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  • in reply to: CLOSED – Vote for pose idea to be developed #53181

    3some pole dance,… either a dancer for 2 watchers, or better yet 2 dancers and one watcher…certainly some sensual foreplay between the dancers could be achieved in that

    in reply to: Pose Ideas. Group MFF Pole and Lap Dances. #53887

    Two dancers if done right could be a very hot sexual show,.. my own thoughts would have been to take the watcher poses of the existing FFM and toss the guy into a chair…that shoots the hotness aspect of being a “3rd party” disassociated from the action to a couple of those poses up significantly.

    But I totally agree with the thought enough to kick the idea into the pose vote…

    😛 (if it hasn’t been already)

    in reply to: Cold invites and conversation #53852

    We all experience something like that at one stage or another. The language barrier will certainly limit your experience to a visual encounter, whether that is satisfying to both parties is pretty hard to determine with a silent partner. Some women are locked on the obsession of the “cumfest and expect you to pop off on every pose and smother them in cum. When you accept cold invites you run a crap shoot of an encounter, you are never certain if they have similar interests, understand your language or appreciate the effort you might put into a session. Your chances of a good satisfying encounter diminish with cold invites.

    I would not necessarily avoid them, sometimes you are lucky and find an exceptional partner, but the odds there are fairly remote. I will accept them once in awhile for giggles… one never knows, I’ll know in a short while whether I am getting anything of satisfaction from the encounter, the downside being I could be wasting 5 minutes of my life I will never get back. When we first start I think many most take a fuck anyone approach, some never grow out of it, but others become more selective, focusing on partners who can provide something worthwhile. There is no right or wrong to this this, merely that one gravitates eventually to a particular style of play they are most comfortable with,…finding partners that have mutual interests to maximize sessions.

    Have fun out there,…and remember you are not obligated to suffer a bad session… 8)

    in reply to: WTF !!!!! CLOTHINGS AGAIN !!!???? (Poll included & renewed) #53813

    Well I have a curious thought that maybe the developers fail to recognize that the population is willing to shell out scrip for clothes which are “non-sexual” Clothes for appearance sake only.

    I have been naked now for 2 months in protest… my last encounter I mentioned taking a moment to toss something on, her comment… “Why?… you are exactly What's the point?… you'll be naked in 2 minutes anyway” (True we hadn't seen each other in awhile… ::) )

    The developers are pretty closed minded about user developed products, whether that is a security issue or not I could not expand on, ( if so I am personally fine with it)

    in reply to: Defining AChat. #53726

    hmmm,… in defining AChat. in many matters and issues here it is simple demographics and common sense. The emphasis on MF poses due to the customer profile that most users on sex sites are simply hetero males. Without being redundant the with other sites;

    Avalucia has pointed out already that the chat function is present (and done with better options) in other programs. AChat's hook is superior graphics. I am not a techie, so I have little to offer here, but my base understanding is that 3d rendering and high quality graphics is a memory intense function, whether AChat has the sufficient equipment or is bound by physical restraints of existing equipment is an unknown factor. A point they have not been willing to share as to that issue;

    Because of the  heavy unbalance in the general user profiles, gifting to women is allowed to attract partners for the men. That it might evolve into a WG subclass is to be expected, but it is a factor due to guys being willing to (due to either impatience in developing relationships or general terrible skills in chat technique) lay out scrip to attract partners. Gifting is not allowed to men simply to discourage development of premium male moochers to the system. If you are going to a premium male you are going to pay…that is the simple rule to the system, one born by economic necessity to discourage competition to those willing to lay out money for the site (a point which has been confirmed by Tom).

    That being said, there are curious points of development that I have not wrapped my head around.
    Why more MM poses have not been developed? Is there a high animosity towards creating a homosexual male community? Honestly does that side of the gay community find some hostility from the others?  I have met a few, some more aggressive then others but nothing a bit of respect and firm resolution of my orientation has not been able to diffuse. This is a side of the paying community which  has received little development.

    The introduction of the shemale subclass was unique when it was first introduced. From my understanding one of the first sites to provide that option to “real time users”. because of the capacity to receive gifts, I am rather surprised the class has received such accessibility to FS poses, with little development as to a recipient poses in MS orientation. To me that seemed the natural development, but has not been pushed what so ever beyond the one pose offered. To me it tends to fly in the face of the gifting restrictions that Tom confirmed. At the very least, what was offered as MM poses should have been extended to the MS options at the very least. Adaption of the programming would hardly be an issue since most poses are existing in the MF segment, the strictly anal action is not hard to accomplish (IMO). It makes common sense along that line to serve the “paying Male side”

    I do not think myself too qualified to comment on the FF side, I'd rather leave that to Janine or others rational insight to expand on.

    in reply to: Making AChat more of an actual game #53709

    well there are only so many outfits, and trivial gifts IMO are kind of a waste. Perhaps if one could gift “play points” which could be exchanged for subscription service the idea might have merit.

    (had to laugh at the raid comment though I was thinking of the Gorean society in SL imposing their will on the general population there…)

    in reply to: Defining AChat. #53717

    Avalucia's point of fatigue factor with the site is spot on. Honestly there are very few players here that push beyond the 6 month mark. that is reality. Solutions though are not always rooted in reinventing the process, much of Janine's point is valid in that we look more for suggestions that might be compatible with the current format. Honestly I am of the opinion that the site has hardly approached ideas which could counter that fatigue level and provide a longer dedicated client base.

    The format isn't for everyone. I have visited a popular sex game forum and seen many posts from people who have tried the site, and post basically what Avalucia has commented. It was fantastic graphics but little else to expand on. Many were gamers of the one person sites, which to me are hardly thrilling, but to each their own. To me the attraction of this site is hooking up with a real person and joining in a mutual fantasy, not finding my jollies with a soulless computer graphic. If you walk in this place with a hefty dose of imagination you can thrive, I certainly have. Not all are so fortunate, and need a little push …

    That really is the heart and soul of Janine's post, a reminder what ideas and suggestions under the current platform  would tickle the interest of the consumers, what ideas could be implemented that might be quick and easy additions to the current format. Quit frankly the state of heavy influx of hookers is merely a sign that the large segment of the population is highly unimaginative, and of a simple a quick pound the pud and get out mentality.

    I have seen a host of good ideas filter thru the forum over the past year and a half. The bulk of these are addressed towards extending the visual capacity of role play,.. outfits,… themed rooms, …group communication improvement. … a healthy dose of development requests for the alternate choice groups FF, MM, SM.

    IMHO the site thrives if it can reach the imagination of the subscribers, until it does then creative ideas of extreme makeovers will continue to flow thru here, nothing wrong with that, it merely is a sign of a larger expectation.

    in reply to: Making AChat more of an actual game #53706

    a lot of subjective evaluation being presented there.

    There is an existing rating system to evaluate those you have gifted. Seems to me that this could be hardwired into a category of professionals with an evaluation survey at the end of the session. Not that I am warm to the idea, just mentioning.

    in reply to: Clothes Upgrade. Pirate suit for the Girls #52947

    Arrr, so ye be wantin' t' go to sea an' ye don't be wantin' t' end up in Davy Jones' Locker. Then ye best be learnin' t' be talkin' like a buccaneer.

    Fair winds t' ye all this tide, now hoist th' colours an' lets find some real booty here!

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19336

    Welcome back sunny, we have missed your banter here on the board of late.

    in reply to: Pose Idea. Suggestion for post-play pose and actions #52498

    Nohin' wrong wi' bein' a bit o' a romantic in this. Many a time I be havin' found myself entwined wi' a beauty, swayin' in me hammock an' jus' want t' enjoy th' enchantin' moment o' our experience. I appreciate a lass who be as eager t' share that time as much as th' passion o' th' act. 'Tis a moment which installs value an' as ye state appreciation fer th' partner. This be one reason I nere pursue th' “professional club”. I be seein' nay genuine attitude in the'r actions.

    in reply to: Clothes Upgrade. Pirate suit for the Girls #52941

    I be laughin' hard at this me beauty, cute very cute. Tis clear th' developers be havin' failed t' starboarden th' ship an' set th' top sails wi' me wishes. Envy th' beauty who gets me attention when I step again onto th' deck, t' unsheathe me cutlass. Nay doubt Cat`n Bear be enforcin' some discipline in this matter.

    in reply to: CLOSED – Vote for cloth idea to be developed #53337

    aye, t' demographics be such that I would be shocked if t' guys didn't jump at t' chance t' put on different costumes. It has been way too long since t' winds blew a a favorable option for us.

    Schedules should be adaptable for change, not written in stone

    in reply to: Clothes Upgrade. Pirate suit for the Girls #52935

    :) (since she is the only women I know of on that team)

    in reply to: CLOSED – Vote for cloth idea to be developed #53333

    Masks were brought up several months ago in one of the long clothing threads…


    In one of my more romantic minded posts (few and far between) I believe I was seeking a nice outfit much like Don Juan DeMarco

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