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  • in reply to: Should AChat have mentors? #61460

    Once the “Newbie Guide” is in place, I will refer them directly to that.  I tell them that they do not have to “sign up” to read the Forum, they just won't be able to post anything.  Some have told me that they have used the Forum to get their answers, so it seems to work.  (Others can't be bothered)

    I guess the question becomes… what has lead us to think this is really needed? From what I have seen we're doing rather well with the resources we're providing. I'm thinking it was sort of a brainstorm kind of suggestion that's being explored, but the reception seems… cool at best.

    Personally, I think maintaining the status quo is easier than having some sort of special coding added to the game. Secondly. having some sort of OFFICIAL mentoring program will make AChat into too much similar to other games that are out there. AChat is unique… let's strive to keep it that way.

    The Newb Guide is a work in progress and hopefully it will be something that the Dev-Team may consider adding into the game module to help newbs and experienced users alike to remember some of the finer points of the game features… again, it is a work in progress.


    in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 73. Erotic Spanking. #55811

    We've started a little chant.  “Less faces more embraces”  And… trading the faces for kissing.  Again, in all the poses.  We need one of you clever people to come up with a chant for that.

    Upon seeing your post, Pafe… I was immediately reminded of an old movie; Trading PLaces – With Jamie Lee Curtis, Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy… The Jail Cell scene is my Fav! (hehehe)


    Trading Faces… Make it like Pantless Fridays where we all blow kisses on our profiles on Fridays with our bare bums.


    in reply to: FF Pose Review Request. 73. Erotic Spanking. #55808

    Well, ok… Did a test drive with the new actions for the pose. While I do like the pose, and the new actions are a definitive improvement, the only thing I remain totally and completely mortified with is…

    Why Keep The Dildo's?

    For heaven sakes, it's girl-on-girl… if we wanted a phalus symbol of some sort, we'd use a different pose where a strap-on is needed. Keep the sexy, lose the penis.


    This message has been paid for by the coalition to stop phalusies

    in reply to: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD) #60079

    Welcome Dr. Jessi93… I'll make the roster change with the new roster update.


    in reply to: Should AChat have mentors? #61443

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    NYmphomania Sex Police Department

    At the present time, I help newbs when I feel up to the task… sometimes it can be very daunting.

    AChat for Newbs is currently under development

    A mentoring program? one word – NO!

    Why? – Simple… because to have some sort of mentoring program invites more problems than it solves. Why upset the status quo with a whole bunch of extra coding and labels and all that stuff. If members wish to donate their time and help out newbs… Hey, Great Idea I'm all for it. Do we need a sanctioned mentoring system that makes us appear similar to other games? Most definately not, as AChat is different and unique.

    As members, we should strive to help the Dev-Team maintain Achat as it is.

    Maintain the Status Quo

    That is all.

    in reply to: How to get and keep members #61327

    i don't see why for helping newbie there is the need for a sort of “reward”. i know you are proposing an incentive for prem users, but the best reward for us will be to see achat grown in good stuff and in entertainment, nothing more.

    Or are you proposing it cause you wanna buy an engine for your pedal car!?

    I agree with Hentai… For me, just helping out is reward enough for me…. heck, lately I've had so many gifts from peeps, that I've just been sharing it with new members I've been helping. A great way to show new members the benefit of becoming premium is them buying a 3 day subscription with gifted A's just to try out new clothes (and several have bought themselves Uniforms too).

    Psst… Pafe, there's a new audi pedal car in the garage for you…


    PS: One suggestion I would like to make is to prune the membership listings for the forum (currently 78 pages totalling 2327 members). I have taken the time to look at the membership listing, and a very large number of members to the forum have ZERO (0) Posts. I stopped after the fifth page, after noticing that most new forum members haven’t been back since registering, and another large amount of these Zero (0) post members haven’t been online in more than a year too.

    Is it time to clean house?

    in reply to: Why do some people think being assholes is funny? #61426

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    There are some who suffer the plaue of smallcox and as such the plague beseeches them to do unspeakable things in manner of speech and to small animals.

    Sufferance hence delivered unto thee by thy staff and thy rod give the plagued pleasure to remit them brief pardon from their curse. Divinity, not virginity makes them repent for their sins…

    But in the mean time, I will have a donut (with creame filling) and look no further than the bottom of my coffee cup as it equals the size of their gene pool.


    in reply to: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD) #60076

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    Status Report

    With the state of economic recovery within the small Country we Love so much, The NSPD is once again being placed under heavy budget restraints (and the handcuffs are lovely when not wearing panties too).

    Recruit Kirsten1987 – Badge #F75-768-437 and Recruit VeronicaZ – Badge #F27-858-834 are to report to the Orderly Room Immediately to sign their paperwork and get put onto the payroll. Donuts (especially those cream filled ones) can be brought to my office.

    The Motor Pool has assured me that Car#1 will have its Siren replaced, and Car #2 will be 100% serviceable. Additionally, Car #3 is being removed from Moth-balls and placed into service for Cst Jessi93 (Promoted to Medical Examiner) & Josie85 to begin patrols. SSgt Pafe will begin training Recruit VeronicaZ and Cpl Satoire will be partnered with Recruit Kirsten1987.

    A New Duty Roster Will Be Posted once completed, along with Issue 2 of Identification Cards and Badges.

    That is all… But remember to Be Safe!

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 70. Pampered Woman: #61382

    Medjai and I did a road test with this pose… I think it's worth the wait!

    (will be posting more later)



    in reply to: How to get and keep members #61316

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    Personally, I like the current membership system… allow me to explain further.

    The current system sets up a two-tier system into itself. Those that like the game (of which I very much do!) stay and become regular patrons, while those that dislike the game, often leave for various reasons (which I'm not even going to speculate upon). Since I began my time here within the world of AChat, I have met a lot of people that I consider worthy of being called a friend, and those that are most definately worthy to be placed into the bin with rapid regularity.

    To me, The Good… Far outweighs the Bad I have experienceds here within the World of AChat.
    IN OTHER WORDS… Maintain the Status Quo.


    in reply to: Favourite Love Songs #25171

    well, a great Family Favorite and an original penned by your's Truly… and alas, sadly still unpublished.

    (en Deutsch) To the Arrangement – Darling Violetta by Holly Knight

    Denn Die Liebe Ist – 2009

    Ich stehe vor dem Hintergrund
    der erste Tag vom Rest meines Lebens
    Ich bin von seinen Hunger geweckt
    Füttere ich ihm meine Liebe
    Ich kann nicht leugnen ihn
    Ich bin mit den Flügeln zu fliegen

    Meine lieben ist ohne Ende
    Er nimmt meine Tränen von mir
    Meine Seele ist er zu ergreifen
    Mein Leben ist sein Ich bete
    Meine Hände sind zu halten

    Meine lieben geöffnet ist, meine lieben unendlichen
    Meine lieben Art ist, ist Meine lieben seine
    Meine lieben ist ohne Frage, meine lieben

    Der alte cathedra Licht ist niedrig
    zwei Herzen, schlugen sie als eine
    Seine liebe ist alles, was ich
    Seine liebe er bietet mir
    Gemeinsam Freiheit dist klar

    Seine letzte beklagen, sein letztes Geschenk
    Mein Lächeln ist alles, was er will
    Mein Vater wartet auf mich erlösen
    Als ich trage mein Herz auf der einen
    Wer steht warten, wie mein Fürst

    Meine lieben geöffnet ist, meine lieben unendlichen
    Meine lieben Art ist, ist Meine lieben seine
    Meine lieben ist ohne Frage, meine lieben

    Ich bin ohne seinen Kuß schwach
    Ich kommt zu euch mit Liebe
    wie er ist mein, ich bin seine
    Damen-ring wie meine Liebe, unendliche
    Unsere Herzen vereinigen als eine

    Zu haben und dich zu halten, so warte ich
    Halten Sie es mit, wenn Sie aufwachen
    Nehmen Sie es mit, wenn Sie fliegen
    Bringen Sie sie mit, bis Sie fertig sind
    Meine Liebe lebt in Herrenring

    Meine Liebe ist offen, meine Liebe unendlich
    Meine Liebe ist gütig, meine Liebe sein
    Meine Liebe ist immer, denn die Liebe ist

    in reply to: Response to Free Member Survey and Results #61307

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    I personally commend my officers for their valiant effort to make a voice be heard… and 46% says a lot about us Premium Users, and I will openly admit that I was one of the 0.08% that actually had a conversation with the Poll Taker.

    Ahem… Coffee break is over, get peddling your asses over to my office. I'm waiting for my donut. (hehehe MWAH!)


    in reply to: Editing cloth textures #16170


    ZOMG!! Can I get this hairstyle just a wee bit longer and in Red? (like an auburn)?

    cana cana cana? huh? wink wink wink…


    in reply to: Can I change my Name? #61171

    heya, you can try asking for aname change by sending a request to support section on the website… but no promises.


    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45805

    I have a suggestion for backgrounds.  Why not allow us to download a photo of our own to use as a background?  We can do this for our profile in the search page. That way there would be all kinds of different backgrounds and achat would sit back and take in $99 each and not have to do anything but set up so we can download our images. I think this would be a moneymaher for achat. I would like to hear any suggestions to this idea.


       That is a terrific idea!  You people are always thinking how to improve this experience.  And for NewGurl's quote above, not only would it be A$ 99 for each picture, but just like the little picture A$ 99 would have to be in your account.  I just wonder how much more power (bandwidth?  Is that correct?  I can't think of the correct term) it would take to have 1,000's of high resolution pictures.

    yes, an awesome idea!
    The only limitation would be actual storage and not bandwidth at all…

    Btw pafe… FYI – Bandwidth is the “space” + “Speed” required for transmissting data across the internet.

    Since Members could simply “BUY” a Custom Photo background “blank space” from the shop and then upload pics to their account and have this then used as their background. The only problem I can see with this, is unfortunately from the few MALES, who still think all us ladies want to see is their dicks… and quite honestly, I don't find that sexy at all. If I want to see dick, all I have to do is ask my hubby and he is quite willing to show me… hehehe…

    So Far, the TOS for uploads is fairly simple, but I can see this being abused with peeps uploading pictures they find on the net and do not actually have the right to post as their own. Copyright infringement is a big problem on the net, and is only now starting to be addressed and enforced, particularly in places like the United States… While a great idea in principle, all it will take is one image uploaded by a member and AChat could be looking at a serious problem with legal entaglements.

    Personally, I think 50 lawyers lashed to an anchor chain, is a damm good start… lolz.


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