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Achat is a basic program. Not complex to use at all. The only mentoring that I could see here would be the mentor being like a “pimp”. And for me that just is not very appealing. To feel I'm subjecting myself to some man that considers himself a virtual Achat “pimp”. So I will unequivocally state no.
I was shocked myself there wasn't really any cuddle poses. They are good before or after. And sometimes when I room I mainly just sit and talk to a guy. I love to be a chatterbox and have friends here. And I simply love a cuddle. Could just cuddle and chat the day away. Ya some go further. Though, I'm usually content to sitting and knowing someone. My nature as a chatty woman showing through
. And I also figure if a man can sit and talk back with me for a half hour. Then the “more” might just work its way in.
Its a failure on CCBills part .. As I have the number. Though it did not come up with Achat. My premium I signed up for is ongoing. I want to start paying for it as needed with in game money. I did send them the mail so just waiting
The sectioning of relationship types is wonderful. Having the options for it to be public or private per each one in the list is bothersome. Why not just give us a option in preferences for the following :
[x] Keep Relationships Private
And this would work on a global scale rather than a singular scale. As it functions now.
And all it would show to others is something like “This users relationships are private sorry”[x] Refuse Lover & Spouse Requests
Which would only allow others to add you only as a friend. A Lover or spouse connection would have to be done by that user themselves.
Now in the case where both may have this option enabled. Telling the other to disable this so a connection can be made. Resolves itAnd also for those of additional flavors. Subs/slaves would be nice to have their own category. I know I wouldn't consider myself simply as someones lover as a sub. Nor would I consider me a spouse. Simply for myself, speaking, I would be more than a lover but less than a spouse. And don't you dare put me in friends because of me not feeling I'm either -lol- So yes I'm suggesting a additional category for women like me
Please and thanks!
Might I suggest adding a texture map for the various clothing. It is wonderful to have this being tested. However only supplying the diffuse and the normal. Makes the mapping .. guess work. When your developers could supply the texture map and allow for more refined work to be done. Thanks for all the hard work
[x] Premium members invite only
Allow only premium members to invite you [toggle on/off]I would like that option.
[x] User enabled created content
It would seem like they've putting some work towards that right now if you take a look here:,1341.0.html
[x] A user connected preference for poses
I think this would be appreciated, one option could be that a woman requires a man to use a condom in a room, some only does it with a condom irl and therefore feel a bit uncomfortable without one in here as well.
[x] A few community chat rooms
We had some of those a year back or so but it was a mess according to our devs so they removed them and I think they said they might look at some other solution for it.
[x] Adding in more sexual scenes
Requested by many and we get a new room sometimes, this Christmas and New Years we got decorations for the rooms.
Awww that's a shame about the community rooms. Hope they come back .. I'd love it. Checking on the user created stuff you linked also thank you hun. Its nice that people have been adding creations. However, so far all I see is quick texture additions slapped onto clothing segments. Hopefully some will take more time to really make additional clothing. I will do some on my own when I get more time. Its wonderful
And on the other agrees with my suggestions I also agree heheh. ^-^
[x] Premium members invite only
Allow only premium members to invite you [toggle on/off]Reason for this is I get so many invites from non-premiums. And I don't feel I am alone when I say this. I only interact with other premiums .. period.
[x] User enabled created content
This would allow for a far larger clothing base for all of Achat's members. Even if you don't allow them to be sold. I would create them even just for myself and others to use. As I would think other creative members would also.
[x] A user connected preference for poses
I do not mind anal at all. However, I am aware that some poses allow it. And considering some women may not like it, and it does not engage their interest. It should disable this action for them. Also about cum .. its a fact some women don't mind swallowing while others will not. The finish actions all attribute that the woman “enjoys” swallowing. Also connected with these new options would be swallow .. And if deselected should show the woman either 1) pulling back 2) spitting it out. This would make the experience more realistic to the partner. Another thought is about cum and cumming. I rather get very wet seeing a mans cum on me. Yet Achat's cum action lasts for a few seconds then wipes clean. I would love a option if we could select for it to remain. Even if for a few minutes and not forever .. would be better than it is now.
[x] A few community chat rooms
Instead of always sitting at a screen and typing to messaged users. Have a few community rooms someone can elect to enter. How you allow the physical interactions would be entirely up to Achat's creative team.
[x] Adding in more sexual scenes
More than just beds, maybe a beach, the outdoors, a car -heh-, just some added choices. Let us pick where we'd love our fantasy.Eh? He/she reported you for that. 😮
I cannot see any misuse in that, you can't do anything about it after all and imo we have the right to leave a room when we feel like it anyway.
Yes they did and I also took it as a threat. I do hope Achat revisits its reporting tool. He was removed quickly from friends, I come here for fun. We all do. I really do hope whatever does cause the disconnects is found. I run a 30 MB Cable connection .. surf and play a few social games online, like SecondLife (in full detail) … No lag never any disconnects for it. Yet Achat has problems keeping me logged in?