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What’s on in the Forum Village currently….

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Home Forums Forum News What’s on in the Forum Village currently….

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  • #7573


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html
    And the Results –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for submissions at the moment.
    If you like writing or role playing, why not try and write an erotic story.
    Every qualifying story receives  600A$ ,  more if you are voted in the top three.

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust)
    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – WAR TIME ROMANCE (or LUST ),3824.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    3.  We are also having a fun vote in the AB&G – Achat Bar & Grill – Our Fantasy RP bar here in the forum village.
    Some of our members have changed the words to well known songs and given them a naughty twist to fit Achat   They have RP the songs on stage for your entertainment.

    Please see for yourself and vote for your favourite

    Forum Home Page > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories > The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ),1760.2160.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Good Luck, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    See above post for current events in Forum …

    This is an F1 invite to all….

    Hey Tippers –  Remember to have your tips in to Brandybee AND AusWoody by 7pm GMT  Friday night –  24th of July 2015

    We are Starting The Party Early with the LIVE Driver Draw… YAYYYY


    YOU are  invited to

    The Live Driver Draw  for 

    Formula One GRAND PRIX (Hungary) 

    Where's it at?
    The aChat Square

    When is it?
    This    WEDNESDAY  22nd of July 2015  at 7:30pm GMT

    Dress Code
    Smart Casual

    There will of course be  an open Bar and 
    The Chef  will be in attendance  to keep you fed & fuelled

    Please come and join us  for  some  fun and  frolicking.
    Find out  which lucky driver will be driving for you (or your friends)
    in the
    Hungarian Grand Prix.

    Here is your VIP Pass.

    Be there or Be square !     All are welcome.

    Come make new Friends.

    Remember –  The Race is on live  –  This SUNDAY.  You are invited to that too 

    11.      Jul 26  Hungarian Grand Prix  13:00  (GMT+1)

    The Square –




    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for submissions at the moment.
    If you like writing or role playing, why not try and write an erotic story?
    Every qualifying story receives  600A$ ,  more if you are voted in the top three.

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust)

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10-WAR TIME ROMANCE (or LUST),3824.0.html


    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    3. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    4. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    5. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    6. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    7. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes lol
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    Good Luck, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.

    If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square


    See above post for current events in Forum …

    This is an F1 invite to all….

    Hey Tippers –  Remember to have your tips in to Brandybee AND AusWoody by 7pm GMT  Friday night –  4th of Sept 2015

    We are Starting The Party Early with the LIVE Driver Draw… YAYYYY

    YOU are  invited to

    The Live Driver Draw  for 

    Formula One GRAND PRIX (ITALY) 

    Where's it at?
    The aChat Square

    When is it?
    This    WEDNESDAY   2nd of September 2015  at 7:30pm GMT

    Dress Code
    Smart Casual

    There will of course be  an open Bar and 
    The Chef  will be in attendance  to keep you fed & fuelled

    Please come and join us  for  some  fun and  frolicking.
    Find out  which lucky driver will be driving for you (or your friends)
    in the
    ITALIAN Grand Prix.

    Here is your VIP Pass.

    Be there or Be square !     All are welcome.

    Come make new Friends.

    Remember –  The Race is on live  –   This SUNDAY.  You are invited to that too 

    13.      Sept 6   ITALIAN Grand Prix  13:00  (GMT+1)

    The Square –




    See above post for current events in Forum …

    This is an F1 invite to all….

    Woody having his bath in the fountain
    Remember –  The Race is on live  –   This SUNDAY.  You are invited     Be there or Be square !     
    All are welcome.

    13.      Sept 6   ITALIAN Grand Prix  12:00  GMT

    Where's it at?

    The aChat Square
    There will of course be  an open Bar and The Chef  will be in attendance  to keep you fed & fuelled




    See above post for current events in Forum …

    This is an F1 invite to all….

    Hey Tippers –  Remember to have your tips in to Brandybee AND AusWoody by 7pm GMT  Friday night –  25th of Sept 2015

    We are Starting The Party Early with the LIVE Driver Draw… YAYYYY

    YOU are  invited to

    The Live Driver Draw  for 

    Formula One GRAND PRIX (JAPAN) 

    Where's it at?
    The aChat Square

    When is it?
    This    WEDNESDAY   23rd of September 2015  at 7:30pm GMT –  TODAY.

    Dress Code
    Smart Casual

    There will of course be  an open Bar and 
    The Chef  will be in attendance  to keep you fed & fuelled

    Please come and join us  for  some  fun and  frolicking.
    Find out  which lucky driver will be driving for you (or your friends)
    in the
    JAPANESE Grand Prix.

    Here is your VIP Pass.

    Be there or Be square !     All are welcome.

    Come make new Friends.

    Remember –  The Race is on live  –   This SUNDAY.  You are invited to that too 

    15.    Sunday Sept 27  Japanese Grand Prix  06:00  (GMT+1)

    The Square –




    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account (Pythia) 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & take your time to vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for suggestions for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December. 
    Open for theme suggestions :-   Thursday 1 Oct 2015  to  Saturday 31 October 2015. (Halloween)

    And then a poll will be opened for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –
    Poll will Open from :-    Sunday 1 November 2015  to Monday 30 November 2015.[/b]

    Please let us know your suggestions & vote next month in the below topic

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes lol
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    Good Luck, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10. We are having a meet on BEER  at  The Square –

    First lesson of BEER – will be on  Wednesday 7th Oct 2015 –  9pm UTC
    (11pm german time, 2pm LA time). Check if you change your time this weekend.

    Join us for tips on better health, a good body shape and to enjoy a fun & interesting time

    The Square

    Want to know more about it – Here's the Forum Topic

    Forum ome Page > Organizations & Events > Personal Ads > BEER – for a better health, fitness and sex,3905.0.html

    Feel free to drop in at The Square and get to know some of us     Same TOS as Achat.  You would be made welcome.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account (Pythia) 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & take your time to vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for voting for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December 2015. 
    The poll is open for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –

    Poll Open until :-  Monday 30 November 2015.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes lol
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    Good Luck, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10. We are having a meet on BEER  at  The Square –

    First lesson of BEER – will be on  Wednesday 7th Oct 2015 –  9pm UTC
    (11pm german time, 2pm LA time). Check if you change your time this weekend.

    Join us for tips on better health, a good body shape and to enjoy a fun & interesting time

    The Square

    Want to know more about it – Here's the Forum Topic

    Forum ome Page > Organizations & Events > Personal Ads > BEER – for a better health, fitness and sex,3905.0.html

    Feel free to drop in at The Square and get to know some of us     Same TOS as Achat.  You would be made welcome.


    11.  The Halloween Contests in The Square.

    Here they are :   

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > TOWN SQUARE HALLOWEEN,3916.0.html      

    Come join in all the fun  ••


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account (Pythia) 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & take your time to vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for voting for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December 2015. 
    The poll is open for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –

    Poll Open until :-  Monday 30 November 2015.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    If you think you may wish to enter in the next erotic story contest, Here's the rules

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10.  The Halloween Contests in The Square Contests & Winners.

    Here they are :     

    Vote for your favourite Halloween Pumpkin.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > TOWN SQUARE HALLOWEEN,3916.0.html        

    Check out the Halloween costumes & winners voted best costume,  then come to The Square for the Halloween Party. There's fun & surprises tonight

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > TOWN SQUARE HALLOWEEN P2  (Costumes P 1 to 3),3940.0.html

    The Square

    Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Grand Prix racing season.  And now we have the LAST SWEEP of the season. Spaces go quick. As we speak the are dwindling fast as there is only 20 slots available!
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account (Pythia) 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Prizes always get boosted by our sponsors too  😮
    Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.  Sign up here if so.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & take your time to vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015 –  Just 13 days LEFT

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for voting for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December 2015. 
    The poll is open for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –

    Poll Open until :-  Monday 30 November 2015.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    If you think you may wish to enter in the next erotic story contest, Here's the rules   I really hope you do.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    You will no doubt spot some of the forfeits as you trawl the Achat game. 

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10.  There are also fun Contests in The Square.  We have just celebrated our First Anniversary  of being open for our members.  Pop in say HI.  New members are always welcome

    There are some fun contests for you to enter in this topic :     

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > TOWN SQUARE ANNIVERSARY PARTY,3969.0.html        

    Check out the contest –  1)  Guess the numbers of Jelly Beans in the jar  –  2)  Find an Angel & Demon pic on the internet etc.. and send the pic to Maron. —  You can enter one contest or both contests. Send your entries to Maron211177 by Forum PM

    If YOU ARE NOT SURE HOW – Just ask any member of Forum. They are a helpful lot  

    This is our Forum Village & see below for The Achat Town Square

    The Square

    Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Grand Prix racing season.  And now we have the LAST SWEEP of the season. Spaces go quick. As we speak the are dwindling fast as there is only 20 slots available!
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account (Pythia) 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Prizes always get boosted by our sponsors too  😮
    Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.  Sign up here if so.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    And the Results –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    This sweep is now closed but you are welcome to join us at The Square for the random Driver Draw and the live race  on

    Live Driver Draw –  Wed 25 Nov 2015 …   19.30hrs GMT.
    BRAZIL Grand Prix  –  Sun 29 Nov 2015  …   13.00hrs GMT.

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & take your time to vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest & our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for yours and their enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015 –  Just 8 days LEFT and counting down

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for voting for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December 2015. 
    The poll is open for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –

    Poll Open until :-  Monday 30 November 2015.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    If you think you may wish to enter in the next erotic story contest, Here's the rules    I really hope you do.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… LMAO…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    You will no doubt spot some of the forfeits as you trawl the Achat game. 

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10.  There are also fun Contests in The Square.  We have just celebrated our First Anniversary  of being open for our members.  Pop in say HI.  New members are always welcome

    There are some fun contests for you to enter in this topic :     

    A Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > TOWN SQUARE ANNIVERSARY PARTY,3969.0.html        

    Check out the contest –  1)  Guess the numbers of Jelly Beans in the jar  –  2)  Find an Angel & Demon pic on the internet etc.. and send the pic to Maron211177.    Both these contests are now closed but its time for you to choose a winner for Contest 2.

    The voting is currently open for the Forum Village to decide which Angel&Devil  and BJ   pics you like the best to decide on the winners.
    Please take a look at the gallery and vote for your favourite entry out of 1 to 13.  Here's the link

    B Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > TOWN SQUARE ANNIVERSARY PARTY  Page 1, Post 4.,3969.msg140048.html#msg140048

    If YOU ARE NOT SURE HOW – Just ask any member of Forum. They are a helpful lot  

    This is our Forum Village & see below for The Achat Town Square

    The Square

    Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like F1 racing?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Grand Prix racing season.  And now we have the LAST SWEEP of the season.
    The stake collected is shared out between winners.  Prizes always get boosted by our sponsors too  😮
    Would you be interested in joining us for the last race? It will be a bit of fun. 

    This tells you a bit about it, the Results & previous winners –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    The sweep is now actually closed to new members. All the slots are taken but you are welcome to join us at The Square for the live race  on

    BRAZIL Grand Prix  –  Sun 29 Nov 2015  …   13.00hrs GMT.

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for Voting.
    Please read & vote for your favourite war time erotic story?

    Every Vote counts and shows support for our little contest &  for our Achat Authors who have taken the trouble to write for us. Remember, they are members just like you, writing for everyone's enjoyment.  Show your support by voting for your favourite story.
    Voting closes – Mon 30 Nov 2015 –  Just 4 days LEFT and counting down

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust) THE STORIES

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests >”WAR TIME” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10.,3911.0.html

    3. We are also open for voting for the theme of the new Erotic Story Contest 11 opening in December 2015. 
    The poll is open for Forum members to decide the theme for EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 –

    Poll Open until :-  Monday 30 November 2015,  just 4 days from now

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Erotic Story Contest 11. O.T.,3912.0.html

    If you think you may wish to enter in the next erotic story contest, Here's the rules    I really hope you do.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    4. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    5. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    6. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    7. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    8. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… LMAO…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    You will no doubt spot some of the forfeits as you trawl the Achat game. 

    9. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    10.  There are also fun Contests in The Square.  We have just celebrated our First Anniversary  of being open for our members.  Pop in say HI.  New members are always welcome

    We have fun contests throughout the year here as well. :     

    The voting is currently open in one of the contests for the Forum Village to decide which Angel&Devil  and BJ   pics you like the best. To decide the winners, please take a look at the gallery and vote for your favourite entry out of 1 to 13.  Here's the link

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > TOWN SQUARE ANNIVERSARY PARTY  Page 1, Post 4.,3969.msg140048.html#msg140048

    If YOU ARE NOT SURE HOW – Just ask any member of Forum. They are a helpful lot  

    This is our Forum Village & see below for The Achat Town Square

    The Square

    11.  We are currently asking folk to enter in the Achat Forum Christmas Lottery.  Heres the link to tell you how to enter & take part

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Big Christmas Sweep Stake Lottery,3987.0.html

    Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like Skiing ?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Alpine racing season. 
    The stake collected is shared out between winners. 
    Would you be interested in joining us for the last race? It will be a bit of fun. 

    This tells you about it, the Results & previous winners –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Alpine Skiing Sweep,3997.0.html  

    The sweeps are throughout the season. There are 26 slots for each sweep and you are welcome to join us at The Square for the live races.
    The topic will tell you the details.

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 11 –  Christmas Time open for Submissions.

    Completed stories should be sent to Brandybee by Forum PM.

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 – Christmas Time.,3993.0.html


    Here's  the rules to enter

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    3. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    4. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    5. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    6. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    7. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… LMAO…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    You will no doubt spot some of the forfeits as you trawl the Achat game. 

    8. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    9.  There are also fun Contests in The Square.  We have just celebrated our First Anniversary  of being open for our members.  Pop in say HI.  New members are always welcome

    We have fun contests throughout the year here as well. :     

    This is our Forum Village & see below for The Achat Town Square

    The Square

    10.  We are currently asking folk to enter in the Achat Forum Christmas Lottery.  Heres the link to tell you how to enter & take part

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Big Christmas Sweep Stake Lottery,3987.0.html

    11 We have just opened a contest to find the ugliest Christmas jumper (Sweater ).  To find out more ..  here is the link

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Ugliest Christmas Sweater Contest 2015,4016.0.html

    Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like Skiing ?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Alpine racing season. 
    The stake collected is shared out between winners. 
    Would you be interested in joining us for the last race? It will be a bit of fun. 

    This tells you about it, the Results & previous winners –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Alpine Skiing Sweep,3997.0.html  

    The sweeps are throughout the season. There are 26 slots for each sweep and you are welcome to join us at The Square for the live races.
    The topic will tell you the details.

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 11 –  Christmas Time open for Submissions.

    Completed stories should be sent to Brandybee by Forum PM.

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 – Christmas Time.,3993.0.html


    Here's  the rules to enter

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    3. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    4. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    5. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    6. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    7. We are having fun wagers with profiles, profile taglines involving the American football season.  Choose a team and join in the fun. Be warned … buy the gimp masks… LMAO…
    If you are a guy …  buy the golf out fit , the green zigzag vest and yellow boots. LOL
    If you are a girl.. buy the susy shortcake pink checked dress outfit, green stockings and yellow  shoes LOL  – They may come in useful!
    The forfeits will make you cry with laughter.  If you are game for a laugh and can laugh at yourself and others …  please join us…

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015,3879.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > USA FOOTBALL ROAD TO THE SUPER BOWL GAME,4031.0.html

    and the Results & Forfeits –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Results & Forfeits. ARE YOU READY FOR SOME USA FOOTBALL 2015 Event.,3895.0.html

    You will no doubt spot some of the forfeits as you trawl the Achat game. 

    8. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

      ••  Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.


    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    1.  Do you like Skiing ?
    We have had some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the Alpine racing season. 
    The stake collected is shared out between winners. 
    Would you be interested in joining us for the last race? It will be a bit of fun. 

    This tells you about it, the Results & previous winners –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Alpine Skiing Sweep,3997.0.html  

    The sweeps are throughout the season. There are 26 slots for each sweep and you are welcome to join us at The Square for the live races.
    The topic will tell you the details.

    2. Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 11 –  Christmas Time open for Submissions.

    Completed stories should be sent to Brandybee by Forum PM.

    Here's the links for you to check out –

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 11 – Christmas Time.,3993.0.html


    Here's  the rules to enter

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    3. We are also asking for ideas  for the game in  ” Collecting Ideas A  to  I”,29.0.html

    Sometimes we want things improved and we have a fun way of campaigning and letting the Achat Gods know 

    4. Pantiless Friday Protest – More Poses for LBGT
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest,1018.msg60248.html#msg60248

    5. A Fairer release of poses for out LBGT (Lesbian, Bisexual,Gay Transgender) Friends.
    Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.,2754.0.html 

    Appeal for more poses for our LBGT friends…
    6. Forum Home Page > Discussions about AChat > Polls > Appeal: More poses for Shemales, gays and lesbians,3848.45/topicseen.html

    7. We are having a fun sweep with the DayTona 500 Race.  If you are interested , its  50A$ to enter. Please gift our Forum Bank account  – Pythia.  All the stake collected is used as prizes and we usually boost them too. Please join us…  It could be you announced as a winner

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > DAYTONA 500 2016 ACHAT RACE EVENT,4057.0.html

    8. If you have time, pop into our unofficial chat room for group chat. Meet and make new friends. Its all fun and easy going.

    Here's a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us    Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

    The Square

       ••  Come join in all the fun  ••

    Good Luck to all competing, please vote, get involved & Enjoy your time here.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 37 total)
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