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why remove the character type ?

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Home Forums Upgrades and newly added features why remove the character type ?

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    This is by the way my personal thoughts on this modification of the character profile.
    I just noticed but the character type (sex maniac, romantic …) disapeared and was replaced by the “Gifting”  option. Gifts were already asked in description areas, so I don't think this was needed. On the contrary, the type could give some people more information on the personality or possible affinities.

    I personally don't think it's for the best or at least put both options.

    Thanks for all the work.



    Hi ya  bozorg,

    Welcome to forum.  Thank you for posting and bringing the update to our notice so quickly.

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    I have checked the update and you are right we have lost our “Character” –  Passionate, Romantic, Sex Maniac, talkative in the profile

    and it has been replaced with  ” I Expect / Send Gifts”  and  “I dont expect / send gifts. 

    This is also an addition in the search facility.

    I suspect therefore that the update is to try and find a solution to the many complaints about whores in the game.  The idea to address it , is members can search and edit out people asking for gifts or failing to fill it in on their profile.

    It may or may not work.   Only time will tell.

    I thank Achat for at least trying to address the issue following the large number of complaints we receive about it.


    The old character checkbox was not really meaningful. It's not really a loss IMO.
    Those who expect gifts, don't have to write it in their banner now. And those, who don't want to pay for sex now can see who is a whore.

    I'm with Brandy – I think we all know the reason they have changed it and only time will tell if it works.


    yes I saw that, but the problem is that many beggars players will check nothing so…  :


    I dont think it will help any is just wasted space on the profile

    it be nice they can  work on all the profile  then wast more space 

    and I like the old character checkbox..

    then the gift one 

    my opine who cares about the gift and who is whoring ..

    I just ignore all that  easy  no drama  for me …

    I want more space on my PROFILE!


    The gifting check could be nice for the guys. I haven't seen any manwhores so meh. That said, the personality types was nice to a point. Though most guys I have seen check them all anyways lol. Maybe a good old fashioned text block profile would be best. Hard to say you are romantic if you cant put some freestyle mojo on your profile.


    Let's face it….how many of you check jusyt using character type!? not so much, I think……Indeed, it will be more usefull to have both the optin, that's for sure!


    I think it's a good addition, though like the gifting system itself is open to abuse by unscrupulous members.  It's helpful if everyone is honest about whether they  expect gifts or not, but obviously some won't offer the information until they hit on you for “a little gift”.
    As for losing the character type boxes, I never used them to decide whether to chat with anyone, so don't see the removal as a loss.


    The gifting check could be nice for the guys. I haven't seen any manwhores so meh. That said, the personality types was nice to a point. Though most guys I have seen check them all anyways lol. Maybe a good old fashioned text block profile would be best. Hard to say you are romantic if you cant put some freestyle mojo on your profile.

    I agree with you Kate…I think more space to show and prove would be an awesome way to see exactly who is what, or who are just full of shit. On my own I checked talkative, and I noticed it brought me guys who definitely could match my talkative nature   So yea I would rather have that back or in an addition to the gifting thing. I think it is pointless but hey I am not one of those advertising for them so eh c'est la vie!


    In my opinion it makes only sense if the User has to choose one of the three opportunities. Otherwise it doesnt matter…


    In my opinion it makes only sense if the User has to choose one of the three opportunities. Otherwise it doesnt matter…

    Yes Wetbone is what I have argued previously, nobody will check one option so it's useless 
    Go go go beggars of sex, you can continue 

    It's true that if we had more space to write a short presentation that's would be good.
    When they changed the “country” for the “short info” I didn't like either because newcomers don't put the country, so the spoken language.



    They handed the indication “Country” I had not even seen!  :
    A good thing 


    I would like to have the option to not check on any really.

    I would leave all blank .

    none if  it that matters to me

    as  Nat says    more space

    I would much rather read a personnel  presentation  by the  member

    then check box's..


    Personally I think it gives the message that achat condones the pay to play types.  Which may make them money in the short term, but in the long term I have seen many friends completely leaving the game because of it.  Pay me now or pay me later, but you're still going to pay me.  I guess achat needs to decide which financial model will benefit them most in the long term.  I don't see the game keeping many if it becomes dominated by pay to play, so much easier for a guy to dial a 900 number or view a webcam show.  The beauty of achat is that it's TWO people looking for a good time, and not one wanting to masturbate while the other fakes their way through it for money. 

    I did use the personality box   I like other talkative people. 


    Personally I think it gives the message that achat condones the pay to play types.  Which may make them money in the short term, but in the long term I have seen many friends completely leaving the game because of it.  Pay me now or pay me later, but you're still going to pay me.  I guess achat needs to decide which financial model will benefit them most in the long term.  I don't see the game keeping many if it becomes dominated by pay to play, so much easier for a guy to dial a 900 number or view a webcam show.  The beauty of achat is that it's TWO people looking for a good time, and not one wanting to masturbate while the other fakes their way through it for money. 

    I did use the personality box   I like other talkative people. 

    Hear Hear Misdevious, pay for play  might be somes cuppa tea but not mine  would make playing here like work  lol
    not to worry  i never heard of anyman charging top room.  oh wait i do recall one, lol if you can call him a man.

    i do think the gifting selector  has value i allows me to filter out those that demand it and let you know by clicking the appropriate button.

    i like to see  more space and a associated note  area on other peoples profile, or maybe  just for friends lovers and spouses where notes can be  kept.

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