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Who need clothes

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The forums Share your creative ideas Who need clothes

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  • #71011

      hmmm you talk of witch conclusion tight ? I didnt made any conclusion .

      Or this word have not the same significtion in english and in french maybe ?

      Oh i think you talk of the conclusion saying : WOMEN HAVE ENOUGH CLOTHES

      If yes , try this :

      1 create a woman avatar
      2 buy all the tops line ( this mean tops , dresses , full sets , your clothes , jeanona's clothes etc … )

      after this , look well and still say that they dont have enough .

      I agree on one point , and its something i ask since many months now , its that the dressing system ( particulary the tops ) need to be reworked and to separate tops / dresses / bras / gloves / wings

      All this is in the same line

      but i maintain that we have enough clothes and that we dont need new clothes each weeks .



        I usually agree slavishly with my Parisian girlfriend, but I feel you are right here, there aren't enough outfits for roleplay….

        I am still waiting for a white button-thro blouse as worn by College girls and secretaries everywhere and a bigger choice of skirts to go with it would be nice too.
        Maybe it's just our imagination that needs improving so we can imagine rp for all of the existing outfits instead of wanting outfits to match a particular rp we have in mind……. ;-)


          the right dress for RP…….Blue, i can understand it but this will mean you need double of the clothes we have now!

          Let's imagine this: it's after dinner and you log in. you (blue) meet Tight and start an  RP about a garage where you are the mechanic and him the customer. you need an outfit, dirty for oil. the game end and you meet Bear….RP about a marriage cerimony: the bride dress on and you two can start!

          too much variable in RP to ask a dress for every one…..from my point of you, girls and shemale just need a long dress (a gown, maybe) and less more. the one who really need clothes are the guys here, not the girls!

          It's my opinion, of course, and you all can disagree, if you want…….but i don't think lot of you will do it!


            yes totally agree . cause if many women wear the sames outfits like said tight , what say of the mens who are more numerous than women and have less clothes than them .

            What work in the woman side work in the men side too .

            Maybe if there was more men clothes , it will have less “clones” in the game


              The reason why I spend so much time designing clothes for men.. so there is more choice and we can make ourselves unique..

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            The forums Share your creative ideas Who need clothes