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Wolfie’s Signatures & Banners.

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Home Forums Artist’s Alley Wolfie’s Signatures & Banners.

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    If you would like a banner or a siggy making for use on the forums drop me a pm with the following information.

    1. Name you want on the banner.
    2. Text colour if any
    3. Fave colours
    4. If you have any likes or dislikes for your banner/siggy
    5. Add a link if you have a picture you would like made in to a siggy. 
    6. Size of siggy / banner will be 700 pixels wide and 90 high unles other wise stated

    I will be adding a few I made up as samples so you can all see what I can do, some time in the near future!! (They are about three posts down )


    Nice idea, thanks


    Agree, nice idea


    It is, very sweet of you.  Thank you for offering it to other members.


    Here's my first one for the boards …. It is only an example but Stray is welcome to it if you wish to use it :-

    I can add the extra text to it if you would like, Stray ?


    I really like your designs. Its always lovely to see new talent.

    The only thing I would like to say, and its only my opinion, as a regular on Forum ..  I prefer and really like the thin signatures like Stray has now and a number of our other members.

    If signatures are too big,  I  do find it off putting as I am reading and checking out members views & ideas.  It sort of distracts from something which may well be an important point a member is trying to make.

    Is it possible to keep your designs  to a thin oblong like Stray's or  am I  in the minority here? 


    I can make them shorter Brandy that's not an issue 


    Perhaps we should agree about a max size – it's not comfortabel to read a forum page when there are 15 posts, each with a big banner/siggy.


    That can be an idea, Lover! and let me say we can use as reference Stray or Adera banners: i think they fit perfectly here in the forum!

    @Stray: wich dimension is your banner!?




    I think a max height of 80 can be good. about width, 750, so we gonna have 750×80, who is barely big enough for a nice banner but not too much to create too much confusion in the forum pages!


    750 wide by 100 high would be good enough to show a good level of detail and make room for text.

    The second one I made was just to show that they can be made to any height and only took a few minutes … I usually spend at least five or six hours on a requested banner


    I'm rather drawn to that Angel with the tilted and slightly tarnished halo in her hand …   I cant imagine why 

    Would it be possible to give her browny / red hair and the writing in a deep blood red …  bit like my cowgirl pic ?

    Love your designs.

    As this is now a gallery in our Forum village, would you like to choose a suitable title to show off your wares  and I  or one of the other moderators will gladly change your  Topic Title Header…

    Perhaps  something like …  Wolfie's  Signatures &  Banners  …   


    Wolfie's Signatures and Banners 

    That would be great.

    Thank you Brandy


    *sighs* This reminds me so much of Tight. He was the one who designed mine. Sure is nice that you are willing to make the banners for people Richard. Some people are so talented and others we can't do a thing with it lol.

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