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  • in reply to: New MF Pose Idea #61762

    I'm sure you have at least one template… or we can develop them together. I ask Susy to add a new sub-board called “Templates” ok?

    @ Lover: Absotively Posolutely Funtastical Awesomeness!

    … and yes, I have templates… probably close to several hundred of them…


    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19406

    lolz… Good one, Rukya.

    I shall have to remember that, and keep my temper in check.


    in reply to: TRADING FACES FOR MORE EMBRACES #61778


    Go Girls and Guys GO :)


    I concur… Pafe and I had a discussion… how about:

    Miss da Kiss
    (makes it sound like a person's name)


    in reply to: TRADING FACES FOR MORE EMBRACES #61775


    I fully support the Movement!


    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19403

    Some young men are such neanderthals… I just feel the need to share a recent Real Life experience with our members.

    Scene: unaccompanied and unencumbered by both hubby and my girls doing of all things, grocery shopping. I am armed with a shopping cart, my purse (with lots of nifty goodies inside) and my temper (yes, that infamous redheaded temper of mine).

    So anyway, here I am… happily exchanging flirts with my Butcher while he's wraping my order, when I hear someone quitely speak:

    “HI babe. You have a nice ass.”

    I turn myself about with my temper on a quickly rising boil to find a male close to my age with a silly grin on his face.

    THWACK! is heard by everyone in proximity, with my palm starting to sting slightly having made full contact with his face.

    “Next time, try keeping your thoughts to yourself.” I manage to speak clearly and concisely, leaving no doubt as to my meaning… and the little vermin scurries away with a rising welt upon his face. About 20 minutes later, I am emptying my shopping cart at the check-out and I am greeted by my local Constable, and the little vermin following close behind like a snake.

    “Oh, it's you. Hi Az.” my local Constable greets me with a very knowing smile.

    “Heya!” I politely greet him back and give him an affectionate hug.

    “That's her… she assaulted me.” The little vermin speaks.

    “Az, How many times have I asked you to play nice with others?” My local Constable asks me.

    “One more time, please. I have a short memory… like the rest of me.” I answer.

    My local Constable gives me a knowing wink and promptly cautions the little vermin for being a Public Nuisance and to stop his behavior. My Constable and I have coffee together before I have to head home with my groceries, and we enjoy a good laugh together.


    in reply to: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users" #61563

    Nother words

    Simply Do Not use it if you do not wish to  BUT,, do Not try to force, coax, coerce, embarrass or push others into behaving how You < (all those against the option)  think is correct...

    I agree with you, Ginger… but I do also think a modification of the original concept will make it a more useful feature.

    Just my thoughts.

    in reply to: Not tonight, I have a headache (Make new friends!) #61773

    Bienvennue Silverxza! Mwah!

    There truely are times when I wish I had a button to completely iggy everyone EXCEPT those people on my friend's lists… the remainder of the time, I just prefer to use a wooden mallet… hehehe.

    The unfortunate part of being a new member is that no one knows you, and you do not know them. Making new aquaintances starts with putting one foot in front of the other and just keep trying.

    BTW, We've all been where you are now… and we'll probably all find you in the game at some time. Do you deliver take-out? (hehehe)


    in reply to: New MF Pose Idea #61759

    Thank you, thank you… thank you… to you, and you and you. Mwah!

    I was looking at all the pose suggestions through all the categories, and while some are well presented, some are woefully poorly presented.

    So… to move right into my next idea. (Bear, Tight, Lover, Kieko are you all reading?) … and this comes right out of my experience on other forums (and no, I'm not going to say how many, or for how long I've been haunting them… hehehe).

    Creation of a Templates Gallery

    Simply stated, it is a place where all all templates for formal presentations for poses, clothing, and suggestions can be stored (in some resemblance of order) so that when there is a presentation made by a member, they all have some sort of uniformity. In saying this, the Dev-Team can see the presentation (along with discussions that will most certainly be welcomed to follow) making it that much easier for an idea to move from being just a presentation to the Dev-team's drawing board.

    As Tight can attest to my creativity, having a pre-made template stored on the forum is one way to assist the dev-team in their own creativity and our future enjoyment of the game.

    Might I suggest, that templates be stored in their own sub-forum in the Support Section.


    in reply to: AChat for Newbs #61167

    hmm women cant too adera , i suppose its reserved to men

    Azrielle, you can add that shemales can't have Front Torso Body Art.

    The Items Listed under the Controls are what is available, but good to note. Perhaps it can become an available option in the future. How about starting an information thread about this in the sharing ideas section?


    in reply to: New MF Pose Idea #61755

    Wow Azrielle, you've really thought this one through. I think it looks like a very good MF pose and one they should seriously consider.

    A good thing about the pose is that it does seem realistic compared to some of the poses that are available already and can at the same time be very wild.

    Thx Adera… and the awesome thing about this, is that it is easily adaptable to MM, MS, SS as well as FF, and FS too!


    in reply to: Bunny Costume For the Easter Season #61654

    ZOMG!! what a cute fluffy tail! I want a piece of that scrumscious and delicious looking backside… and the bunny ears are a nice touch too!!


    in reply to: Kissing, licking and biting … #61300

    hehehe… Pafe, Satoire and I have begun a movement (well, actually it was their idea, I just helped give it a catchy phrase).

    Trading Faces for More Embraces


    in reply to: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD) #60089

    Mood Music for Traffic Division while on Patrol: 

    Start the Car – Jude Cole  (

    And just some trivia… look carefully at the Piano in the video…

    Can you tell what it is? It's a Steinway Upright (I recognise the sound board and the hammers)

    Mwah! Enjoy!

    in reply to: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD) #60085

    Welcome Recruits…

    Will everyone welcome Dutchslut19 – Badge #F16-527-367, and mrsexlover – Badge #M51-725-876 to the NSPD.

    They will be assiting The Medical Examiner, Dr. Jessi93.


    in reply to: AChat for Newbs #61164
    Quick Start Guide for NEWBS (Continued)

    From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department

    Clothing Your Avatar

    For most of us, society has deemed it appropriate to be clothed while in public. So it is only appropriate that you also clothe your Avatar. Whether you choose to clothe your Avatar or not, is still your choice but keep in mind that not everyone wants to see you naked.  With this being said, as a new user, you may find it daunting to figure out how the Character Editor actually works… in particular, choosing clothing for your Avatar.

    The Clothing Editor is located on the right hand side of the AChat Client Window, when in the Character Editor. The Clothing Editor has 4 main tabs to choose from. For Free Users, your clothing options are rather limited. With a paid membership, your options increase exponentially, as optional clothing can be purchased from the shop in a variety of styles.

    Once You’ve Chosen to attire your Avatar, Simply use the Camera Controls to place your Avatar where you want it to be within the Viewing Frame, and choose SAVE CHANGES. Your Avatar and the changes you have made are now visible to all members.

    If at any time, you make a mistake and wish to remove an article, simply click on the “X” located on the right hand side of each clothing option. At the top of the Clothing Editor is your $A’s Balance (when you’re logged in) and at the bottom is a button that is linked directly to THE SHOP.

    The Street Clothing Tab
    This is how your Avatar will appear to everyone who is viewing your Profile. Choose wisely, as it speaks volumes about the type of Charater you want your Avatar to be, and also promotes yourself visually to everyone using ACHat.

    For ease of explanation, all listings are mentioned from top to bottom, and left to right.

    For Females & Shemales: The Boutique
    I) Hats, Headwear, Hair pieces and Masks
    II) Eyewear
    III) Tops (Including Bra’s, Lingerie and Gloves)
    IV) Panties & Bottoms
    V) Pants & Skirts
    VI) Hosiery
    VII) Footwear
    For Males: The Haberdashery
    I) Hats
    II) Eyewear
    III) Shirts, Ties & Jackets
    IV) (Blank)
    V) Pants & Shorts
    VI) Socks
    VII) Shoes

    The Sex Clothing Tab
    This is the clothing you want your character to be wearing when having those intimate moments with a partner(s). Basically the same options as for Street Clothes.

    For Females & Shemales: The Boutique
    I) Hats, Headwear, Hair pieces and Masks
    II) Eyewear
    III) Tops (Including Bra’s, Lingerie and Gloves)
    IV) Panties & Bottoms
    V) Pants & Skirts
    VI) Hosiery
    VII) Footwear
    For Males: The Haberdashery
    I) Hats
    II) Eyewear
    III) Shirts, Ties & Jackets
    IV) Underwear
    V) (Blank)
    VI) Socks
    VII) Shoes

    The Jewellery Tab
    Here you will find those personal items and accessories, that you decide where and when to wear.

    For Females & Shemales: The Jewellery Box      .
    I) Earrings
    II) Necklaces
    III) Upper Arm Body Art
    IV) Front & Rear Torso Body Art
    V) Bracelets
    VI) Rings
    VII) Anklets & Leg Body Art
    For Males: The Valet & Tattoo Parlour
    I) Earrings
    II) Necklaces
    III) Back Body Art
    IV) Upper Arm Body Art
    V) Bracelets
    VI) Rings
    VII) (Blank)

    The Your Body Tab
    The place where you get really personal about your avatar.

    For Females & Shemales: The Salon
    I) Hair Styles
    II) Eye Colours
    III) Faces
    IV) Make-up
    V) Boobs & Butts
    VI) Nipples
    VII) Pubic Hair (Not Available for Shemales)
    For Males: The Barber Shop
    I) Hair Styles
    II) Eye Colour
    III) Faces
    IV) Facial Hair
    V) Chest & Ass Sculpture
    VI) Body Hair
    VII) Pubic Hair

    * * * * *

    Up Next – The Command Line


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