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Tagged: Forum Game. What's your excuse?
Nope I'm an aussie we go with .. a piece of the dog that bit ya
next will help peeka with his sobriety problem
have no time the game will start soon so let leave him as he is he will get out it .
Next one will get off the sofa and bring us some cold beers before the game starts
Sorry I didn't get out of my problem and drank them all
Next one refills the fridge
ummm no, I don't feel like it
next one will do something soooo exciting it get's me out of this mood
I would have, if I had drunk more…
Next one will NOT do something stupid or exciting to get a smile on HGO's face. (let's try it this way )
Sorry I have no time. I am out to save the world .. with my pack of wolfs
Maybe the next one can dress up like a jester and help her out…
I can't.. you see I met a new guy… and I'm trying to keep this relationship platonic… for obvious reasons… I'm not good at that so I need time to work on it
the next person gets a full product list from the costume store …. and maybe some samples
No I dont need one I like my own skin….
next one go out get some real air sunshine …
air is much to polluted outside, perfer staying in.
Next one writes a little poem
i would but my writing skills don't exist in it and i end up doodling all over the page
the next decides to write a book
not much of a writer so no ….. but I like to read books
next one one needs to go on vacation
nah vacations always make people more tired and would miss my babies at work so i stay home
next flies to the USA to come visit the babies
cant I am already in the USA
next one can go buy me RockyRoad Ice cream at 1 am in the morning …
nope i sleep during then and if i did it be melted by the time you got it
next one wants to go work and make some money
I would, but I'm too busy sleeping.
Next person will go to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming out.
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