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  • in reply to: Forum Announcement & Ideas for Improving Forum. #184656

    I just wanted to add my own 2 cents as you will. The forums has never been a nice friendly place ever … there have been some peace in it at times or usually from certain people. But there was always a level of unrest and toxic that flowed through it even before the old moderators left. These moderators left because of various things … ranging from : they noted Achat didn’t listen to them, didn’t care about the forums, the toxicity in the forums, etc. I fully expect Achat to continue this tradition even with you as the new moderator and I’m just being honest there. As for the toxicity that has always existed maybe you can finally make it a nice place. Just be aware that this was one of the reasons why the old moderators left … Achat developers. Unless they finally figured its important to listen to their community and the moderators they put in place. Because without us, the community, there is no Achat, and the developers should always keep in mind that the forums and the moderators thereof warrant their attention.

    As far as improving the forum itself :

    The forum and its look is very dated (even the so called new forum). The old forum and “new” one are essentially from the 1990’s its 2021. Though honestly the “new” forum is the basic format forums started having when they were first coming out. And the old forum was something around mid-90’s. So somehow Achat forums went in reverse here. Yes I understand the possible preference to minimalization, but that doesn’t necessitate a action to using dated forums. And given more modern forums dispose of the old format of categories and use things like tagging and streamlining. Though lets say you want to keep categories and a relatively not so modern idea to forum navigation/look, etc …. I would pick MyBB ( ) ….. its free, open source, fully customizable …. and doesn’t look so dated as either of the used forums from Achat. I heavily suggest Achat get somewhat with the current times. MyBB, forums like the old and new Achat forums, are a dying format. Though I’d say they still have a good 5-8 years (or less) left in them. At least with MyBB it can be still minimal, still more modern than any of the Achat forums, and its a lot nicer overall. And honestly using a forum designed for the early 90’s is ugly and plain (ie the “new” Achat forums).

    A nice forum idea but also Achat thing would be to have seasonal contests or things of that nature. Where people can show off their creativity with Achat, or something in relation, or just like a basic lottery where we could even buy stuff in the game, or specific items in the game, to enter .. then post the winners in the forums. Contests have always been a great way to get people involved and contributing and/or buying things.

    in reply to: MENACES AND INSULT MESSAGES #161236

    And this is exactly why I'm more quiet than engaging here. It takes 2 to create a whirlwind of drama. Oddly some will validate its just from a singular source, even if they should also do it. Want a solution from drama? Don't even reply or make a mention when the other says something. If it truly is against the ToS stay silent and report it. If it must be handled beyond reporting a incident, write a request to AChat about it and leave it to them.

    in reply to: Prayer line #142751

    Really do not understand the reasoning for positive Christian influence in Achat. Though its available to anyone who wishes and truthfully I am no judge. As far as sex and the bible if you really wish to go there. And these are words from the Bible not translations by me. Though in relation to sex and how Christians should live by the Bible perspective of it. Most things found would speak out against using Achat if one is a Christian. I could not think of a verse or set of verses that would honestly defend using Achat as a Christian. So those who know any can post, if they should exist.

    2 Corinthians 12:21

    I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged.

    Ephesians 5:3

    But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.

    Hebrews 13:4

    Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

    1 Corinthians 6:18

    Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

    Mark 7:22-23

    Adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.

    1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

    It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God;

    in reply to: I ask the A-Team #141409

    hear hear!

    I have to agree with Zuzannah and point out that the AChat Team has a serious issue with the way they communicate with their community, paying customers and even supporters of the game. Or actually the lack of communication is the issue here.

    I don't know why you are so uncommunicative while developing A CHAT game. Maybe you are all busy with coding or it frustrates you to answer almost every request with a “maybe.. someday” I don't know, and how would I .. you don't say anything :
    The way you handle us at the moment indicates that you have lost interest in your customers, and if you continue that way your customers will lose interest in you as well. You need to realize that your game is pretty much community driven. It's the players that make the game fun to play and are therefore the main resource of your company. You need to keep at least the good ones in the game, so that your game continues to be worth playing. I seriously doubts that you can keep those players by just taking their money and not their feedback. Sure you can't and may be even don't want to implement every idea that comes up in the forum but you should at least react to those. The fact that this forum is almost dead should alarm you and you need to take action before it's too late.
    You need to get your priorities' in order. Take a thorough look at AChat and try to figure out what the most important part and most valuable resource of your game is. I hope you will see that it are your players. I think you should name a community coordinator or publicist who will give information about your current tasks /progress /developments to the community. Someone we can talk to and who you will talk to, to establish a line of communication so that we won't feel forsaken and you can be sure to get the feedback you need to improve the game further.

    tl;dr. Stop ignoring us or we start to ignore you.

    A community representative is what many companies do. And it really does help develop a line of communication between the makers and the community. without the makers having to directly coordinate things themselves. And I really agree that Achat needs to buckle down and finally hire someone on their side with whom the entire community in the forum or in the game can inquire towards.

    in reply to: Freelance jobs for Achats Artists. #156872

    Kaitlyn, no Mod will mod you for your honest words. I can tell you, we're not happy about this too. We have asked for more infos, we have asked to listen to forum ideas, we have asked them to answer to our artists.

    When I compare the forum with Achat releases and Updates in the 10 months I have been here, I see NO correlation between the two.

    You are absolutely right!!! We have tried to make it a work together, to become one team (as far as possible) and we did all we can do, to support them. Even the idea of supporters in game is from forum and we told them, there would be great people here, on which they can count.
    Sometimes we get answers. Sometimes we are told they agree. Sometimes we are told, there will be more cooperation. The result – you all can see. They agree and accept with all we do in forum, yes. But they still don't see the big chance of this forum. They don't understand, how much they can benefit. They don't get it

    And the lack of that understanding can be detrimental to better growth.  Its nothing against the developers they feel what works for them works. Just for other creators that could potentially make higher end content it does not. Its not about greed moreover at the end of the day we like getting equal compensation for the effort. Because only so many people who will do content for peanuts and be okay with it. The really best way for Achat to enable people of ALL creative levels to participate is to finally open up and unrestrict the creative process. Which means enabling the client to accept uploads from generated creator profiles (which they can first authorize the creator, then after that any and all items they make would automatically be sent to the Achat store) And then within the store they could section each creators store outside the main Achat store. Giving people a vast mall to pick from and use. No longer would Achat need to authorize/accept every single item. And instead just have guidelines to what can/can not be created, and a report function for any said violation of that policy. And if they want to ensure people or themselves can assist in this process. They could throttle how many uploads a creator could make in a month. So it would give everyone a chance to either buy the item if they like it, without being flooded with a billion items. Or for it to be reported and removed, and potentially the creator removed within that time. I truthfully feel this is why Achat has never opened up the process in this way. Simply because it requires a lot of effort for the community and staff to look through. So was always easiest for them to just accept it instead. Which also seems to be slow from what I've been reading. My proposed idea would enable a much faster creation process without much need of checking. And its a win/win for everyone involved. Creators would not have to work for peanuts and could price their own content as they like. And Achat would benefit as a whole for a increased mall. Believe it or not clothing is a HUGE thing in a virtual world. A lack of it or slow expansion of it strangles at times. And in some past virtual worlds this has at times been one of the reasons for its failure. IE lack of content or slow growth for content. I don't feel Achat will fail given it has a pretty strong community after all this time. Though I do feel its strangling what it really could turn into. Other games have better graphics. Yet when it comes to talking and descriptive play. Neither of those communities have many that can do this. And it becomes like this huge disappointment for engagement.  Achat is one the few places I've found with a community that likes to rp and some are pretty damn good at it on the whole! Not just a few here and there. Which makes the Achat community one of the best places to play with like minded people in descriptive adult chat. The limited graphics have at times bugged me but I get over it once I talk to my friends here, or once I really get into an rp. And even the forum skin reminds me of a skin one would make for their forum if it was a personal forum, not one belonging to a business. It just looks far too simplistic. And really could use a update there too.

    (Yes I know this topic is a bit older just really wanted to add my 2 cents here.)

    in reply to: New experiences for AChat #135892

    I know so many might say well why not add everything , when I say. Achat really needs a Transgender identifier. IE you could pick male or female, then a simple box to note TG status. I only picked shemale so I didnt have to explain to everyone i meet. And now that I'll be having a very major surgery in december (YAY) .. It will feel very strange for me to keep playing as shemale. And if I create a new account, then I have lost poses, clothes, friends, etc. Which I feel could have been avoided if Achat had a Transgender option to start. And yes there's a difference between shemale and TG, for some members who may want to feel they are similar.

    SL & TG : You can go into rooms/areas associated with TG, groups, clubs, etc. You can even list it so people can find you in a search for TG. You can join groups for TG. Could go on a bit but will stop there.

    Redlight & TG : You can do pretty much all of the above for SL to other game besides the search. However Redlight allows you to specifically note TG status right on your profile card.

    Achat & TG : No real group function, unless you submit to a more undisclosed grouping function (as i see some members do). No ability to go to rooms/areas. No search function, No ability to select TG status.

    So sadly to me its a nice platform but mostly generated towards : Male, Female, Shemale. Without the disclosure and acceptance of a TG option. Would be nice if one is finally added. It would not need new poses as a TG would use the Male or Female poses. It would simply be a basic option to note TG outside just saying “well you could put TG in your info”. It would also allow us, if you enabled search for it .. TG's to find other TG's.

    in reply to: More poses for us She Males. #138228

    I actually agree with skyla here. There is very little difference, requirement, to that of a shemale/female to that of a male/female. I have long figured (and forgive me for noting), that devs get tired of converting every pose. So they try to convert only the ones they think might be better. So I have, like many others, just worked with the ones afforded.

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82814

    Hello Annie, I second HB. Nice you're back and stay – for good now :)

    Awww heys sweetheart. I'd love to but I work so much, I can only come in when I have time. And also when my bf is away, it really does help to stay closer. I'll try a bit but usually not into the 'more' with others unless its my real life bf =) .. And hmmm might need to find a section in this website to chat in. Believe it or not I'm not always thinking about sex or sexual stuff -giggles- Looked and really think now this forum needs a general area. For any and all other random bits. -puts vote in-

    General – Anything not about Achat, and/or relating to other forum topics go in here.

    You might think I'm silly. Butttttt the off topic one that exists already mostly is on sex/sexual stuff. Be nice to have one also just be a general thingie. As we aren't always on about sex -lol-. Well I'm not -heh- So having one more generalized outside that I'd post in more.

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82813

    I dont get it, whats the purpose , of what anie said in first page?

    Yes just showing that a mod can be made with Achat hunny. Though, from findings most of its localized parameters. Things that only will affect that window. rather than a globalized subset (things to affect any window regardless where its first called). Would love if Achat's team made some of it globalized. It would allow for a complete mod to change the very design and look of Achat. No offense to the team, but its not very design oriented and could be a lot better. I could help but they need to give me something to work with. Otherwise theres limits to what can be done. And with most of those limits, it makes modding only able to vary the look to a degree. I do programming work as a hobby. And have done it for work since 1997. And I don't mean just like websites -heh-. I have done all sorts of work in C/C++, PERL, and many other languages. And yes web too -lol- It gets a bit strange for some to have a TG doing contract programming work =) .. but I make more than a mini skirt look good! -hehe- And yes took time one day to tinker and learn about how to edit Achat's files. Things a girl does when bored ^-^ I should learn more of what the calls do eventually.

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82806

    I have been away for a bit. And was looking in past threads I replied in. It is very possible to change the chat window color. As far as within the program itself .. no. Though, through edits yes you can. You would just need to find the applicable file. then change the supplied color to a more prefered. Save and done. Though its always best to work with a copy. Just to be sure if anything blows up, you can revert.

    I think the reason why few know this. Is that few care to mod. Though Achats interface is completely modable. And if it makes it easier for you a good reason to do it.

    You can try yourself, or when I can I can look for you. Though, may be some time as I am busy.

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #82819

    * Locale – Allow users to set a locale for themselves. Which other users can either search for, only allow, etc. For example “English”. And use a icon flag to represent that locale. And possible add that icon to the left of a users name. When looking at their information or in searches.

    I think it's not the localization of member that it is more important, but to know their used languages.
    And for that, we should be use some flags for precise it.
    For localization, the city/country fields are sufficient.

    * Locale – Allow users to set a locale for themselves. Which other users can either search for, only allow, etc. For example “English”. And use a icon flag to represent that locale. And possible add that icon to the left of a users name. When looking at their information or in searches.

    “In computing, a locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface. Usually a locale identifier consists of at least a language identifier and a region identifier.”

    And setting this to a small graphical flag off to the side of a users name. You could then either, know about them without poking into their profile directly. Perform searches for others of a given locale as well. or also block anyone outside that locale from chatting to you. For example if I picked my locale as “English”. Only countries with a main language of english could contact me. Everyone else would see something like “Sorry this user is not of the same locale as you.” Currently when in Achat about 6-7 of 10 users speak very little of my language. Or not at all. And the ones that speak very little of it confuse me on how they type, as I often confuse them when I also reply. Its what happens with a language barrier. It is by no means to offend anyone. Only to say for others, “Hey, I am only comfortable with interacting with you. If you also know how to talk to me in my native language.”

    in reply to: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE GAME? #82818

    * Locale: A drop box with a context menu like used in many shops would solve the problem. Also another context menu where you can choose the languages you're speaking would be helpful.

    * Gender Orientation: Agree, nothing to add

    * Re-introduction of a general AChat chat room: The problem with each new “room” – when you enter just for chatting a while, you don't notice other people loging in. You also can't look for them as you're in a room. For those people you are busy/yellow – in room. I also don't want the old general chat back – it was a mess in my opinion. I don't have a perfect solution… what about switching on/off the general chat – if switched on, you get a new window or bigger chatbox on your screen and also have the “old” chatbox for a single talk.

    * Name coloring: Agree – though I look at the profile of the person talking to me because I want to know more about her/him – as long as they don't start silly or with a cold invite

    * Name icon: Why? If a member of my list is talking to me I know her/him. If you don't know your friends/lovers/spouses there is something wrong…

    1) mhms my idea exactly.
    2) —
    3) The general chat ability would not be in a room sweety. It would be as if you were talking outside a room. You could then freely swap between those talking directly to you, or those talking in the general room. And would not put you in a room, or busy.
    4) Yes coloring just makes this easier to see. Even if they talk right off you'll know their gender etc. And can poke into their profile from there.
    5) -hehe- You had be giggling on this reply. I do agree. Just thought a bit of quick visual eyecandy also helped with instant message recognition. They do say you notice images before words. Thus before you read “Thisismyfriend” you would see a buddy icon near them. Just something to point at for quick visual reference when chatting is all.

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82800

    You don't have to convince me. I believe, I know that giving access to special people IS helpful for games, software and programs. What we're doing in forum is not very different, just we don't do the implementation.
    We collect and bundle ideas – like a think tank. Then there is the other side – the programmers. Usually in compare to the user they do have the know how but not the ideas ;)

    Best is to have symbiosis – both “fertilize” each other and the outcome is great.

    Mhms I agree dear, as my post above also says. I want it to be done together. And it is possible. Even my sample shows a tiny bit of what can be done. I have done more than this when modding it as I was learning. I also learned some variables may be localized to a form and not accessable to another. Or that it has a internal reference that would be hard to guess. Thats where the developer comes in saying hey thats , so and so. Or hey I'll add it in globally and see what you can do. =)

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82798

    Just a little side bit. =)

    “… some companies actively encourage modding of their products. In cases such as TiVo and Google, there has been an informal agreement between the modders and the company in which the modders agree not to do anything that destroys the company's business model and the company agrees to support the modding community by providing technical specifications and information. Some commercial video games thrive through a modding community. In the case of Half-Life, a mod called Counter-Strike drove sales of the original software for years.”

    That is exactly the sort of community mod I am speaking of. A mod directly connected between AChat developers and a community. Working together to make something better. Together.

    in reply to: A Basic Introduction To Updating The AChat GUI #82797

    I will send your ideas and this link to the A-Team. Perhaps they don't want it, as there is also the danger of hiding virus or trojan or just making it instable. But perhaps they like the idea and say “Great, let's do it!” We'll see.

    You can't hide a virus in a plain text file. Now .dds can as soon as it is opened. If its a community mod, before its made public for available download. It can be checked by the modders as well as staff. Before making its way to the end user. The only way they could stop modding of AChat is to redo their entire source in a completely different structure. And as much work as I have seen thus far. That may be more time then they are willing to invest. Even nesting these files into the application would still cause them to be plain text in a executable, it would not be compiled. Though frankly I hope they leave it as they have it. And allow people the freedom to mod it. There are many softwares where modding is openly welcomed and accepted. And feel Achat should be happy someone would take time and effort to say “hey this is a version of AChat, what do you think?” And to shy away from a idea because a “virus could be added”, then nothing on the internet would really, if ever, be shared. That is why you check whats submitted, you check and re-check if needed, you then mark it safe. Place it on a server for download and say its been tested for viruses. And then also place a notice that the end user should always have a current virus scanner installed. Not because they should trust the download less, but that they should always keep themselves safe.

    And with any community mod. Forgive my noting here only doing so if you are unaware. A community mod is a mod done by the community for a project. Often reviewed by the developers of a product. And determined if it should be supported by them. Otherwise a modded application will say something like “unofficial or unsupported mod”. I'd very much like this one to be a “supported mod”. Which means the developers and future modders would work together. Developers only in ways to allowing and telling modders what they want. And modders to be their creative selves in working with what they are given.

    If modding was such a bad thing. You would not have community maps to favorite games you may like. Community mods to games you like, like say a “Christmas Mod”. You would be without a themed variant to many applications and games, SecondLife, Mozilla (Firefox), World of Warcraft via LUA, even your phones allow modders. Modders actually are often used by companies as free labor and ideas -heh-, that they are. Because a mod might later be a standard within that application.

    As far as modding AChat what is allowed and not allowed is all based on the localization or globalization of the used variables. If a variable is not wanting to be used outside a form. Localizing it means it'll only ever remain effective in the given form. All you would be able to do is pretty that form up as a modder. Globalizing a variable would allow further edits. Though as mentioned before thats entirely in Achat developer control.

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