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  • in reply to: MF. Pose Review – 57. Deep Throat Suck #52528

    Yes… would agree… very well done… and the kiss is indeed awesome…

    My partner indicated she had suddenly discovered her favorite pose…

    And yes Keiko definitely oriented towards a rougher version of play…

    in reply to: Pose updates #52092

    A complaint was made of lack of intimate post cuddling,…it would be a nice add to the woman on top position  if some more subtle options were added…along the lines of her laying on top and..
    _ a romantic kiss
    _ caress of his chest.
    _ neck kiss
    _ kissing his chest

    Thoughts here being to add a gentler sharing of the moment…. I'll add on this a little later.

    in reply to: MF. Pose Review – 57. Deep Throat Suck #52517

    Well this is a rougher side of play…. and I think you mean lighter sensual play Tight… a romantic side.

    Hard sex is sensual too, as is bdsm which  is all about sensual play…the  extreme side as it is.  Some woman prefer a softer, slow seductive variation…others get off on the hard rough contact… it is just my opinion that sensuality can flow along the spectrum of the intensity of various contact.

    My partner as we messes with the options definitely decided this was her favorite pose…

    @Pandora..I had to laugh, yeah it was easy to slip into actual play testing this… that's when you know the pose is a keeper.
    @Adera It is coming…note the Male_female tag on the pic…means the variations are likely in the works.

    in reply to: MF. Pose Review – 57. Deep Throat Suck #52515

    Thanks Keiko… yes very,.. very hot pose. well done.

    My partner and I tested a few of the poses…you will find not too may compatible in that your partners action will likely over ride your own choice. Grab Cock appears to be an act which does not disrupt many.

    in reply to: MF. Pose Review – 57. Deep Throat Suck #52523

    an FYI I had opened this topic thread very early this morning  on Woman with Man section figuring since pose related and with reviews easier to find. Likewise it wouldn't be buried in hoard of discussions. Since suzy unlocked those threads for us to add to. We should take advantage so newcomers can find the info easier (something to consider in future topics). If any care to add the woman's side of things here I will just paste it in…

    Discuss away though I'll add the relevant comments to the thread there on my own.

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50823

    Another week another  day to work on sunning the buns here….*bump*


    @Adera are you speaking of MS conversions there?.. a moment of off topic talk,,, I would certainly agree that grouping seriously lacks better recipient poses for the shemale.

    Not certain if you agree with this Janine.. but I see basically six conversions for FF  that should be made, 3 noted in the another thread:

    Breast Play, Kneeling lovers,…and gentle massage.
    Add the obedience, handcuffs and a spanking boy (change to girl… ) any others that tickle your fancy there?

    in reply to: The “WTF Development Team?” Thread. #52469

    Actually Janine I have always considered the lack of a FF breast play a WTF issue… ???

    I would certainly be more then happy to wait on the sidelines if they worked at providing that,.. the gentle massage and a reworked version of kneel lovers for the FF crowd.

    Pricing certainly would be done on rooms as to potential appeal. Certainly the interrogation room is more rp related, and probably was perceived as less desirably then the setting of the skyline room. There is a pretty significant difference between the 2. 


    Interesting idea…
    Yes  Shianna does sound controlling…but I think the idea to offer  preset outfits rather unique. Definite enticement for premium males and their play with the non-premiums since the wardrobe options are rather limited and bland.


    Well the payment issue no doubt is a big concern to the developers. I think it is short sighted to think restrictions on females needed to be addressed.

    The demographics are out there easy to find relating to the percentages of Males to Females on sex site play. They are pretty well lop sided heavily towards the males. So any enticement that can be offered, as AChat has, towards attracting female players is sound marketing.

    That is why there is restrictions on gifting, keep the free loaders off the site, and focus on the  paying customers. In that regard Unhealer I agree with you…certain conditions should be put on their activity of free male users. They already get the greatest access to sample the site, of any out there on the web. There is a point where pay up or leave needs to kick in.

    (a footnote: I am certain the site is quite aware of the amount of usage between average free play and conversion to premium… those statistics if not utilized should be considered… it would be interesting if the mod might make a comment from their perspective of that if they do.)

    in reply to: Pose updates #52088

    Ok I am throwing out here for a pose update request the one I have always found disappointing.
    Kneeling Lovers: with the right modification it can easily be modified for all… MF, FF, MS, FS…

    First and foremost make it a static pose with the hip actions as options rather then the rule.
    provide a mirror of actions between the partners…I don't see a need for different options between the two…that is why t should be adaptable for the variations of orientations. that ability to hold there eye to eye in anticipation… priceless..

    –  kiss
    –  caress cheek
    –  kiss neck
    –  caress breast/chest
    – tweak partners nipple
    – fondle partners genitals
    – fondle self
    –  embrace  with head against partners chest
    –  hug
    – fondle partners ass
    – slap partner ass
    – rub..(grind) with various options here for the intensity

    in reply to: Pose updates #52087

    @Tight *chuckles* yes I get distracted easily on this pose too.
    excellent suggestions though I might add to it:

    Her: to lean back, (maybe raise an arm and run her fingers thru his hair as she rolls in his lap)
    –  independent hand action…the ability to rub her sex and maintain breast contact
    –  a throat grasp with one hand…again an independent action of one hand which leaves the other for breast play of clit stimulation.
    –  a kiss independent of her… I always thought  the option of kiss should be available to both sides.. I hate asking for it..and sometimes I want to take it…
    _ a nipple twist

    In thought her ability to have that independent hand action,…
    clit play and breast stimulation,.. even nipple twisting..

    in reply to: The “WTF Development Team?” Thread. #52466

    Well to speak of the MF side of things what I might not like, others may actually find a thrill in.

    The obvious disappointing pose as the “worm”. I haven't met any one who actually enjoys it…and I personally avoided it when I saw reviews ridiculing it here on the forum.  I never bought it and never will… so pondering what I do have and find the biggest disappointment was the Kneeling Lovers.

    We had been clamoring here on  the forum for months to have  something more sensitive,… erotic oriented in foreplay. A pose of sensual exploration, to caress, fondle, kiss, embrace while the build up had a chance to grow.  When that pose first showed up I was excited and jumped at ti immediately…then stared at shock in that initial test with robot girl.

    That constant grinding got to me at once. Maybe it was because I was looking for that perfect foreplay pose at the time, but I knew it still wasn't there.The 2 avatars in motion were like rubbing on a raw nerve of disappointment…Every option but the male's kiss a constant thrusting of hips.. It had such potential of sensual play…still does if they corrected it (see pose update request thread under man and woman)

    in reply to: Who has the sexiest Avatar? #52453

    @Kat.. mmhmm… why do you think I talk to you during your lunch hour

    😉 .. Look at me Kat! ;D

    @ Tight purely subjective… that is why I asked about defining the parameters…not everyone will have the same opinion of what is sexy…but an interesting opinion to share…

    in reply to: Refund. Should the shop have a “refund” system? #12149

    I think the worm is a great example… a partial refund seems very appropriate..

    Good question Apollo'

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