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Solved. Why is support ignoring my purchase activation request? Achat Fix.

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Solved. Why is support ignoring my purchase activation request? Achat Fix.

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    I bought a subscription through CCBill but the transaction was not successful, then I contacted CCBill support and they approved the transaction.
    Also, they provided me with a “Subscription / Order ID” and told me that I needed to contact AChat support to activate my purchase.

    I sent several emails to “”, and also contacted him twice through the support form on this site, explaining the situation to them and providing all the information.

    Today is the third day, but I still have not received an answer from them, why did they ignore me?

    What else can I do to contact them?
    Can I contact them by phone?


    Hi and welcome here ,

    This game is free and you do not have to pay a subscription. Only if you want to buy clothes, locations or something else … then you can buy A $ 2500,5000,10,000 through PayPal or CCbill … recommended not to pay by phone .

    All the best !


    Hi Hebe_x2

    Welcome to Forum.

    Corina is right, this game has been free of subscriptions for over a year now, since April 2020. 
    Members now only need to purchase A$ for spending in the shop.

    Your “subscription”  cash has likely been used to top up your account with A$.

    To check just follow these instructions…

    1. Log in to Achat Web Shop   (Same log in details as you use in the game)   Your Account Balance should be shown in green on the left hand side above the shop pictures.

    To check transactions

    2. Click on “Show Profile” under Gallery on the Menu Bar above

    3.  On the right hand side, click on “Recent Purchases” listed under the heading of “Account Management

    4. You should be able to see all the transactions on your account, in descending date order with the most recent purchases at the top.

    A$ going out of your account for buying clothes, buying poses, giving gifts etc.. is shown in blue
    A$ going into your account from gifts or from cash purchases of A$ is shown in green.

    A$ bought from cash is shown in green and is usually described as “Account funding by A$ purchase

    Hopefully your recent cash purchase of A$ is shown in your account.

    Please let us know how you get on.   Good Luck.


    Thank you Corina_33 and Vaughan for responses,

    I guess I didn't explain the situation very well, let me clarify some points:

    1. Yes, I know AChat is free and we don't need a subscription, but I paid to buy A$.
    2. I have checked my A$ balance and recent transactions, but nothing has changed.
    3. There was also no response from the support team.

    Something went wrong with the payment and the transaction was declined, after which I contacted CCBIll support and they approved the transaction. They also provided me with an “Order ID” and told me that I needed to activate my purchase by contacting AChat support and giving them an “order ID”, which I did.

    And so far there has been no response from them, although they only had to make sure that my payment was correct (find the payment document by “Order ID” and check the status) and transfer A$ to my account.


    I recommend paypal for next time! Much faster !
    Its your choice .

    I hope your problem will be solved soon !

    All the best !!


    Hi hebe_x2,

    Sorry to hear you are still having issues.

    Achat do take their time answering at times and are in the process of
    *** Adding new system features. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause. ***

    They have the above message on their web pages.

    I am also aware that some email providers deny Achat's support answer emails and they suggest trying another if no answer.
    If you have another email provider to use, try a further message using that second email.

    I know mine works, so I have also messaged them and drawn their attention to this topic.

    Good Luck & I hope you hear from them soon.
    If I receive an answer, I will update the topic here.


    Sorry for the delay, as much as I know the problem was solved.


    Thanks Tom.


    Sorry for the delay, as much as I know the problem was solved.

    Thank you Tom!!

    There are about 30 messages from me to support also waiting on response.  Could you check on them as well?
    Thanks so much!!


    Sorry for the delay, as much as I know the problem was solved.

    Thank you Tom!!

    There are about 30 messages from me to support also waiting on response.  Could you check on them as well?
    Thanks so much!!

    29 is about me Tom !  Keep calm ! 


    Sorry for the delay, as much as I know the problem was solved.

    Thank you Tom. The problem is finally resolved.

    And thanks to everyone who tried to help me, especially Corina_33 and Vaughan, I really appreciate your help.


    Yw Hebe ! Enjoy the game !



    Glad it all got sorted in the end.

    Happy Shopping.

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