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- This topic has 156 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 2 months ago by susy_a.
November 7, 2011 at 8:31 am #53018
hmm…perhaps seducing Suzi to start with would set things in motion for you all.
definitely time to voice your wants for some of the MF poses to be converted…
we need someone realy good to seduce her…….any volunteer!?
Many poses can be converted . For exemple , the gentle foreplay , i dont see the difficulty to adapt it for all types , the lift your leg pose too can easyly be adapted with no big changes . Some others too can be upgraded , like the crab pose , i dont know for others types but i think anal action is possible with this pose , or rubbing breasts too . But ff cant do these nice and exiting actions for exemple .
that's the easy way to have more poses, a simple convertion! but, to be honest, i like some specific poses who can try only if your partner is a shemale…..mmmhh, seriously, i had to think about somethingh interessing!
November 7, 2011 at 4:50 pm #53019Bear, have you taken a shot at Suzy yet? I feel shes under strict instructions from the dev-tram, feeling no chance of that happening.. It's as easy for her to create a free account as for anyone else, if she desires to get to know one of us a little closer. Who knows, maybe all of the dev-team have an avatar and play regularly. Maybe that's why a certain has not been removed Just kidding ofcourse..
I have tried to get across that with opening up to the customers, a deeper bond between the dev-team and us could be created. The number of people coming and going each day is enormeous. With promoting themselves to current users, they could bind more people to the game (if we can/may still call it that) and generate more income. Just by giving as a peek in the kitchen. just mho…
November 7, 2011 at 6:04 pm #53020Direct contat between us and dev-team is somethingh really miss on this forum (Susy is trying to do her best, but at the end she is only a joint….she can't give us fast answer whitout asking to dev-team!). this is why i hardly ask for a full working wip section whit regular update and a direct suggestion line whit them.
November 7, 2011 at 9:24 pm #53021I believe they use to play, whether that still happens I have no clue. As to Suzi… lmao…,
You two make a valid point, there still seems to be a lack of connection, though the waves of recent releases suggest some attention is being paid to matters raised here. That retention level is severely lacking,… and they should nurture those relationships with those who have been around… folks like Janine who still come back with high hopes of changes, or Adera who still has high hopes that the developers will produce something that appeals to her wishes.
November 8, 2011 at 9:33 am #53022I have to admit…..recently, we had some good release (tie suit, cowboy hat….), but how long peoples are asking for them!? i know A-team have theyr scheduled work in progress, so i can understand they can't work on our request so suddenly, but please…..listen to us!
Lot of idea are coming out from this forum, somethingh good, something not to easy to do and more have to come, i think. so, please, make us know somethingh about what you think about open a section like this in the forum! Susy, i beg you on my knees…..let this come thrue!
November 8, 2011 at 6:44 pm #53023I am certain that some things implemented in AChat were born here on forum. So they are listening but we never know which idea they have taken to work out into a release.
I must admit that with the poles for clothes and poses, there seems to be more interaction between the forum members and the development. I can only cheer on such an initiative and hope it will add value over a longer time. I wonder if there were differences in sales when Adera's proposal was released.
To mention something different, and I am certain that in some thead there are posts or discussions about it, but it would be nice if there were in between animations. The avatars actually movig towards or into the new chosen pose, instead of the abrupt loading and starting of it. Since all poses are in the same position, whatever room you have chosen, it should be possible to make those animations. Though it will probably cost more loading time and server space. I feel that it would make the program even better as it already is…
November 8, 2011 at 7:37 pm #53024yes , could be better , i love this idea
November 8, 2011 at 7:51 pm #53025Tight I would be happy if the poses were more static when switched…rather than be just thumping away …
I would like a chance to build on the anticipation…
November 8, 2011 at 9:11 pm #53026Tight I would be happy if the poses were more static when switched…rather than be just thumping away …
I would like a chance to build on the anticipation…
static!? maybe u mean dinamic……anyway, Tight u come out whit some amazing idea today!
at this point, the idea of creating a little apartment (not only a room!) come up in my mind again……a place where u can easy move and choose the location for sex whit partner.November 8, 2011 at 9:18 pm #53027when I say static I am meaning the av's are not moving… I would rather the to me motionless, then have the option to choose the speed…maybe a very slow penetration where applicable.
November 8, 2011 at 9:22 pm #53028oook, i mistake what u wanna mean……btw, some poses need a seriously update or, better, a rework! some option and some animation are really badly!
November 11, 2011 at 9:07 am #53029mmmmmhhh……thinking again! (i know, i think to much! :
In some social “games” like Second Life customer can learn real money buy selling their own creation…, i don't wanna tell here in achat we gonna have something like this (hell, no!) but thinking about my club idea (my third post here:,871.495.html) and all we say about gift, ecc….plus my joke about open a red light district here, why A-team don't try to work on something that give the opportunity to learn some extra A$!?
Maybe this is the worst idea i ever had here, but who know…..
ooops…i forget! new update today! hope they gonna release somethingh for all this time!
November 11, 2011 at 1:22 pm #53030It's yet another MF pose.
November 11, 2011 at 1:39 pm #53031i see….man, this time the pose window for MF poses will be really crowed!
edit: new inteface for poses! somethingh like in this tread,1198.msg20911.html#new
November 11, 2011 at 6:37 pm #53032Oups i forgot hihi , now that the window of poses for hétéros is full , what will they do ? add a line for new poses like th last time ?
you see this words , its exactly what they do , another pose for hétéros again , mean a new line , mean they dont consider we the lesbians / homo / shemales are important . This proof its no use giving what we think , they do only what they want