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What do you think about… The discussion thread

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Home Forums Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… What do you think about… The discussion thread

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  • #78405

    I am going to go on record as to say I NEVER EVER AGREED TO THAT AND I DO NOT HAVE CONTROL over my sister as you have claimed not to be able to control your friends! SO please like I have said I DO NOT WANT ANY MORE conversations about me or my sister coming from you and please keep it straight; I know BrandyBee never could have told you I agreed to that foolishness because that so ISNT what I said. Anything I have said once I would have no problems saying it again and if I cannot or do not say it again ITS BECAUSE I DIDNT SAY IT TO BEGIN WITH!
    I have nothing else to say about this or her. Like I have said in my experienced with closed chats they have been disabled and not able to see or answer to.  As I have mentioned I felt the need to share education of the realisms of the flag that truly is all about hate and racism. I do not apologize  for not dummying down to make others feel superior; not who I am and not how I  roll. 


    opinions are like arseholes
    everyone has one
    and they all stink

    flags have NO MEANING apart from what you give them
    a flag is not racist it is a inanimate  piece  of material
    slavery is wrong it was wrong then  it is wrong now
    (and yes there is still slavery in this world)


    Ok, you heard the gentle and rational part of the mods, now let's hear me:

    I'm pissed off of personal fight against two users, here in forum and you must thanks the fact that Brandy read this before me or those posts will be directly erased by me! if users have problem against them self, i ask you, no i pretend, to solve them in private via PM or, if you need a moderation, ask us via PM and not in the section of the forum. Remember, this is not a place to solve personal problem, this is a place where we try to have sane confrontation of idea and discussion to improve our favourite game, so please……remember it well!

    I tell you all……other similar situation are no more tollerate by me in the forum and in any section of it.



    And now, let's back to the last topic:

    What did you expect by this forum!?

    I expect



    I can haz cheeseburger?


    Cheese burgers sound good but seriously folks.

    In a free society we are entitled to our opinions, but this is not a free license to get nasty with other posters.

    HB is right when he says personal squabbles have no place in this topic  or the forum for that matter.

    So lets get this topic back on track,  this topic is for discussion  not fighting.



    I think I will start monday  that when i have a lot of energy  thank you  I  am sure it will take me a week

    i dont think  lover  had the time to  cheek it out his always  busy lol thank you Brandy


    You are kidding, right!? i don't know how many threads we have in all the forum, but can swear they are a lot….too much, maybe, and counting all of them will takes ages…..AIUTOOOO!

    seriously….this is a question very hard to answer….


    Just look at the forum index page. The number of topics and posts is shown for each board.
    Eg Announcements has 129 topics with 1, 143 posts


    Omg baby you know it ! 😮  you are  king mod !  you are my earth GOD and you know it…

    I am never  going to stop hearing about this one 

    So  its  ok to say its a big big forum with lots of interesting topics
    do you  understand why  I love to post now     

    I will wait to hear back on this  


                                Respect others

    I wold like to discuss this about respecting exclusive relationships and couples on  Achat.
    I know that this is a  Virtual Sex Games  but I  would like some of you to know who I feel about it
    yes its all sex fantasies  with consenting adults partner, not all are consenting  just because its  a sex game dose not
    mean all have the same life style  sure we can post  but  when you know it will start a  conflict and you name a person
    why posted it to trigger a reaction ?  of cures there is  going to be a reaction… and then this  disterbes the friendly
    places we have here  ….I ask that  before you post something and it has to name others that it be consenting ..

    And also that we learn to respected each other and  life style  we have many  members  with different customs beliefs
    its a sex game but its a consenting one,  ask think before you post 


    If others are exclusive relationships  I  feel that  some have to respected this  …
    not all do it .


                                Respect others

    I wold like to discuss this about respecting exclusive relationships and couples on  Achat.
    I know that this is a  Virtual Sex Games   but I  would like some of you to know who I feel about it
    yes its all sex fantasies  with consenting adults partner, not all are consenting  just because its  a sex game dose not
    mean all have the same life style  sure we can post  but  when you know it will start a  conflict and you name a person
    why posted it to trigger a reaction ?   of cures there is  going to be a reaction… and then this  disterbes the friendly
    places we have here  ….I ask that  before you post something and it has to name others that it be consenting ..

    And also that we learn to respected each other and   life style  we have many  members  with different customs beliefs
    its a sex game but its a consenting one,   ask think before you post 

    I am agree with your words Roxy, here is a lot of people, with diferent ways, and all the ways are respectfull. From my point of view, each person is diferent, but each person have a heart, and some of us are more sensitive than others, and for some one something means nothing, and for some one its hurts.

    I think we have to be adults, and act like that, and over all, respect all, thats means respect persons, couples, groups, etnias, religions, gender, sexual orientation… i like to respect all, because respect is the most important thing if you want to feel respect from others.

    I have friends with a loyal relation, have friends who have not relations, and i love all of them, but i dont like people who want to hurt others.

    Kisses and hugs to all :-* i pay next round in achat bar and grill.


    Sometimes I feel I am a stranger here, in spite of having been a faithful and active member for 3 years now.
    Today someone posted something I just don't understand on the Birthday thread and now Roxxy is talking about respecting people's exclusive relationships as if everyone on here knows what she is talking about.
    I haven't a clue!
    What am I missing?
    I wouldn't think anyone should be trying to break up relationships on here, what would they hope to gain?

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