The forums › Everything about sex and love › What turns you off in chatting?
Tagged: Turn Offs
- This topic has 244 replies, 55 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by Nat33.
November 2, 2012 at 10:52 pm #65353
Nice topic
From my perspective, the number one gripe I have is: We've started chatting… We're both being pleasant and the chatting is going well. I send a message and I am informed that the person I was chatting with has gone into a room! No warning, no “I'm going to go into a room with someone”… nothing. The decent thing (IMO) is to at least “end” the chat.
This happened to me just now lol
November 2, 2012 at 11:26 pm #65354loll i hate this too
November 2, 2012 at 11:47 pm #65355To be honest with you, this happens more often than not here on achat. It seems the norm is to just forget all real life etiquette when online ….. would you bump into a friend on the street and start a conversation and then suddenly just turn and walk away without saying a word while they were speaking …. of course not. So why do it here?
i tend to like to chat to someone a little first, rather than cold inviting or just saying “hi. Wanna fuck”
But the number of times i am making conversation only to then discover mid sentence that the person i am chatting to has just accepted a room invite and disappeared ….. is too many to count. I'd like an achat doller for every time it happens, would be able to afford all the poses, rooms, etc … lol
Oh, and did I mention how many of these people have 'romantic' or 'talkative' on their profile … yeah right …. lol. i kind of dont have high expectations of someone with 'sex maniac', i guess coz you might expect them to accept cold invites, etc, so i actually don't get bothered by that too much.
Anyway, if there is one message for all ….. it's just say 'bye' or 'gotta go' or something before running off, it's just the polite thing to do ….. and will make achat a happier place for all
November 3, 2012 at 10:28 am #65356I agree with jay9. Some people “forget” even the least courtesy. Funny, very often these people complain about other behaviour…
For me this is a sign of how they really are. On the other hand I always say learn and be grateful. On this way you know who is worth to get more of your attention.November 3, 2012 at 12:24 pm #65357all the turn offs spoke here in this topic i agree with,and i guess i have to say one of my biggest turn off is indeed the pay for room. I don't have no problems helping some out if I have cash to spare.but to demand it is uncool. I all way try my best to put my partner before me when i room. I do try to be gentleman when I chat and more. Now it doesn't mean i cant be naughty but only when If I'm speak about people s manners the way the treat other I find in all my years apart of Achat as a whole to be very poor. I just don't see why its like that. is hard to be kind and friendly to other? now for the forum, i just started here and so fair every is very kind and understanding. witch I hope the game community could be more like.
now from my experience in the poor manners of Achat community, listed form bad to worst.
MalesTs population Iv meet some very rude ones but i don't think they were real as to who they say they are. above all there very nice and friendly
Females I find Good lot of them are very sweet and kind but there are few ***** in there
now come the men, I out of all the men Find about 60% of them are pure jerks and or other hurt full name.the other 40% there bout 30% of the are normal ever day men and 10% of true gentlemen. this come from my time as with my TS avatar.
this is speaking from my own opinion few of my friends. not to be taken a fact or real assessment.
as one of the guys, I feel little ashamed that they have the nerve to speak to other like that and think it ok too as well. or feel that it if i hurt anyones feeling about my thoughts on the poor manner of Achat I'm very sorry.
ps sorry again if you find this little off topic.November 19, 2012 at 1:40 pm #65358I wish people would be more polite in their conversations. When people leave in the middle of a chat and come back 10 minutes later saying something like I am sorry I need a cup of coffee. Would have been nice before they got the coffee.
December 28, 2012 at 9:58 pm #65359I don't know if it turns me off but it PISSES me off. This happened twice from the same person. I get a cold invite and then look in the person's profile and it says…?
Cold Invites = IgnoreSo I responded “Cold Invites = ignore, huh?” then I ignored them.
If you make rules, JESUS CHRIST, follow your own rules.
December 28, 2012 at 10:22 pm #65360You know, it's easier to make rules for other people
But I know it.. it's similar when you get a “hi”.. and read their profile “I don't answer to hi”
December 29, 2012 at 11:13 am #65361I really dont like rude behaviour and people with no patience spamming my chat window all over with. In regards to not answering or answering late i happen to catch myself sometimes forgetting to reply or tell people when i get lots of messages too :-[ :-[ :-[ .
Another little turn of is if they keep asking the same questions all over even if they asked just half an hour before, some people tend to copy & paste their messages to a lot of people, thats a little disappointing …
Oh well and constant cold invites are a quick way to find the ignore listWhat turn me off is…….someone starting a chat with by: i want to fuck you! :-[ , I advice them before i go cold to them, that behind an avatar is actually a real woman or man,with feelings too. I ask them ,in real life, when they meet someone , they actually talk like that ? Unless they are a porn start..i dont think so
This is a sick world we re livin in , Sick world ,
Changing subject: I save my complete avatar body in achat, but everytime i come to game,i only see my shoes ?!?
1 – Why is that happening ?? :'( I already uninstal game ,and re-install. Situation remains the same!!
2 – I want to try for first time, buying a subscription here.I only have Mastercard Visa,Normal ATM Portuguese Card.
3 – How do i buy subscription? Cause there are many types to do that ! THANK YOU .Big Sweet Kisses to All who Love Achat GAme.
Yours………PatriciaDecember 29, 2012 at 4:40 pm #65363Changing subject: I save my complete avatar body in achat, but everytime i come to game,i only see my shoes ?!?
1 – Why is that happening ?? :'( I already uninstal game ,and re-install. Situation remains the same!!
Patricia… I don't understand… are you saying that you're only seeing the avatar's feet? Or do you mean all the clothes are gone except for the shoes?
3 – How do i buy subscription? Cause there are many types to do that ! THANK YOU .
You do that from the AChat shop page. There is a link to the shop at the top of this page. When you get to the shop, log in and at the top of the page is a link reading: Show Profile. It's in really small lettering. Click on that then there's a box on the right side reading “Upgrade” click on that and follow the instructions.
Congratulations on your decision to buy a subscription.December 29, 2012 at 4:48 pm #65364I think she want to know about the three payment system…..
Patricia1975, if you want to use your credit card (your Mastercard Visa will be work, i presume….the italian Poste Pay – Visa circuit – work for me!) you have to choose the “PAY WITH CREDIT CARD” one, then follow the instruction!
December 29, 2012 at 6:14 pm #65365Covems
Patricia… I don't understand… are you saying that you're only seeing the avatar's feet? Or do you mean all the clothes are gone except for the shoes?
If you now login you see her ava. But as she was online you just could see her feet in the big window. We tried everything and nothing worked. I don't know if it's ok now – we have to wait until she is online again.
The question about payment system is already answered.
December 29, 2012 at 6:27 pm #65366I had a similar problem it was a glitch in the system for about 24 hrs and righted itself in the end, it was as if the save button didn't register the new moves or new clothing. If it continues, report it to Support.
The other possibility, although I dont thing its this, but worth a try…. if you just move the avatar, the “save changes” button at the top does not activate… in order to make it activate, I move my Avi and then click on my skin tone. This activates the “Save changes” button and the new position can be saved. you then “Go to Partner search” and then ” Show yourself” Then that should show your new position
December 29, 2012 at 6:32 pm #65367The “save changes” button worked… I was on and she did it step by step. We changed her clothes, even the background and banner. In the small pic I saw the changes – but in main window nothing changed. She re-installed the game, made sure she got all updates…
Since she looged out you can see her ava. As long as she was online you just saw feet…lolAuthorPosts- You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
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The forums › Everything about sex and love › What turns you off in chatting?