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YukiHiruko. Yuki sends her regards~!

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Home Forums Introduce yourself YukiHiruko. Yuki sends her regards~!

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  • #7569

    Hello there fellow naughty players! ;3

    I finally have built enough confidence to make a post on the forums instead of being an idle lurker lurking around in the shadows.
    I am quite new to this game (Obviously.. duh..) But I instantly fell in love with it from the first play. I am a veteran (lol sounds serious @_@) writer as far as text roleplays of all kind are concerned, also I find immense fun and pleasure in being as descriptive and detailed during playing as it is appropriate (or sometimes waaay more than so when I’m writing about something that seems exciting to me D;) Since then I have found out a lot (and I do mean.. A LOT!) about my own kinks and turns on and were able to had insane amounts of fun (and hornies..) while doing so!
    I absolutely love meeting new people and getting to know them (especially the naughty bits )

    ;3) I first and foremost adore having a pleasant chat with people before engaging in any kind of fun in the room.
    So um… I guess this is it for saying hello ; )
    Don’t hesitate to poke me if you wish.
    I wish all of you whoever reads this great fun and have nice day/evening/whatever 😉
    Baii *poofs*


    Hello and Welcome


    It is so nice  that you finely Posted  you will fined we  have a lot  fun here to

    keep posting and  giving ideas and  cheek out the games on here to …

    do enjoy all  achat has to  give  have    Fun   


    Hello yuki and welcome to the forum! I'm glad you win against your timid soul and join us, especially 'cause you are a writer!

    So, let's cut the welcome and let's go full rock! For a writes as you claim to be, this is the right section,13.0.html where you can post your works or, if you like fantasy' worlds, join the Erotic tale!

    Another challenge for you is the 10th story contest, here,3728.30.html! it's always nice to have new subscrivers! And be sure Brandy, our contest manager, will agree with me!

    Enjoy your stay!


    Timid.. hah.. hrm.. yeah I guess I was.. or am.. This place makes that timidness melt pretty fast though.. at an alarming rate.. I have no clue why to be honest.
    Many thanks for links and warm words of welcome though… shit..  Now that you got so happy about me being somewhat literate.. I feel pressure @_@ (runs away to her lurking den of shadows). (jks jks ;p)
    I'll have a look around.

    Very happy to know that you're such a friendly bunch of …filthy perverts.. ha-ha… ha *awkward laughter* 


    Hello and welcome to the Forum,

    enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger. Make yourself at home *hugs*.


    Hello and Welcome on the forum Yuki 


    Hello Yuki,
    big welcome to our forum, which now is your forum too We're all a little crazy here, but in a good way. And we love reading and sharing hot stories. I don't want to put any pressure on you, but you better start writing asap

    If you have any questions, just ask and if you want to add ideas, wishes and suggestions about the gameor forum, just do it.

    Have fun


    Hi ya  YukiHiruko, 

    A Big Welcome to our forum village. I hope you stay around and join in some of the fun and games.
    Please browse around and post any ideas or views you may have.

    In the meantime, check some of the things going on in forum at the minute …

    Do you like F1 racing?
    We have some fun sweep stakes in Forum for the racing season.
    It involves gifting our Forum bank account 50 Achat Dollars and the stake collected shared out between winners.  Would you be interested in joining and enhancing our community spirit? It will be a bit of fun.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html
    And the Results –
    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > Formula One 2015 Sweeps Rules, Procedures & Results,3691.0.html 

    Then we have the Erotic Story Contest 10 –  War Time Romance (or Lust) open for submissions at the moment.
    If you like writing or role playing, why not try and write an erotic story. Every qualifying story receives  600A$ ,  more if you are voted in the top three.
    Here's the links for you to check out –

    EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – War Time Romance (or Lust)
    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 10 – WAR TIME ROMANCE (or LUST ),3824.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.html

    We are also having a fun vote in the AB&G – Achat Bar & Grill – Our Fantasy RP bar here in the forum village. Some of our members have changed the words to well known songs and given them a naughty twist to fit Achat   They have RP the songs on stage for your entertainment.
    Please see for yourself and vote for your favourite

    Forum Home Page > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories > The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ),1760.2160.html

    Good Luck & Enjoy your time here.

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