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  • in reply to: HB Arts Lair – CLOSED! #63719

    I agree maybe make a few smaller rooms or a complex that you can move to different types of rooms that hold like 20/25 people.  :)  but i just thought of another thing that might make the devs look at it.  you can have general room nothing really happens, maybe just the basic dance & sit down open to everyone just meet and great etc.  But the bar/club which would be more erotic  would be premium users only and if  invited by a premium user which would make people want to buy the 3 day & 1 month pass more often.  And it would be creating revenue for achat in the process etc.  :)

    in reply to: Jeanona’s Fashion Styles #25430

    Some shoes…
    These maps don't allow us much experimentation, so after a while finally I did model that I liked..
    The look without the high maps – believe they'll look even better when I complete the maps
    Hope you'll like it too  ;D

       shoes5.jpg         shoes4d.jpg

       shoes1rm.jpg         shoes3o.jpg

       pic2em.jpg         pic1tt.jpg

    I love these as is :) And  I like them because i can use them to mix and match and make other outfits too :)  like i would so wear the black arm sleeves with maid outfit,  or the shoes with a office outfit or just mix in a bunch of different outfit to make something totally unique.  soo cool :)

    in reply to: Tight’s Fits #64957

    i like the red and purple ones myself :)

    in reply to: HB Arts Lair – CLOSED! #63707

    heheh That Achat bar layout is great idea for a massive achat user room.    looking at the top down lay out i see a few things that can be used.  for example

    the bar can have people sitting at it maybe 8 or more people and 2 people can sit/dance on top of the bar.  hmmm 2 bar tenders  so just that one section can have 12 people.

    the stage looks big and has 2 parts so 2 dancers can be on the back stage and it there are 2 poles 2 dancers can double pole dance.  would fit 4 dancers there.  i think it should be changed alittle to add stools around the edge of the stage with pole (marked as no.1 in the picture).  gets more people in that room i would think it would fit 14 people total of 18 people could use the stage area.

    the couches/booth (marked no.2)  should be moved back a little so it can have dances in front. so maybe 12 people can sit with 12 dancers total of 24 people. 

    also i think behind the couches/booth area should be kinda like a dance floor area where people can stand, dance / mingle.  maybe make it a 24 person user space too. 

    Total the entire room could hold 78 people :)  and it would be a perfect meet and great space.  But the area can used for four-play like lap dances, pole dances, regular dancing, erotic/strip dancing, kissing etc. and for something more a couple or group can leave and join a private room together.  Basically some limited sexually contact in the bar so it keeps the core or achat  'personal rooms/scenes'  going.  Hmmm the next issue would be how to handle the chat of 78 people in one room it could get a little crazy.

    The solution would be to add new chat channels.  basically we would have the room broke down into small triangle area where only 3/4 people can hear standard chat.  then users would type /area or /a and only people in the area your in will hear you.  the bar would be broken down into 4 areas, Bar, Stage, Booths, Dance Floor

    /area hi everyone at the bar!    (and everyone siting at the bar would see what you said)

    now to shout in the entire room you would use the same concept as /area but just type /room and everyone in the bar will see it. 

    Chatting will require 4 tabs.

    1.) All tab, with would show all the chats going on  (warning this will be flooded in a busy room)
    2.) Personal tab, which functions just like the chat we have now and work for the small triangle areas for 3 or 4 people in bar.
    3.) Area Tab, for the areas of the bar
    4.) Room Tab, would be only the chats for the entire bar

    :P  lol I think maybe i put too much thought into this what do you think guys & gals

    in reply to: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** #68979

    Walks in with Jane “this place looks interesting..” winks at Jane “so wheres this super cool drink you promised”

    in reply to: Az TeK Creations (ATC) #69531

    uhuh chien :) bra cant be weared with shirts . Its ont thing it need to be changed in game .

    i would like to wear a bra when i wear a transparent outfit

    me too :)  i like the see-through shirts but wished it allowed me to wear a bra under it.



    :(  i do the same and  makes me wish achat has a better honey brown skin color and one with tan lines to reflect aspect of me.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66504

    Alita smiles at Jayc as Jane walked in “Ok Jane I'd be happy to try see the Ice House.”  Alita giggles a little and ask “Is it made out of ice?” Jane just replies “you'll see, and hey if is isn't your thing you can come back over here and chat up Jayc.”  Alita walks out with Jane to go around back to the Ice House, she waves goodbye to JayC and winks.  “I'll be back for that free drink, just soo you know I wanted sex on the beach.” Walks out the door with Jane.


    😮  miss hulk smash puny pee pee  LOL

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #66220

    A girl walks into the bar & grill from the street after walking by and noticing the music emitting from the bar.  As this new girl walks in she bumps into someone  with a mop and a bucket catching the name Covems on the  badge “Oh forgive me I….” as they  rush off to a room in the back before she can apologize.  The new girl sits down at the bar enjoying the ambiance of the bar wondering if she will make any new friends.  She turns to the Bartender noticing he is busy she tries to flag him down to order a drink.


    since we are on the subject I wonder how hard it would be to have Tan Lines?

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your favourite accessory #69464

    I think it would be soooo sexy to be wearing a tirara while I get to please my man or if he had a crown so I could show him how much of a king he is!

    hehe that would be cute to have a tiara.  maybe with a sash too and a very reviling prom dress.  now i think about it a Prom type theme would be interesting to see.


    Hi Diana,

    try this topic out also there is some talk of accessories like belly button & nipple rings etc.  so it may be a little of what you're looking for.,1865.0.html

    also i think the request for a pregnant option has been suggested. hehehe :p  I think its one of most suggested i've seen a few post asking about that.  I think if Achat dev team did make it it would be similar to breast size.  coming in at 3 sizes small, medium, large. 

    in reply to: [VOTE] For your favourite accessory #69483

    so i was talking to a friend about the cat ears thing and asked her is there a good example of cat ears and a tail.  (something better then the pic i posted)  and she sends me this video from a final fantasy game.

    I think this is the kind of cat tail and ears everyone is looking for  :D  its not over the top and seem to fit well on the Achat models.

    Also as another accessory idea maybe add a tongue stud and lip/nose studs  :)

    in reply to: Az TeK Creations (ATC) #69527

    :) i like would it be possible to get them in a carpri style??   I really would like some carpris its seems achat doesn't even have any of them. 

    While your request is not unreasonable… baby steps…


    Yaaaayyy!  <3 *huggles*  ;) thank you for considering it

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