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I bought the regular ones…I may actually even wear them. (I know…crazy talk.)
I feel that urge come over me as Bear teases my breast; my chest raises as I inhale deeply. A warm smile on my face as I look to him. “I’m sure we could come up with all kinds of ways to clean me up, but I have to get this stuff off of me.” A quick glance around, and I start dousing myself with water from the sink, uncaring how neat I’m being, just rinsing my chest quickly. The warm water slips over my skin and runs down my chest until I’m clear of all the residue. I reach for a towel to clean off my legs and slippery feet…Giggling to myself when I realize my dress is in even worse shape, and I retie the straps around my neck to hold myself in place. I pull my soft curls up and knot my hair in a makeshift bun…refreshed.
I look to Bear, blushing, suddenly aware he‘s been watching my frantic movements. I press against him, lean in and brush my lips on his…a light touch, letting my lips linger a moment to take him in. I slowly draw away, and let my hands roam over his body…brushing the larger blobs of food from him with tender strokes.
“Remind me to thank you later for helping me…now, what do you say? Let’s get them back.” A mischievous smirk on my face as I reach for the door….
I smile and offer Bear the other cheek covered with cream, then reach for some of the food that’s stuck to his face to wipe it away tenderly.
“I feel kinda bad about abandoning you up there,” as I offer him a drink of the wine. “I'll have to make it up to you.” I lean in to kiss away a drip of wine left lingering on his bottom lip, then pull away. “Think we can make it to the bathroom? I need to get this stuff off of me, my skin is breaking out in hives, already. F‘n Bobby.”
I reach for the cans of whipped cream for protection on our exit…and am startled when a messy figure appears under the table. Instinctively, I shoot…covering poor Adera. I giggle, then reach down into my dress to gather whatever is left and fling it on her. “Tell Bobby thanks for the hives for me,” as I scramble from under the table. Noticing I need to hold the top of my dress up… Dang thing keeps sliding down from the slippery mess on my chest.
My laughter dislodges the olive from my chest and it rolls to the floor. My hand slips from Bear’s thigh where it had been caressing lightly; I nimbly reach for the fruit plate, grab a handful of grapes and beam them at Bobby one right after the other. They hit him squarely in the head and ricochet to other dinner guests. I look quickly at them, mouth “sorry” and watch in shock as Sinnn goes crazy….Poor Adera…
I hear the word ‘shield’ and realize Sinnn’s hiding behind us. Look to Bear, shaking my head in fear. Whisper, “Sorry, baby” as I arm myself with a few cans of whipped cream. (Really people, did EVERYONE have to bring a can?!?) Search the table for other ammo, shrug, reach for a bottle of wine and slip under the table. Not before squirting Sinnn in the chest with some Redi-Whip.
My heart is racing, and well…that's not all, but I'll keep that to myself *blushing*. Well done, Tight.
Me too, don't disappoint your avid readers…
I had a more subtle approach to the plane, as to not draw too much attention from those around us.
Though using me as bait is a fantastic idea, Adera. I'm sure I'd be able to find my way to our destination on my own….makes meeting up even that more exciting.
Going to have to try the pop rocks and pepsi, too….
Hmmm…it's a toss up: romance or *ahem*… am thinking the private balcony is beckoning… :-* :-*
It's not bad for a recycled position…still not what I'd like to see. Will say it's a step in the right direction, though a small step.
My mind goes to one sitting between the legs of another, leaning back while the other caresses, takes in the curves and delicate features of the woman before her, could lend to fingering, kissing her neck…shoulder. Soo many options…it doesn't have to get all hardcore, does it? Could be used as foreplay or as a way to wind down…and lends itself easily to several situations: bathtub, sitting up in bed, in front of a burning fireplace…*sighs*…I could go on forever…(and apologize if it's been suggested before…)
LOL Understanding fully your hesitations and fears…I'm sure I'd be able to find ways to reassure you, and be willing to take extra measures to insure your safety and comfort. You know you want to ride the friendly skies…
LOL…I was actually the first to vote that Bobby was evil.
😛 I just hadn’t added a comment. 😀
Truly though, have had some good experiences with those limited in english…though they were kind enough to use a translator and even teach me a few sayings in their native tongue. However, if very limited in english, I have to pass….I like my words to enhance the experience; otherwise, it’s just two avatars dancing on the screen. And like many have said before me, I could just watch good porn, why bother?
AND Bobby, my avatar is DRESSED thank you very much! 😛 😛 😛
Have to agree with Adera, Lords of Acid. Was lucky enough to go to a live performance YEARS ago…and….Wow! It was amazing, everyone was so wrapped into the music, dancing, touching….it didn't take long for the venue to smell of perfume, alcohol, sweat, and sex. There's just something to her voice ringing, “Darling, come here…fuck me up to……”
And gonna have to go with the old fall back: NIN. “…Nothing quite like the feel of something new..” (Several concerts of theirs as well….found myself getting lost to the music….love me some Trent!)
Just depends on the mood though….Shakira oozes sexiness…and Rhianna….mmmm…..soooo many to choose from!
Umm…are you discounting my win to LUCK? I suppose luck has a lot to do with the card game itself, but *ahem* I am going to have to say that I played my cards well…and that, sir, is TALENT.
Besides, how else could you explain my ability to skunk you not once, but twice?
Awww, if I had disagreed with anything you'd posted previously, I'm certain I'd have voiced it. Maybe would have been a private tongue-lashing, but would have made sure my point was made… No fears, though…
But again, it's not about quantity but about the quality of the poses. Recently revisited what is displayed as FF here and am honestly sickened by the lack of true FF poses available. Can honestly say that when I'm with a woman, a penis is the last thing on my mind. Sure, sometimes internal stimulation can heighten the experience, but personal experience tells me it doesn't require a dildo or other phallic object to achieve those heights.
Janine is absoulutely justified in her rants. (And I apologize for not speaking up earlier.) Has to be pure laziness on the development team. HAS to be…they can't be THAT clueless, can they???