I wouldnt even care if you double the price for them, I would still buy any new pose for SS. I have paid for every pose and piece of clothing I have on here and believe most of us shemales pay our way. Please please please can we have some more, sir? One that especially annoys me is, even the street poses are limited. Us Shemale cant even sit with our lovers and have a drink and a chat. I get so jealous when I see a man and a woman doing this. Its not all about the sex pose, just give us our fair share. I ask this with respect as a huge fan and an Achat addict. please please please can we have some please please please
I couldn't agree more. As a shemale that pays for my own subscription and does not do sexual favors for A$ I feel I have the right to voice my opinion, Shemales seem to be the forgotten gender in Achat. We deserve better treatment as we bring so much to the community. I love Achat and I love the community, please help us get more recognition