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  • in reply to: Blue’s House #58351

    Great Blue,
    very inteerresting informative  post  specially for a newbie like me.

    Thanks  heaps  i look forward to your next  post  with eager  anticipation

    Hugs and kisses

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #51276

    What can i say  but YAY  ;)


    everyone loves  pantiless FRIDAY

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #118940

    yep its  that damn aussie bikie  chasing after the Queen Bee


    Next will be Maron211177  aka  Sammy :)

    in reply to: Jayc. Moderator Elder ‘s Wall. #141285

    Hukk your  a nut

    in reply to: Music Association Game #25960

    Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows- Lesley Gore- Lyrics

    in reply to: Music. What song are you listening to? #106953

    Darren Hayes Insatiable (Official Video- FULL)

    in reply to: Forum Game: The next one posting…. #118905

    Tough Roxy its ME  lol

    stand clear  I'm gunna lay some donuts

    not the type cops like   then ones they hate

    Locks  front brake  full left lock revs engine and drops  clutch

    and disappears in a cloud of blue smoke 

    HAHA  so now you all know  my  “Magical Secret”  Thunder of a roaring V twin engine  and  blue smoke  from a burning rear Tyre, the flash of lightening comes  when you fuck with the wizard

    “AusWoody the chat wizard of Aus appears with a flash of lightening and in a puff of blue smoke all hail the Wizard”

    Next is Advoapril

    in reply to: Jayc. Moderator Elder ‘s Wall. #141278

    Congratulations JayC,
    and good luck with your new responsibilities
    im pretty new here  but  I found you to be a good bloke
    and im sure you will do a great job as a Moderator

    you have my support :)

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68120

      Sipping on my beer, I keep my eyes locked on the feisty red head, thinking about how she reminds me of all my lovesin a long past life. I smile a little smile as the memories flood back.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bloke chatting up the red head called Jinger, then move towards the bloke on the floor.

    Tango cuffs him and as he drags him towards the door tells me he wants to talk to me so don’t leave.

    Damn I’d been stopped 10 minutes and already the local cops know me.

    My thoughts are interrupted by the trim red head, Brandy, asking me if I'm gunna be here long?

    Hell I don’t know I just riding wherever the wind blows.

    I notice she keeps looking at her right hand,the knuckles look swollen. I laugh when she tells me she punched someone and looks like she dislocated her knuckle.
    I reach across the bar, grab her hand pulling her across the bar and pop her knuckle back into place grinning at her.

    “You gotta bunch them tiny fists better if you gunna be hitting things Brandy, put your hand in the ice bucket for a while, it will ease the pain.” I say amused.

    She smiles her thanks, a flush coming to her face and reaches for an Ice bucket.

    “Hmm maybe I will wait for the cops to come back, hell it was self defence after all , not that ever got me off before.” I think to myself.

    I start to chat to Brandy and find out she is the owner of the a A B&G and some dungeon known as The Ice House.

    My gut starts growling like it thinks my throats been cut and I ask, “What time does the kitchen close?”
    I find out it still open for 30 minutes. I invite her to join me for something to eat and see her eyes glitter.
    We move to a table with her hand in an ice bucket. I notice she's walking like she been riding as long as I have and think, “must have been one hell of a fight she was in.”

    A waitress approaches who introduces herself as Stone and smiles at Brandy. She gives me the once over, covered in dust. I must be a sight!
    I was glad the boss lady is with me or I’d get the bums rush for sure.

    I order a mixed grill with chips and veggies, and spend 5 minutes explaining what that is to Stone, and a beer please. Brandy orders a steak and salad.

    Shaking her head she says“You really gunna eat all that?”
    “All what?” I ask
    “steak,chop, sausage, bacon, eggs, chips, and veggies!”

    “Sure,” I reply “I'm hungry, been a long time since breakfast.”

    I steer the conversation to her sore hand and stiff body,
    “So what happened to you? You look like you went 12 rounds with Tyson in a bad mood?”

    She told me about her mate Coves who she been looking for on her horse and how she punched his lights out! I’m beginning to like this little red headed fire cracker.

    “So,” I ask, “ How long am I supposed to wait for the law?”
    She just laughed and said “Till they get back here, why you got somewhere you gotta be, Bikie?”
    “Nope, I’m just passing through is all, suppose I better find a motel.” I answer.

    Our meal arrives. No wonder she was amazed at my order . There was the biggest steak I ever seen on the biggest plate, piled high with my food.

    I feel something brush my leg under the table and think “Dog this is your lucky day cause I'm not gunna be able to eat all this.”
    It brushes again and I slip a piece of steak discretely under the table for it, nothing happens!
    “Well trained dog it seems” I mutter under my breath.
    It brushes my leg again. I reach down to give it a pat but cant seem to find it?

    “Ouch something kicked me!”

    I look under the table,all I see are two riding boots on the bottom of a tight pair of jeans and shapely jeans they are too!
    Then my brain works it out! I look at Brandy who has a smile as wide as the Mississippi on her face and is looking at her meal, “Cheeky bugger. So that's how its gunna be”I think, smiling myself.

    Maybe hanging around might be interesting after all as I push my half eaten meal away, asking her if there is a dog around who's hungry.
    I see the fire flare in her eyes, and she snarls. “Our food not good enough for you?”

    Holding up my hands I say “No it great,just way too much for me. Where I come from a mixed grill isn’t a full steak, just a piece and well there just way too much food for one bloke.”

    I see the fire fade a little and she laughs, “Oh ok Bikie, yeah we can find some stray to do your work for you.”

    Smiling back at her, I lean back in my chair and sip my beer, looking around the bar. I see a room off shoot – it's a pool room and a stage set up with a bands instruments, and ask you have live entertainment here?

    She reels of her std spiel about the house band – The Cocks N Roses,and then tells me they do gigs. She invites me to stick around, telling me they have great nights here.“I love a great party Brandy but I need to find a place to crash and then there is the cops who want to talk to me and that never ends well. “

    She laughs again, “Don’t worry about Tango he probably wants to buy you a drink, the nearest motel is about 25 miles down the road, Aus and he will lock ya up if you ride drunk. Tell ya what, I got a attic room you can crash in tonight if you ain't looking for the Ritz. It’s got a bathroom and stuff, you’re welcome to stay the night there?”

    “Sounds great Brandy, Thanks. Is there a safe place to park my ride? I don’t like it out in the weather and where john q public can get their hands on it. It took me a year to build it, and it has served me well for a long time.”

    “Sure there is a lock up storeroom where we store the grog, it’s alarmed and secure you can park it there. “

    “Deal,” I say smiling my thanks.

    Feeling good now,my belly full anda place to crash and a night to let my hair down at, life is good.
    Brandy suggests. “Let’s get that bike put to bed and you sorted and get back to the bar?”

    “Sounds like a plan,” I agree, as I get up looking forward to a hot shower and a change of clothes.

    in reply to: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) #68116

    The Achat Bar and Grill was quiet during the lull between the dinner rush and the arrival of the evenings revelers, with a few late diners finishing their meals, the staff were clearing the remnants of a few meals and picking up after the rush. Even the background music was muted, Old Joe was wiping down the bar top and watching the attractive waitresses bussing the tables. He enjoyed watching the young women and how their bodies moved in a naturally seductive manner.

    He noticed a growing drone enter the bar, drifting in the still evening air and wondered idly what was making such a racket on the passing highway. He grew more interested as it approached becoming louder something buried deep down in his memory stirred at the sound it reminded him of the thunder of an approaching storm,. He didn’t know how accurate that thought would prove to be.

    It grew closer and closer as it approached the bar and he expected it to fade as it passed and moved on. Most vehicles did as the bar didn’t get a lot of the passing trade. It flourished on a strong regular patronage of the local community. Unexpectedly he heard the rolling thunder turn into the bars car lot. The noise becoming deafening in the quiet of the bar. Then it disappeared in an instant and left a vacuum of quiet in the still bar. Every eye looking toward the entrance of the bar expectantly.

    The back corner of the pool room suddenly exploded with noise and action, a young gang banger and his girlfriend were raising their voices in heated discussion and every eye turned to observe the unusual event in the bar. Strangers fighting over some imagined slight. Noticing they were the object of everyone’s attention, they started to make their way out of the bar toward the exit.

    As they approached the door  something huge blocked the incoming light, the massive shape of a man entering through the doorway. On second look he wasn't overly tall barely 6' but broad and heavily muscled. What stuck anyone who saw him  was his presence, a sense of pending danger barely repressed like a ticking bomb.

    The gang banger was virtually dragging his girlfriend towards the door when she broke free and stopped moving in his wake he stopped and reached for her again and as she avoided his reaching hands he lost his temper and slapped her hard across the face causing her  to scream and  begin sobbing.

    As I entered the dim bar  I saw  a couple arguing heatedly, as I moved around them the man some type of  banger from the city, slapped her hard  knocking her backwards, without thinking I placed my hand on the man's shoulder and turned him to face me, saying softly, “A man never strikes a lady under any circumstances.”

    The switch-blade appeared as if by magic in his hand. The silver blade reflecting the lights of the bar on its evil length as he squared up to me, his manner threatening. I grabbed his hand twisting his wrist and forcing him to drop the knife to the floor, following up with a solid punch to the solar plexus  and a knee to his face, leaving the banger out cold on the bar room floor unconscious while his girlfriend was standing open mouthed in shock.

    I walked to the bar took a seat beside a attractive woman nervously sipping slowly on what appeared to be a glass of water. Giving her a smile  I signalled the barkeep for a beer. Nodding my thanks, I drained the cold brew and washed the dust of my journey from my throat in one swallow placing the mug on the bar. I signalled for another.

    Something in the barkeeps manner alerted me and I stood turning quickly to see the banger coming for me with the knife in his hand and revenge in his eyes. Shaking my head, I unload a massive punch right into the oncoming face, feeling the nose and cheek bones crumble under the force and the banger falls backward to the floor, his head bouncing and unconscious. Retaking my seat I said to the barkeep,  “Some people never learn.”

    The barkeep opened his mouth to answer when a female voice spoke up from behind him, “Get Tango to lock him up Joe, and see if his girlfriend needs any help.” turning her attention to me she asked, “Another beer stranger?” Looking her over  unconsciously, I noticed the shocked looks of the patrons at the end of the bar, then his eyes caught the blazing emerald green eyes of another red head standing in front of him hands on hips and a smile on her lips.

    “Yeah thanks” he replied in his aussie drawl, “the road dust sticks good around here.”
    She turned and walked behind the bar pulling him a tall cold beer placing it in front of him, saying “The first drink here is always on the house but I think you earned a second freebie. I smiled my thanks and took a long draft of the chilled beer and placed the half full glass on the bar.

    “I don’t drink with strangers missus they call me Aus, thanks for the beer.”

    in reply to: Minions of the forum #140916

    Thanks Martin,
    you found my true Minion

    now where did I leave my scooter??

    in reply to: Minions of the forum #140911

    Party time in the forum square


    in reply to: Minions of the forum #140910

    Jinger and Maron shoe shopping 
    (poor Hukk his credit card getting another  beating)


    in reply to: Game Chatlog #140802

    Personally I take it as  theft of my property, what I type  in a chat is  my property  it isn't  something of value to any one else just myself, yes brandy is correct  as a writer  I do my best work when interacting with another in role-play, and have  used these  chats as  the basis of many stories.

    you may not have noticed that you cannot even copy a live chat now  as they have  removed that function as well, so the only way  is now the  storage hungry screenshots  and they can only  grab such a small  window of chat it  would  take  40 or 50  to capture a full chat.

    I have been chatting online  for 20+ years now  and NEVER had  this situation  before  every IRC  program has the ability to review  your chat logs, for whatever reason you choose  as it is YOUR property, it is NOT Achat's  to  remove  or  delete.

    I am not asking it to be replaced  I am DEMANDING it be replaced IMMEDIATLY.

    yes i'm sure there are ppl out there  who couldn't give a shit about this feature, and good luck to them, they prolly don't  adjust the  treble and bass on their sound systems  either  or  the  picture on their TV, their apathy is not the issue here, some of us  require  the features  WE PAID FOR when we subscribed  as  members. My subscription is a contract  between  the  provider  (Achat) and user (AusWoody). They are in breach of a contract  and  are liable to be sued by the members over this..

    in reply to: EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 – O.T. #140309

    some great ideas posted  so far , Syl  I think forcing  a theme  of cross gender  ect  would  make it  very difficult  for  those with no experience  in that area  but as HB suggests  you can incorporate  that idea into  any theme  (I think).

    I like the  work  and cheating theme  or  even a combination of both :)

    I like to suggest a space  theme

    like a interstellar  space  journey  or  worm hole trip  or a colonizing  trip  to a new world.

    just my thoughts  :)

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