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  • #204231


    by Cardinal Deardon

    Don’t be fooled by me.
    Don’t be fooled by the face I wear.
    For I wear a mask; I wear a thousand masks,
    And none of them are me.
    Pretending is an art that is second nature with me, but
    Don’t be fooled, please don’t be fooled.
    I give the impression that I’m secure,
    That confidence is my name and coolness my game, that
    The water’s calm and I’m in command, and that I need
    No one.
    But don’t believe me. Please don’t.
    My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask,
    My ever-varying and ever-concealing mask.
    Beneath lies no smugness, no complacence.
    Beneath dwells the real me, in confusion, in fear, in
    I panic at the thought of my weakness and I fear being
    That’s why I frantically create a mask to hide behind,
    A nonchalant, sophisticated façade, to help me pretend,
    To shield me from the glance that knows.
    But such a glance is precisely my salvation, my only salvation.
    And I know it.
    That is, if that glance is followed by acceptance, if
    It’s followed by love.
    It’s the only thing that can liberate me from myself.
    From my own self-built prison walls, from the
    Barriers that I so painstakenly erect.
    It’s the only thing that will assure me of what I can’t
    Assure myself, that I’m really worth something.
    But I don’t tell you this.
    I don’t dare. I’m afraid to


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