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Btw, I hope everyone is fine with the little twist I put on why nobles visit the baths? Well why they visit them mostly, there are of course those that do it for socializing.
I have some trouble seeing the sexiness of guys in lace.
Okay, I was kinda hesitant about that… seemed a bit unfair to run off too far before you got a chance to at least “not find out about it”.
I'm also thinking about the possibilities of getting caught by the demon or his worshippers.
Kicks ground disappointed. There was only cave men who barely knew how to chat and submissive girls online just now.
@Tight: That's the people who are really easy to figure out, if they barely respond in the lobby they wont say shit in the room.
Hmm I wonder if I should get caught?
As I walked to the tavern I saw this big building that seemed to offer baths and massages. My muscles don't really get stiff and I can use magic to keep myself clean but its still very relaxing and nice to take a bath. I walked into the bathhouse noticing a counter with a woman behind and one to me quite intimidating guard.
The woman smiled at me as I entered “My lady”… apparently they though I was noble in my attire, not being human probably contributed even more to that “are you here looking for a massage?” and she winked at me when saying the last word. Noble women don't go to the communal baths for bathing or for a massage they have their own baths after all or they go to very exclusive places. What she was hinting at that I didn't understand at all was that noble women coming here where usually just looking for sexual pleasure of some sort. This bathhouse had a very good reputation in noble circles for these kinds of services and it was a secure environment in which one could trust. The men and women providing the services where well paid, well they worked as regular massager otherwise and it wasn't uncommon for a massage to turn into some sexual play but wasn't expected. What I had had walked into on the other hand wasn't something that might turn into sex. No, for nobles coming here sex was the expected requirement and they paid the bathhouse for it.
She sent me lots of hints about what the massager's offered though I was quite oblivious to it all since I though I was just buying a regular massage. She asked me lots of questions about what kind of massage I wanted (she never directly said what I would REALLY get) and we settled for a longer and hard massage so those tensions would really be released as she put it. She also, very enthusiastically suggested a massager that seemed good… supposedly very good at massaging, big, strong, tanned and with quite a tool to massage with… whatever she meant with that… maybe big hands? Well she recommended him personally and even though he hadn't come to work quite yet and I would have to wait for a while it was worth it. I was a little confused about the price since it was far above what was written on the board, though she had used words like special massage and such so I thought I'd get a better massage since she refereed to me as a noble and a lady.
I paid her and she told me I could lounge by the communal bath for a while and he would come pick me up… I would of course get refreshments sent to the table I choose to sit at.
I went to the baths and I could see people walk around naked completely unashamed, hmm I wondered if I would have to hide my dick with magic but then I though… what the heck I'll go as I am. I undressed and a nice girl came to collect my clothes but I just put them into my handy dimension which rewarded me wide eyed looks from her and even more so when she noticed my dick.
The girl left and I was left alone in the changing area. I noticed a pack with a absolutely enormous sword lying on it, who could possibly wield a sword like that? Hmm I wonder if the sword is magical, not so little curious I walked over to the sword and started pulling it out. The sword wasn't magical as far as I could tell since I couldn't hold it up at all as I drew it our from it sheet and the sword fell loudly onto the floor making lots of noise. I winced and someone that hadn't seen it all angrily asked what the heck was going on and I heard footsteps coming this direction.
Not so little panicky now I hurriedly threw a spell with which I would be able to float and move the sword and when controlling the blade I couldn't really control my nervousness moving my hand controlling the sword too fast. Well the sword lunged at the sheet missing it and piercing the pack… and the wall… by several feet. I looked helplessly at the mess which would take quite a while to fix now and I fled the scene.
I walked a bit hurriedly away from there but then forced myself to calm down and I imitated Erthiathea posture and movements so to act like a noble woman, seemed like the best idea while I walked to the tables on the other side of the pool.
I got quite a few looks, an inhuman woman with the grace and confidence of a noble walking by and then most noticed my dick as well giving me shocked looks at first but many of those turned to interest. One particular man I walked by developed this huge raging hard-on and he watched me with lustful eyes.
Well I got quite excited by all of this and the excitement from what I'd done just earlier earlier didn't help much. As it turned out my dick was starting to get hard, as was my nipples but then again it seemed like I wasn't alone here with those traits… though maybe alone with that combination.
I reached a suitable table to sit by while waiting, the girl came to me with a tasty looking drink for me, told me the massager would be her in a little while all the while seeming to have a hard time not looking at mine to her foreign body. She looked up at me after she noticed she had been staring, blushed cutely and I just smiled at her and thanked her for the drink.
There had been some commotion over where my little mishap had happened but I tried to ignore it and think of other things… like when my massager would come and rescue me from here.
Lol alstott, that would be very awkward.
Hmm a guy just asked me where I was from, I told him I was from Sweden… as it says in my profile… and then I got the answer that he thought profiles where impersonal. I guess that's one of the reasons females who have set their orientation to homo still get lots of requests from guys.
One thing I can understand though is people not understanding what a shemale who isn't bi really is into. For me hetero sex is with guys, but that's not how everyone sees it.
Hmm I think that quite a few nobles and others marry just for political or economical reasons even in a city like Libidinis, the good thing on the other hand is the view on sex in Libidinis which will let them have sex however they like.
March 25, 2011 at 1:06 am in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49101Oh… missed that the dance was released for MS, FS and SS… had to try it out and I think its really good. 😀
MS. Pose Review Request. 4. Slow Dance. (Released 25 March 2011)
FS. Pose Review Request. 4. Slow Dance. (Released 25 March 2011)
SS. Pose Review Request. 3. Slow Dance. (Released 25 March 2011)Buying three dance poses was a little expensive and I’ve just tried the FS dance with the robot… got a better look at the MS one on the other hand but no look at the SS dance yet. Seemed like I had the sweep of the feet options in the FS pose… I have no idea if the female has the same options or other options. It wouldn’t surprise me if the female has other options and I can as usual not change role other than if I dance with another shemale.
Btw it seems like the options for the MS dance are the same as the MF dance.
@Janine: I’m quite sure your going to like the FF dance if its like the FS dance… though I’m afraid it might take quite a while before Sinnnn decides to spin you down into her lap so she can make your cheeks flushed. 😛
I guess she was fishing for A$ to pay her membership and guess are more likely to pay her.
If she really is a lesbian I don't think you'd get much fun from it Urban so rejecting her was probably a good idea.
There are quite a lot of females and shemales who only play with men if they get paid but are free for females and shemales… I think that's just unfair.
I think I will go to the baths. What I'm not sure about is if I'm going to walk around there confidently naked or hide my sex under an illusion or morph it. Not hiding anything would be fun because people would look at me with an initial shock when they see my dick.
I don't think direct interaction is needed but at least getting the opportunity to notice each others at times would be fun. I'm afraid Bear and Tight's characters are prone to try and blend by their very nature. Well I'm sure they look really hot but they probably try to not be seen too much considering their situations.
Anyway I might put myself a little on display at times so I can be noticed in the background of your stories. Hmm though if someone recognizes Bear and a chase begins or if Janine gets dragged into some fighting for some reason (well you know the warrior type
) I can imagine it would be hard to miss things if I was nearby.
@Tight: I guess your character will have a hard time, I can see him fall for the pleasures and temptations offered to him but I think he will still strive to continue his quest anyway. Btw even if I'll notice you I might not see anything suspicious about you since I'm really new to human society and such.
I think its good if some tries to keep it a bit serious, makes it all more interesting. I think my story is a bit too light hearted at times.
Btw my character doesn't really see the potential power or whatever in such items like the gem since magic is very normal to her.
I'm sorry if I keep messing things up for you Bear and leave things in my wake that others would fight to get their hands on.
Hmm a visit to Erthiathea might give your character information (might be interesting many of you for various reasons) about certain things but you'll have to find out about her first… people doesn't really know about her and her reputation isn't the best either. Then its the problem of getting information from her as well. Btw I should warn you all… if Erthiathea gets angry its like unleashing a force of nature.
March 24, 2011 at 1:37 pm in reply to: MF. Pose Reviews. 52. Slow Dance. Clothed & 105. Slow Dance. Sex Clothing #49096Ehehe, sounds like Janine is going to get a really good natured spanking.
I walk out of the market to an area of the city where they have more expensive wares following a map the dwarf had quickly sketched up for me when I told him I wanted to buy a dress for myself now that I had money. He had told me there where quite a few tailors in the city which made dresses and gowns but he was sure this one would be the best for me.
Finding the shop marked on the map I looked it over, it was nothing special about it, kinda old but it looked good from the outside and they had huge windows with some regular dresses and gowns though they looked alluring for some reason. I could see a far more flamboyant shop a little down the road but trusting the dwarf I walked in.
The shop wasn't very special inside either and I could see a young girl behind a counter working on a dress glimmering of silver, catching the light mystically. The girl looked up at me smiling “Are you here to buy miss?”, “Yes, a dress in fact I heard from a dwarf that this was the best place around here.”.
An elven woman walks into the room from a door in the back she seems old for some reason, well not really old but mature and somehow you can really feel the power in her even without having a magical ability like mine too tell it for you. She has pitch black hair, steel gray eyes, a bit more curvy than elven women regularly are, she hold herself with a regal posture and moves with precision and grace.
She looks at me with unsurprised eyes “A customer and a pixie at that, was it Dorim that sent you here?” (yes that's the dwarfs name) I looked surprised at her, she had recognised what I was instantly. A little hesitantly I answered her “Umm… yes it was Dorim.”, “Oh, don't look so surprised child, I've visited you realm once or twice.”… “But… the last visit was an elven female visiting a thousand years back or something.” she grimaced a little at that “Hmm was it that long ago… well time just flies by, doesn't it?” both me and the girl behind the counter looked at her a bit wide eyed “Oh, don't look so surprised girls.”. After letting us collect ourselves and grasp her nature a little better she introduces herself and the girl “I'm Erthiathea and this” she waves at the girl “is Sofi.”, I smile at them “I Adera, yes I'm a pixie and I really want to buy a nice dress from you”, “Oh, so it is a dress your looking for and your even willing to pay for it… last time I visited your realm it didn't seem like you had grasped the concept or rather had any need for it.”, “I've learned a lot since coming here.”, “Well its not often I get a customer to which I can really make a dress for and I think I will make one for you. I don't like the noble women and girls here, they can't appreciate the work and to be frank… I much rather make dresses for girls with magical power or understanding”. Her statement seems kinda like I've received an honour and for some reason it feels that way when its a woman of her stature willing to create something for me.
She suddenly claps her hands looking at me her eyes telling me she's decided on making a dress. Her gaze slides over my body and she starts telling measurements to Sofi… apparently she just needs to look at someone to tell their measurements. She walks around me and then coming closer her hands starts to slide over my body feeling me up unashamedly, her fingers feels like jolts of electricity running over me and I can't help but feel my body get hot from it.
I didn't tuck my dick back down my panties today since my dress where hiding it nicely as long as its soft. Now though I really wished I had tucked myself back as I feel it growing hard and tent the front of my dress making my cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment.
Sofi had been scribbling quickly on a paper but now she stops looking at my crotch surprised, Erthiathea on the other hand just rolls her eyes “We have to do something about that, can't have you showing unladylike bulges where it doesn't belong”. She waves her hand and my dress and underwear falls to the floor leaving me naked and I try to cover myself as best I can, Sofi looking at my body with wide eyes. Erthiathea slides in close, I can feel her breasts against my back, she cups my breasts fondling them, then slides her hands down my body feeling everywhere and I can't help but let some of my stifled moans out loud.
“There I have a general idea about your body, now we're going to try on a few test dresses so I can get a better idea of what your body would fit in”. Erthiathea quickly walks to the back room telling me and Sofi to follow her. Quietly Sofi whispers to me “You might understand why we don't get to many customers, she's like a dictator, she has to approve her subject and then its her way or no way but I promise you its worth it.” she can't really keep her eyes from darting down at where I'm trying to hide my dick.
We follow Erthiathea to the back room and now I'm met with the most awesome and beautiful dresses, gowns and all other kinds of clothing I've ever seen. The threads so thin its almost invisible and every inch it all is infused with intricate magic. I stand in the opening looking at everything with wonder in my eyes, craftsmanship at an incredible level and magic so complex its hard to see where things begin and end. “Don't stand there all dumbstruck girl, come over here.” I walk through the room a little hesitantly to where she pointed as she searches through racks and piles of clothes pulling out a few dresses.
I stand there waiting not knowing what to do, my dick and nipples still hard and embarrassing. Erthiathea turns to me “We really have to do something with that dick of yours if we're going to try on these dresses.” I look a little scared at her “Oh, don't worry sweety I'm not going to cut it off.”, I let out a sigh of relief and she walks in close behind me, pushing her breasts against my back again. She gently pushes my hands aside and wraps one of her soft warm hands expertly around my dick, rubbing it, a hand cupping my breast, playing with a nipple while she whispers soft words into my ear, telling me what a cute little girl I am. My mouth opens, I can't hold back my moans at all, squirming from her touch, jolts of pleasure travelling through my body. Her hand playing with my nipples travels down my body teasing me all the way, sliding over my hip, she turns me a little in front of her. She casts a little spell making her fingers wet the then she works one finger into my ass, two, then three and she massages my prostate expertly while rubbing my dick making me squeal in pleasure. I feel my orgasm hitting me, my body shuddering, my anus contracting and squeezing her fingers in rhythm with my dick shooting my cum.
She releases me with a kiss on my cheek “Good girl”, I feel my knees buckle under me and I fall down sitting onto the floor, still breathing heavily and my dick dripping of my cum. “Go over to that bowl and use the water and the towel to clean up Adera” she looks at Sofi. I can see Sofi looking at me with glazed over eyes, skirt pulled up and a hand fingering her hot dripping sex while the other is playing with a nipple. Erthiathea walks over to her “I'm never getting any work done with girls like you two around” though she has a strange smile on her face, she walk over to Sofi and I watch while she gives Sofi a treatment making the girl shudder and shake in orgasm.
Erthiathea turns to me “Now didn't I tell you to clean up?” I hurriedly stand up, my legs steadier now, cleans myself and walks back. “There much better”. She hands me a pair of thong panties, tells me to put the on and tuck me back so we don't have to worry about my naughty dick interfering all the time. Sofi comes over to help out and we're suddenly trying on dresses on me, lots of dresses, all the while Sofi takes notes about things that Erthiathea comments on.
After a quite some time… like a 100 dresses Erthiathea tells us to go eat something while she makes the dress, she's intending to do it now and she probably can with her expertise and magic. Me and Sofi leaves the room, I'm just in a dressing gown to get something to eat while chatting like old friends all the while.
It takes quite a while before Erthiathea finally stands in the door telling us to come in and we do. I walk into the room, stopping, staring… in the middle of it stands an absolutely gorgeous dress. The dress is somehow perfect, skimpy like how I like them but at the same time so beautiful I can only smile wide as I'm watching the blue silk with golden intricate designs and details and a pair of the cutest matching heels to go with it. I can't really believe my eyes at first but then I'm almost jumping in excitement to try it on. I jump into Erthiathea arms hugging her tight but she pushes me away with a smile and tells me we have to try it on.
After putting the dress on I stand in front of a few big mirrors in which I can see myself in it from all angels, the dress is fitting me almost too perfect, the colours, the quite cute but still sexy cut, the shoes and the sexy stockings. I take it all in smiling wide and thanking her a lot, Erthiathea smiling at me telling me this is why she makes dresses and gowns… though only to those who can carry them and in her opinion deserves them. Erthiathea then tells me that the clothes won't get worn, won't need to be cleaned and she shows me a few easy spells that magically activates the dress in different ways. One of them making me look absolutely irresistible.
Suddenly it hits me… I have to pay for this… oh shit, its going to be very very expensive. I ask Erthiathea hesitantly about the price, the thinks for a while tells me it… well its not cheep but I can easily afford it. I look at her really surprised “Really, only that much”, “Sweety, the money aren't really the important thing to me” and she smiles at me.
After paying her, kissing and hugging them both I head off promising I'll be back and she smiles waving me off.
Exiting the shop I noticed it had taken quite some time and its starting to get dark, hmm maybe I should take a look at that taverna, The Dragon's Breath was its name… wonder where that name came from, did you spew flames from the drinks there?
I memorize the turns I have to take to get there from the map and I walk down the road. Just to try my new gorgeous dress out I activate it a little making it glow, sparkle, the perfume becoming more tantalizing, a light breeze flowing through my hair… well lots of subtle things. As I walk down the road I notice quite a few eyes on me, well I can't really do much but stand out in this I think smiling to myself.
Ehehe well I know one place in particular which I'd like to stretch regularly. :