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  • Bear

    Nicely done folks…

    again a reminder… you don't need to join in elaborate play… simply picking an outfit and showing us what you might wear to such a gala  is a treat  ;)

    *grabs sunny's hand as before it reaches the keyboard….shaking my head*

    “Besides a cowboy hat …”

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50858

    sunny I think there's a pretty big group of ladies out there who would enjoy that cowgirl hat too…

    The guys here haven't forgotten your want,…and the fact they churn out the costumes for the gals, the  likelihood of you getting it first is pretty good. Just hope when it does arrive, you'll be shaking that cute bottom on Friday's for us with that hat on.

    in reply to: Condoms. Wearing a condom #48190

    Honestly isn't everything here a virtual visual nudge on the imagination. Be it lingerie, poses, or fetish style clothing…we are speaking of eye candy stimulating. In this frame of mind a condom is certainly a reasonable request if it sets those of such fetish in the right mind.

    I certainly too understand that it's not desirable for all, I have no use of FF poses, but it doesn't discount to me the importance that this site provide that option to those who have that preference. I see this condom request in the same light.

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50856

    Well I thought being naked was the ultimate in leisure suits, and  I have found a comfort too in just hanging out  as is.

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54196

    ooc… oh you wonder of those two beauties do you  Tight?  8)

    ^cguckles^ even I wonder at this stage…though I know Camille and Rose have distinctive personalities .. as does Jaspar the butler…he too carries a story of his own…

    Should any desire to play with a preset character let me know…I'll be happy to turn lose their control as long as you understand their motivation and play within the constraints of their personalities… ;)
    they do not have to be bound in play with Ursa…in fact perhaps more interesting if they follow their own paths this night.


    Thank you….though I have reread it a half dozen times and conclude… it could be better…chuckles a minor rewrite  ::)
    …to better reflect that music.

    At this point Tight are you and I alone playing there?….

    *laughs* my pets could make an interesting story…

    in reply to: A favor to ask. Message from AvaLucia #54004

    Glad matters have settled for you, … welcome back

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19360

    Adera should have asked “a real pic?”

    then negotiated and agreed to a price… afterwards sent him this pic


    maybe would have cooled his jets…

    but there again… ::)

    in reply to: Meeting in a real life #51919

    If one is blindly and foolishly accepting a meeting without qualifying their partner, they set themselves up for disappointed in the results. He can just as easily be an overweight slob under 30 reeking of BO.

    In this day and age, arranging such meets is setting oneself up for problems. Predatory types thrive on the mindless arrangements of this sort.

    Red lights should be flashing in the heads of women of guys who press the issue for a real life meet.

    in reply to: How do I try a pose with Robot boy / girl? #54225

    well the robot can be found after doing a search…it sits as a divider between the Premium and non premium list…Once located you can issue a cold call…and invite the Robot to room.. the pose option will be available for you to check out

    in reply to: How do I try a pose with Robot boy / girl? #54222

    You must purchase the pose before using it with the Robots… and then you are limited only to the options available to your sex…


    For any pondering this and how it works, I refer you to the thread “Masked Ball”


    as stated there the ground rules are relatively straight forward…

    There is no need to sit back waver with the thought that you have to dream up an elaborate story… the intro is but a tool for the setting… to use AZVloverV instructions…which set it perfectly…

    Please set aside your inhibitions and your identities as you step into this world of mystery, intrigue, and eroticism.
    Try to have fun and let your imagination run wild.

    Now some basic groundrules:
    #1 Respect one another.
    #2 Describe your mask and/or costume.
    #3 Pick an alias other than your handle to be referred to while you are at the ball.  Your alias might have something to do with your costume.  For example, if you are wearing nothing but a toga, a crown of laurels, and a golden mask, you might refer to yourself as Appollo, who was the Roman sun god.  If you decided to come in a horse costume, you might refer to yourself as Mustang, in need of taming!


    The intro is done…now for you to create your stories within…

    I did mention several tunes from Vox Arcana… perhaps a certain feel for the situation might be enhanced in listening to them…indeed when I was writing the tune Vox Arcana   :     Night of the Wolf
    took my thoughts on a different path…listening to it while reading the second part I hope adds to the feel of the story…

    Have fun all and I sincerely hope you enjoy it.

    the link may not work in which case copy and paste

    in reply to: Halloween Party 2011… the lair of Ursa #54194

    For the briefest moment a silence fell,  then a low whisper rises from the darkness floating on the silence…and  the music flows again. “Nox Arcana…Night of the wolf…”

    The heavy deep beat smothers the crowd…a deep pulse vibrating on the nerves of the body,. the hush confident voice that rises on the string of the melody strokes smoldering anticipation… The chant fades into blackness, but the rhythm presses on, its ominous touch stirs the thickness of primal pool. …a subtle motion coxed by the firm beat of the music until the flow of the chant returns with renewed purpose,…the rippling darkness pressed by its urgance…gaining motion… strength building as the voices rise, stirring at it along the  flow of music. Pressed again the dark primal pool begins  to swirl about the crowd as they respond shifting instinctively closer together. The hairs on the nape rise with the rumbling lull in the chant, magic builds with a pressure that collapses on the core of their beings It strokes there, a dark caress urging a yielding, seductive in pull,…relax… surrender,… echoed by a feminine voice,…seductive and sinister . All about them  tempest of motion claws in the air,  Emptiness has  grown into a vortex of action riding the new wave of the chants that rise in a crescendo pitching with  burst of magic that washes the crowd. A sharp crack explodes, green lightning erupts it’s jagged path sweeping around the crowd,. crackling as it streaks to the edge. of the darkness along the floor. Verdant flames flash alive.,…growing as it spread… burning brighter, rising higher  as it dances on the melody…the crowd circled by its life, darkness is consumed. Substance replaces void,…a glossy black floor, imbued with the sparkle of faint light. To look close, one can feel depth there…and as the flames race in creation leaving in its wake a black floor is, with the sparkling diamonds of stars burning beneath its surface… A crash of vertigo sweeps some as it is like walking on the face of the cosmos,

    Tables and chairs to manifest from the flow storm of  green flames. Heavy with detailed intricate patterns carved in the wood…. long tables set with trays sweet delicacies and drinks,  The flames continue their race, the edge of a wall…. grey stones rising… pitted with private alcoves, entrances draped with heavy velvet curtains… tapestries, dangling along the face of the rising wall… the void is exploding into a growing inferno of green flame…and there rising about the milling crowd… the great hall….towering stone walls, with heavy oaken beams…an arch  glass ceiling in the forming  heights as the flames leap above at a frantic pace…a burst of pale silver blue moonlight as the moon appears above affixed like a chandelier in the heavens above the glass roof…until all is complete and the fire dies in the high corners of the hall with a whimpering poof as the music stills.

    For some,… the seductive voice strokes their souls again…”surrender”….

    A single beam of moonlight falls from the height to illuminate the raised dais at the rooms end. At its center, a slumped figure in the cradle of a heavy oak throne….His head lifts slowly to the touch of the silver rays exposing a silver torque wrapped to his neck. It glows in a soft blue hue as the moonlight baths it. His face is showered under the lights caress, he slowly shifts, as if drawing life from the rays. Hands rising from the seat,  halting under the restraint of chains. He jerks at the chains once,… twice… shatters the links on the third attempt. His feet shift… and the silence of the room is broken with a sharp crack as metal shatters from the kick of his feet..

    The host rises, running his fingers through his disheveled hair…then lifting his arms high,… he reaches to the moonlight,… as he does the sleeves of the trench coat slip down, revealing  iron shackles cuffing his wrist with heavy broken chains dangling from it.

    The cone of moonlight begins to expand, sweeping across the room as it paints the  stone wall under a brilliance of soft grey blue hues.

    As  the light sweeps behind the throne a pair of St. Andrew crosses anchored to the wall behind focus into view. Manacled to each heavy beamed cross a raven haired beauty, adorned in clinging orange satin dresses with low cup bodices bracing their exposed firm breasts, … as the light spills over them they hiss and snarl, silencing as the runed silver collars about their neck flare.

    Ignoring their actions the man nods to the elderly man in waiting who has slipped quietly to the edge of the dais. The old man raises a gloved hand and with a subtle movement the shackles of his companion crack open,.. falling with the remnants of the chains to the floor. Pausing the man on the dais rubs life into his wrist,…his dark eyes roaming over the wide assortment of costumes…until he finally speaks, his voice deeply booming within the chamber.


    “Welcome, friends and guests. Tonight we party… eat, drink,…dance,.. celebrate this hollowed eve”. 

    “It is a night of adventure, and perhaps under Luna’s sublime nudge, with the touch of imagination you shall find her to illuminate the those secret desires you hold within. To unravel,…explore this place of mystery,…of magic… of sensuality… welcome…to the Lair of Ursa”

    “Take care not to dig too deep into the secrets of the keep,…you may awaken matters best kept in slumbered ignorance.”

    He steps forward to the edge of the dais,.. Nods again to the man in waiting who raises his gloved hands and claps once. From the walls of stone step forth misty forms which condense into human shapes… sharpening in detail as they slid into the touch of the moonlight. Ghostly apparitions of comely servants, men and women…scantily clothed under light veils which barely to obscure their shapely features. They sweep forward through the tables scooping up trays of drinks and appetizer and  slide forth to mingle into the crowd.

    With  another clap, the music erupts… a heavy techno beat filling the hall,…a spark of a strobe light and the party begins as Ursa turns to the restrained beauties who hungrily eye the guests..

    Enjoy all… post a pic of your costume and join the fun… latecomers too… we await your tales…


    Indeed,…it is a costume party, a chance for folks to mingle socialize… hook up and spin an encounter…play and laugh…sorry for the delay… but I am trying perhaps too hard to spin the intro for you all.

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