way you would talk to your friends and beloved people. Sometimes wait a few minutes – things said in rage can hurt a lot and even if you regret it afterwards, it's said (written).
I know, together we will sail the storm and reach Sunny Island. Stronger tha before. Little wiser than before. SmilingOctober 30, 2014 at 3:29 pm #78437@ Leighdee, hukk:
In no way my post was referring to you both. The opposite is true. My intention was, to get a general discussion about repsect, tolerance and consideration. For this forum, but also for life in general. I believe, this attitude and an honest but also fair communication is they key to a good together. Obviously I failed and you think, I was talking about you. I apologize. Please read my post againm having this new background.Lover I didn't think you were just speaking to me, I did feel it was to all who were involved or who felt some type of way. I didn't take anything you said to be hurtful; just the opposite was felt about your post. I read it as being informative as well as what it was meant to do and that is clear the air…its actually all the other “fluff” that came and went around the original post that really is the issue with me.
It's good to have this discussion topic. Maybe here we can concentrate the storm, which otherwise would have been in more topics. Here we can talk about the forum and us. No game, no events, no funny stuff is disturbing. Just the passion of our hearts (and sometimes tounges). It shows, we're alive and it's important for us. So look ahead, think of how you want to be treated and how you should treat others. Post your opinion in the same way you would talk to your friends and beloved people. Sometimes wait a few minutes – things said in rage can hurt a lot and even if you regret it afterwards, it's said (written).
I know, together we will sail the storm and reach Sunny Island. Stronger than before. Little wiser than before. SmilingI think you are on to something here, and it is a good way to clear the air with respect and tact; without repercussions or ill wills for ones feelings or opinions. This would be totally awesome. I am all for a Sunny Island
October 30, 2014 at 4:57 pm #78438Respect others
I wold like to discuss this about respecting exclusive relationships and couples on Achat.
I know that this is a Virtual Sex Games but I would like some of you to know who I feel about it
yes its all sex fantasies with consenting adults partner, not all are consenting just because its a sex game dose not
mean all have the same life style sure we can post but when you know it will start a conflict and you name a person
why posted it to trigger a reaction ? of cures there is going to be a reaction… and then this disterbes the friendly
places we have here ….I ask that before you post something and it has to name others that it be consenting ..And also that we learn to respected each other and life style we have many members with different customs beliefs
its a sex game but its a consenting one, ask think before you postLet me say few words…….
Rocxxy, dear, your subject have a vaste implications and if you wrote “let's talk about respect Others”, it sound more like you want to point the attention on the conflict we have here in forum recenttly, most then about “respect esclusive relationship”, or this is what everyone can think just reading the red title. but this change when you continue to read your post and then, immediately the theme is more clear, so i'd like to ask you to be more clear when you post a title for a discussion, just to don't cause some mistaken.
After this, let me say something about this: in the three years i was here, i met 4 persons very important for me and if i never forced them to establish an esclusive relationship, the time with them was wonderfull, eccept one case, with a man which pretend i was Always ready just for him at any time. poor boy, now he is in my ignore! :
Why i never ask for esclusive relationship!? simple, i can be online only in late evening, so why i have to force the people I care to wait me in a bored mood!? i don't care if they have fun with others here in AChat, not till i know their feeling for me are not fake!
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The forums › Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… › What do you think about… The discussion thread