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  • in reply to: More poses for us She Males. #147080

    I concur completely with Spike and Zuzannah that Achat needs to start paying heed a lot more to where they truly get their money from.  As paying males, and hetro females only make up a portion of it the rest belongs in the hands of those that have every right, and reason to expect, and demand better from them if they fail to deliver anything substantial in the way of improvements. 

    Which is what we're looking at more, and more as the weeks pass by.  Giant cock poses are not necessary at all they're more of an optional thing for those that like them.  However priority level of them compared to other issues is lower and the time would have been better spent on making the other paying customers of theirs happier with more poses for those that have been asking for more equal representation. 

    We're not asking for a lot just to have some more poses for us and consideration for future ones then are getting right now.  As if shemales and those that support us, and bisex girls decide they've had enough of this one sided mf show they're doing than there goes a very large, and significant portion of their player base, and money base.  As a game maker you have to appeal to as many of your paying customers as possible true, but you don't only pay heed to one group.  As will just make more, and more look elsewhere, and vote with their with money that way. 

    And so I fully support the idea of going on strike.  It is time to stand up and be heard.  As if you just keep going along to get along or sitting by silent on the forums than nothing is going to change and more people will trickle out of the gate as it were to find something else to do that get tired of things as is. 

    in reply to: BDSM / Kinky Saturday’s in the POKER ROOM!! #150537

    As Spike is right rp'ing is merely a different format of chatting or talking to others.  Perhaps some don't like it, but they are free to ignore it. 

    in reply to: BDSM / Kinky Saturday’s in the POKER ROOM!! #150534

    I would suggest that we seek a peaceful solution in the form of a compromise.  It might not please everyone that is the art of compromise's definition is that not everyone will be left happy.  However it is the best way to handle matters like this to find a middle ground between two sides disagreements.  In this case I concur that Dee was looking for that middle ground via having one night devoted to her side of things.  As it doesn't hurt anyone that attends nor does it disrupt the poker room at random as has been the complaints about so far been centered around.  She is merely seeking to set a time when those that don't like it know in advance where not to be for a time.  Is that not better than having it be random where people potentially show up in the poker room to have their sex fun?  All it takes is a few hours of finding something else to do before its over and then people are free to use the poker room for that less than ideal version of poker we have. 

    As for banning that is not your decision Foxxy nor your group's to make it is for Achat to decide and they have forgone using that.  So I would suggest leaving that aside.  The powers that be have made their choice. 

    In the end it seems like a good thing to organize such an event, and let it occur for those that want it.  It is more structured that way, and people that want to can go while those that don't can freely avoid it.  And that way the room is free afterwards to be used again.  No-one is harmed, people are given a choice to go or avoid it and a reasonable compromise has been reached.  Now if you truly want serious poker I would suggest trying out those sites that carter to such as this isn't the place to find it.  And there are also sites devoted to pure chat as well that are well moderated if you find sexual chat offensive outside certain locations.  This is a sex game and so it should not come as a surprise that it reaches into even the poker room.  As serious poker would not allow people to play naked so if some desire it try those sites that are centered around that you will have good time there I am sure since there wouldn't be any distractions like that about. 

    And I would also suggest that the three ideas of ignore in the poker room, letting people choose their rooms to go into as well as seeing who is in which room, and private poker rooms should be implemented.  Till they are though we will have to learn to get along and that means compromising even with those we might not like much or at all.  As this has disrupted the game enough as it is let's just let the event go on so that people can have fun going to it.  Those that don't can have their fun before, and after and everyone wins in their own way since will be having a good time on a game.  And a game is made to be fun first and foremost even a sex based one doesn't change that.


    I fully support more poses for shemales and gays, and lesbians in the game.

    in reply to: The House of DARK Stone RISING! (HDSR) #150275

    Have you actually spoken to the former owners and they said its stolen?  As a name is a name and no-one owns a name especially if they depart the game.  And where is the co-owner saying that she has stolen anything oh wait he left that house and hence relinquished claim to it.  Makes perfect sense that if he leaves still has ownership over it and can decide who owns it.  And if you're warning people about the house perhaps we should also bring to light your supporting of a troll along with someone that is likely an experienced player trying to pass themselves off as a newcomer and aiding their sterotyping an entire group of people shemales along with insulting good, and decent people for no good reason.  And inviting them to join your house after they displayed a huge lack of proper manners and equiette, and respect is not a good idea.  As don't fling stones at others unless you've never done anything wrong at all.  No-one has the right to judge another unless they have lead a completely pure life.  And you let a very questionable person join your home.  Nor does anyone own the poker room except achat they're the only ones that decide what is or isn't appropriate levels of affection in there.  This is an adult place if people want to they can do what they like in that room and mods decide if it is appropriate not players that disagree with it.  And only harassment done was by said questionable person so if you bring mods in make sure you show all of what occurred that day. 

    As I am friends with MissDee I make no bones about that.  But you hide the details of what truly happened that you're warning people about and your involvement and lack of good manners yourself in trying to reprimand someone that was attempting to defend someone they care about against an obvious troll.  So my suggestion to those that visit here is to withhold judging anyone and to find out for yourself whether or not you like MissDee and her people instead of reading a random rant about them from someone that hasn't shown herself very neutral towards them and is obviously trying to turn people against them.  Nor do I hide that I like MissDee and her people but I don't make any insinuations against Sheza's house just her judgement isn't the best at this moment and her obvious dislike of MissDee has lead to a misguided effort to poison people against them. 

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