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xkristianx. Who I am.

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Home Forums Introduce yourself xkristianx. Who I am.

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    but then'm more of the type of woman


    nicht falsch verstehen



    Wie ich dir begegnen möchte

    Ich möchte dich lieben, ohne dich einzuengen,
    dich wertschätzen, ohne dich zu bewerten,
    dich erstnehmen, ohne dich auf etwas festzulegen,
    zu dir kommen, ohne mich dir aufzudrängen,
    dich einladen, ohne Forderungen an dich zu stellen,
    dir etwas schenken, ohne Erwartungen daran zu knüpfen,
    mich von dir verabschieden, ohne Wesentliches versäumt zu haben,
    dir meine Gefühle mitteilen, ohne dich dafür verantwortlich zu machen,
    dich informieren, ohne dich zu belehren,
    dir helfen, ohne dich zu beleidigen,
    mich um dich kümmern, ohne dich verändern zu wollen,
    mich an dir freuen – so wie du bist!

    and once translated

    How do I want to meet you

    I want to love you without constricting you,
    appreciate you without judging you,
    seriously take you, without committing yourself to something
    come to you, without imposing myself to you,
    invite you to make yourself at no claims,
    give you something to make with no expectations in mind
    say goodbye to you, to have failed without essence,
    you share my feelings without making you responsible
    inform you without you teach,
    help you without insulting you,
    take care of you, without trying to change you,
    I look forward to you – just as you are!


    Wie ich dir begegnen möchte

    Ich möchte dich lieben, ohne dich einzuengen,
    dich wertschätzen, ohne dich zu bewerten,
    dich erstnehmen, ohne dich auf etwas festzulegen,
    zu dir kommen, ohne mich dir aufzudrängen,
    dich einladen, ohne Forderungen an dich zu stellen,
    dir etwas schenken, ohne Erwartungen daran zu knüpfen,
    mich von dir verabschieden, ohne Wesentliches versäumt zu haben,
    dir meine Gefühle mitteilen, ohne dich dafür verantwortlich zu machen,
    dich informieren, ohne dich zu belehren,
    dir helfen, ohne dich zu beleidigen,
    mich um dich kümmern, ohne dich verändern zu wollen,
    mich an dir freuen – so wie du bist!

    *seufz*  :'(


    all is not gold that glitters


    BDSM is for me the passion of those who
    can not believe in the living power of love.
    Then remain only pain and humiliation,
    to not feel dead must.


    I followed you in your world, now it is also the My,
    and gently smiling, I think to myself, that you out there never know
    as dazzling beautiful it is for us ……



    I'm not worried about people from my past,
    because there is always a reason
    why they did not make it in my future !!


    I'm tired in the morning,
    noon stressed and tired in the evening again.

    But in between I'm a sweet bitch; always right, but never fault!

    I'm not complicated,
    but a challenge!

    I blaspheme not,
    I ask only fixed!

    I have a problem of motivation,
    until I have a time problem.

    I'm not curious,
    only happy when I know everything.

    I'm crazy,
    but sympathetic!

    I'm not arrogant,
    just do not talk with anyone


    Squeeze me tight to you, give me your shoulder.
    You do Nothing to say, do not let me go!
    I want to just forget everything that happened and hide with you, I am afraid to loose me

    Let time stand still short and pursue the same path on!

    Squeeze me tight to you, be easily Da.
    When life hurts, you're strong for me!
    It will go even further, even if it seems pointless.
    It has so often helped if you cry together.

    I want you no pity and yet not a word of truth,
    only a feeling of home to any foreign place,
    hide everything everything that surrounds us.
    When the force is released to aufzusteh'n again!

    Let the time just resting briefly and walk the path together ever

    Push myself to you, is quite simply there!
    When life hurts, you're strong for me?
    It will go even further, even if it seems pointless!
    This has helped so many times when you cry together!

    Let the time only for a short rest and walk the path together on.

    Push myself to you, is simply because
    When life hurts, you're strong for me
    It'll go on even if it seems pointless!
    This has helped so many times when you cry together!

    Push myself to you, is simply because
    When life hurts, you're HARD for me!


    As I began to love myself I understood that I am always and at every opportunity at the right time at the right place and that everything that happens is correct.
    From then on I could be calm.
    Today I know: It's called trust.

    As I began to love myself I could recognize that emotional pain and suffering are just warnings for me to live against my own truth.
    Today I know: It's called being authentic.

    As I began to love myself, I have ceased to yearn for a different life, and could see that it was all an invitation to grow around me.
    Today I know: It's called maturity.

    As I began to love myself I stopped to rob me of my free time, and I've stopped designing huge projects for the future.
    Today, I only do what makes me fun and joy, what I love and what my heart laugh at my own way and at my pace.
    Today I know: It's called honesty.

    As I began to love myself I freed myself from anything that was not healthy for me, food, people, things, situations, and what hinunterzog again and again by all me away from myself. I called first the healthy egoism,
    but now I know: This is self-love.

    As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, so I have less wrong.
    Today I realized: It's called humility.

    As I began to love myself I refused to continue living in the past and am worrying about my future.
    Now I live only in this moment where everything takes place.
    So today I live every day and call it consciousness.

    As I began to love myself because I realized that I can make my thinking poor and sick. However, when I requested my powers of the heart, the mind got an important partner.
    This compound is what I call today wisdom of the heart.

    We do not need further before disputes, conflicts and problems with ourselves and others to fear, because even pop stars sometimes another, while generating new worlds.
    Today I know: This is the life! “



    I will bear the marks of punishment with the same pride in my body,
      like your praise in my heart






    Why did you fear to lose you?
    The more you surrender defenseless and open them,
    the more you will shine,
    and you always
    fall than your own Sterntaler in the womb.

    Be gentle
    Hit me hard, no mercy
    and I give You my pain.
    Humble me, let me
    get on your knees in front of you
    and I will submit to you.
    Tie Me Up, make me helpless
    subject to your will
    and I will give myself to you.
    But my heart you do not get that.
    For this is delicate, so delicate unbearable,
    I melt down –
    in your standing ready form.

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