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Home Forums Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books… Forum Game. What’s your excuse?

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    i can't somehow i got a bit tight up


    Next one comes to aid me before going to help Roxy


    Help you say? Nope cant do that

    Next will shut the door to mufflle the screams.
    Um what was the safety word again? nvm safety words are for whimps
    Ready martin?


    I'm sorry I have no idea what's happening, HGO just handed me this whip

    Next one has to explain the bruising to my wife


    Well it all started when this kid wanted an icecream so Khaten being the kind soul he was , went and bought  one from the van vendor , but the kid didnt like it so gave it to his friend and began throwing a tantrum on the tarmacked floor. He bought the wrong flavour  dohhhh… 

    Khaten tried to console and pick him up. His  friend with the icecream thought he was attacking his friend so came up behind him and pulled his joggers down and started to shout  “Rape  Rape.”  while calmly eating the icecream the nice man had bought.

    The whole street came out and Khaten was  trying to explain why he as standing in the street holding a kid with his boxers on and joggers round his ankles…

    Needless to say , he was taken away to be admonished.  None of it was his fault at all.

    Then he found out that the kids weren't kids afterall  but  the mischievious dwarfs.  They just wanted to try a new dungeon out.

    And that's how he got the bruises.

    I swear to you it had nothing to do with the attractive Austrailian with your wifey worst nightmare good looks and loaded in the right places in leather and stockings who told him to check out the voluptuous girls waiting for him.  That was a side issue and not important right now.

    Khaten needs first aid.

    Next should buy me a nice cup of tea for such a long and meaningful speech,  I put a lot of emotion into it.


    Sure, i always have a nice cup of tea for you I open the closet and OH??? no tea anymore. What has happened? Ah… i wanted to send it to america, whwn you were doing your trip. But the tea-tanic sank and with it all the tea 

    Next one will dive to the wreck and recover all the tea on this ship.


    Would like to help but cant
    Seth got bored

    next will clean out the cellar, must be more tea in there


    Sorry cant  do it  why don't you .

    I  have my hands busy on my love exploring all his amazing  body  rawrrr mmm

    Maybe next one can record us so we have lasting  memories  of our love .


    I wouldn't be able to hold the camera… 

    Next one bring a tripod for the camera


    not right now

    I want to dance with my guy
    next one control the stereo please


    Can't, Nicolas Cage stole my face and is putting the moves on my girl

    next has to dispose of the body.


    i can't i still need to dispose this horsehead they left

    Next one gives me a hand and helps both TG and me to dispose of them both


    I cant. My brother-in-law's friend's father's grandmother's sister's aunt's cat died,
    and yes, it was a tragic death. I simply can not go into the details!

    Next one tries to comfort the bereaved


    If only I could understand your sorrow I would, but…

    Next one get me a marmit I could put on my head, I need a haircut.


    A marmot 

    I would but he couldn't hold still, ran off  and then I got distracted and lost sight of him …

    I need more  lassoos,  Can anyone lend them to me?  I can't let such fine specimens get away….


    nope cant, gotta teach  my baby not to be jelly of Cage

    next one gets BB her ropes

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