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Why women refuse to reply.

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Home Forums Woman with man in AChat Why women refuse to reply.

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  • #79344

    Is it just me or is it just that people in this community are too stuck-up? I got curious about 6 hours ago and signed up, got premium and all that and tried chatting people up. Out of 10 people I messaged, only 2 bothered to respond. Even though I'm a legitimate newbie and have no idea what the heck is going on, most of the people who even responded to me laughed at me and sneered, “Nice try,” before ignoring me.


    Hi Lucian. Don't know what your problem is, and rather than expose you to ridicule why don't you pm me with your opening line and I'll maybe give you a few pointers?
    I know that I get people trying to chat me up in the game all the time and while I do try and talk to everyone, sometimes it just isn't possible.
    I don't understand why people find it necessary to be rude tho….. so like I said, show me what you're saying & I promise not to sneer.


    Lol, I had to check to see it wasn't me as I have been known to say “Nice try!”. It wasn't

    Actually, I have always used it as a compliment. To me, it would mean “I liked what you said and that you went to the trouble of saying it and perhaps, if I wasn't so busy, I might be tempted. Nice try!” but that is a lot to type when I am busy so you only get the two words.

    Lol, Lucian, don't be too concerned. They don't respond to me, often, and I have been playing the game for a year and a half now and thought I was well known and liked. Lol, perhaps not However, having played it this long I can understand all the reasons for someone not responding and just take it as normal.

    Of course, so much depends on what you actually say. Cheer up. Just think, if you went up to every woman in the street and started to chat them up, how many would answer you (at least pleasantly) let alone continue.

    It's good that you got premium. Not so big a concern to me but to many it is.


    I've been trying for the past couple hours with breaks in between without any success, and I'm thinking of quitting already. There ought to be some system that penalizes people for ignoring messages (-A$10) unless they're legitimately busy. Trying to keep an open mind about AChat here, but it's difficult to remain interested at this point.


    I've been trying for the past couple hours with breaks in between without any success, and I'm thinking of quitting already. There ought to be some system that penalizes people for ignoring messages (-A$10) unless they're legitimately busy. Trying to keep an open mind about AChat here, but it's difficult to remain interested at this point.

    Well Lucian, i am agree with you that is not so good when people dont answer messages, but think that this would be penalized i think is out of order.

    As you, as me, as everyone, all people have the right and the freedom to talk with people they want, when they want. I use to answer everyone with a “hello, i am busy, sorry”, and thats all… but not everyone have to do what i do, because everyone is free, as i have freedom to dont talk never with people who never answer in chat.

    Welcome to forum!!!.


    *warps arms around Lucian*

    Ah, my new friend…looks like you discovered that the achat seas are not so kind to new swimmers.

    Alright, lemme give you some Pro Hukk Tips. These are guaranteed to get you doing the 'no pants dance' in no time.

    Step 1) Include babe in every pm you make. Including Babe is essential. It says to them “This guy is a douche…but he carries himself with such confidence that he must be good in the sack. I'll sleep with him.”

    Step 2) Opening line should have some sort of compliment aimed at her anatomy. Because, you need to stick out somehow right? Nice boobs, and nice ass works fine, but try if you can to write a poem before hand describing her buttocks before you message her.

    I.E ~ “Roses are red. Violets are blue. You have a nice ass. Sleep with me.”

    Step 3) Sing her a song about how awesome you are and why she should room with you. This should only be used if the above methods didn't work. Be warned this last option works so well, that you'll soon find yourself swamped by invites after word of your master seduction spreads across achat like wild fire.

    Your welcome.


    I suggest that Hukk performs a stand-up show occasionally in the AB&G, he really does make one laugh


    I suggest that Hukk performs a stand-up show occasionally in the AB&G, he really does make one laugh


    I vote for it too Jondas


    Well Lucian, i am agree with you that is not so good when people dont answer messages, but think that this would be penalized i think is out of order.

    Why not? It would be in AChat's interest in retaining new customers like myself. I for one am a proponent of social engineering through these means.

    I frankly don't mind it if people have the common courtesy of telling me that they're a) not interested or b) already busy speaking with someone else. But a lot of people in this community don't.


    *warps arms around Lucian*

    Ah, my new friend…looks like you discovered that the achat seas are not so kind to new swimmers.

    Alright, lemme give you some Pro Hukk Tips. These are guaranteed to get you doing the 'no pants dance' in no time.

    Step 1) Include babe in every pm you make. Including Babe is essential. It says to them “This guy is a douche…but he carries himself with such confidence that he must be good in the sack. I'll sleep with him.”

    Interesting. I'll try that once I've cooled off and stopped having the desire to shoot half of AChat's women in the face with my Remington.

    Step 2) Opening line should have some sort of compliment aimed at her anatomy. Because, you need to stick out somehow right? Nice boobs, and nice ass works fine, but try if you can to write a poem before hand describing her buttocks before you message her.

    I.E ~ “Roses are red. Violets are blue. You have a nice ass. Sleep with me.”

    As a veteran of Second Life, the options in AChat are appallingly limited. It also appears that lots of women don't put in a smidgin of effort into making their avatars look like they weren't run over by an 18-wheeler truck and put back together by a child with cerebral palsy using super-glue. It's a bit difficult to compliment on anything in their anatomy that stands out when limited effort has been put in by the women.


    Welcome lucian,
    with every word you're complaining and latently aggressive. Perhaps the girls smell and feel this attitude?
    The body and clothing options are not perfect, so its hard to individualize your avi. Some put more effort in it, some less. Those you dont
    like you dont have to talk to.
    Sometimes it might be hard to get least an asnwer. I agree, in your point of view it should be normal to say “sorry busy” or “hi, maybe next time”. For me its too. But i also got the “pleasure” to read some chatlogs of girls and also used an female forum-avi to help another member. I can tell you, ive been bombed with messages and cold invites and many gilrs get even more of them as i did. Its not possible to answer each message when you get 15, 20, 30 messages in less than a minute.

    Think about your first words, make yourself interesting, be nice and patient. Think about your attitude – dont get angry if you dont get an answer immediately. I also am sure, if you stay here in forum, you may find many nice girls to talk to.


    what i have see a lot of lately with some guy is to send a message and when i go to answer them they have logout..
    so Lucian after you have shot half the women on here can i have a lend of your Remington so i can shoot half the Achat Guys 


    what i have see a lot of lately with some guy is to send a message and when i go to answer them they have logout..
    so Lucian after you have shot half the women on here can i have a lend of your Remington so i can shoot half the Achat Guys 

    My love…  😮 make love, and not the war  :

    Kisses my sweet Lydia


    You guys crack me up…………

    HUKK, with those lines you'd would be on my ignore list so fast you wouldn't have finished typing! I sooooooooo hope you were being ironic!

    What's that film with Pamela Anderson in? “Don't call me BABE!”
    Why don't you be old-fashioned and try
    “What's a sweet girl like you doing on a site like this? You must have men lining up to date you!”
    Would work for me! Corn is good, ok!


    what i have see a lot of lately with some guy is to send a message and when i go to answer them they have logout..
    so Lucian after you have shot half the women on here can i have a lend of your Remington so i can shoot half the Achat Guys 

    I'll gladly lend it to you.

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