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  • in reply to: iPad and Tablet version of Achat. #48978

    Well I found a dirty back-door way to run it on my iPad….and by that I mean I use a remote desktop app. There is a client that runs on my tower at all times. I log into the app on the iPad and then tell it I want to remote with my tower, and then it asks for the desktop log in information. Of course, this allows for other things, like file sharing in case I lose/forget a file, but it's a great way to do work on an iPad without have to carry my laptop too. And yes, I have tried accessing AChat using the remote desktop system….It's called LogMeIn (I was told there is an Android version).

    in reply to: Ignore not universal #60893

    Just had a thought as to why it might not be universal… having it stored on their systems would probably mean additional requests to and from their servers for your Ignore list to compare. On your system though  the active Ignoring could be handled entirely by your system. I mean it's not a heavy duty bit of processing, but if it was multiplied by every user on line and then piled on their servers?

    Well maybe, but as someone that writes database driven websites, adding an ignore field to the database would be limited “processing power”….it would add to bandwidth more than anything….databases are designed to make thousands of connections at once….this forum is a database, and so is Facebook, Craigslist, IMDB, and several other sites

    in reply to: Tina16? Claims to be an admin? #60913

    Here is a copy of what she posted


    in reply to: Pose Ideas. MM. Soft Poses for MM too please. #58448

    If I may point out that the “foreplay” grouping that the MF have has not been ported to FF or MM yet. I think the dance is available for MF, MS, FS, SS, and FF (but i'm not 100% sure it's for all those combos). To that end, even the MF complain there aren't enough cuddle/kiss only poses (and I'm one of them)

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57336

    I feel you Apollo too many girls asking for gifts. I'll never pay for sex on principle, I guess the real problem here is ti come up with the right phrase to get a girl/woman interested. Just hi or similar will just be ignored by most of the girls, which I guess could be understandable but come on give a guy a chance? How do you expect to start a coversation with a monologue? :P

    Well, as a man, if I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be single….but you do bring up another interesting point, that when we find girls that aren't asking for gifts, how do we talk to them so that a) they respond and b) keep a conversation going and c) get them to go in a room (if option c is even applicable). I have spent well over $1500 (and I mean REAL USD, not A$) in 2 years (not so bad spread out…) and it just drives me nuts that these girls are asking for A$, some where someone paid real $ to get those A$….

    in reply to: Is enough being done to combat hookers? #57331

    My big problem is there aren't enough girls here that DO NOT ask for gifts…I was on for 12 hours the other day and only 4 girls were not asking for gifts, of those 4, only 1 talked to me, but she declined to go into a room. I know they censor banners to try to prevent asking for A$, but other words that mean the same thing aren't blocked, they changed it so you need to have a credit-card based subscription to send gifts, and you can only send a minimum of A$100, but that's actually making the problem worse….instead of girls asking for A$25 or A$50, now they are asking for A$200+

    in reply to: Increase Membership In AChat #56474

    I have been a premium user on here for 2 years and to be honest, prem or free, a lot of girls here are bitches. 90% of them demand A$ to room. I'm already paying $50/yr for this place, so I am in no mood to double pay. If you want to help free users, more power to you, but I'm at the point where I will NOT be renewing my membership in March when it expires.

    in reply to: Could not initialize display #24859

    Since you are running Windows 7, I would suggest right clicking and selecting “Run as Administrator”

    in reply to: Problem with instaling (runing) AChat #25901

    If you haven't tried it and are running Windows Vista or 7, right click on achat.exe and select “run as administrator”, it's the only way it runs on my laptop.

    in reply to: HACKER ON ACHAT!? #56029

    I would like to add it could have been a “friend” she let a laptop to? I know the GUI saves passwords if you allow it, so someone that was borrowing the computer could have done it….just and observation though.

    in reply to: Search : Improving the search facility in the game #54188

    THIS OPTION ALREADY EXISTS….it's right under where you select the gender to search for….and it has a RANGE option too…way to request something that's already part of the system

    in reply to: Game Improvements to Friend, Lovers and Spouse Lists #51753

    Well back to the actual topic of friend list changes, I would love to see improvements to that as well. I have this habit of checking to see if any of my friends or lovers are online before I search. Lately I've been having the luck that my lover list says no one is online, but when I search, one of my lovers IS online, so I would love to see new notification system that says “Your lover xxx is now online” and “Your friend xxx has logged off”

    in reply to: ACHAT PAYMENT SYSTEM #52633

    They took PayPal last year….oh well

    in reply to: ACHAT PAYMENT SYSTEM #52631

    I do know a small work around that does work, mostly. I know they allow you to make purchases via PayPal (or at least they did, not sure if they still do). You can always link the card to PayPal and then pay that way and it gets around CCBill errors, but of course that assumes they still take PayPal

    in reply to: COMPLETE Vote for pose idea to be developed #52582

    I voted for against the wall….it's funny how Andera gets credit for it when i started a thread about it 2 months ago (,1063.0.html)

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