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  • in reply to: The dream tits… #50291

    One strike me as the most lifelike… yeah definite motorboating material…

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11720

    Tugging at the lapel of my tux… “Indeed Tri,.. indeed…Can't just let any ol' hooliganism despoil the moment of the event. God Lord be the end of Western civilization as we know it””

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50767

    hmmmpht… such pessimism I was speaking of those acknowledging the day …

    Running naked I am not certain why they need the girts then… seems pointless…obviously not spending it on clothes…

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11718

    At least wear the one with the bowtie,,, you must maintain protocol at a black tie function  ;D

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50764

    Well I have been impressed by a number of women joining in… definitely improves the outlook  ::) on the situation… :P

    in reply to: Happy Fathers Day 1 #51496

    June 19th in the states… well BBQ's here are definitely in full swing..nice warm nights,.. bonfires and drinking… especially down by the lake where under the moonless night the opportunity to slip away and skinny dip will be be tempting.

    So you brought plenty of meat for the girls Lover? If many show up you'll be a busy guy….and I am proficient over a grill… perhaps I can handle that agenda… though it would be nice to have something to marinate my meat in.

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45702

    Ah.. the one eyes spitter snake?

    just ready your profile quote Tri'… I just carry a big stick  ::)

    in reply to: Favorite Video Games #24950

    Have found it yet, other then taking time to build up the points to unlock what I perceive as more powerful toons… (the top of the line ones) but if you temper your play and maximize your experience returns daily.. (there is a slow trick to that) it takes a few days to rack up enough to unlock a mid power toon or highter for your own personal use. You can only gain so much in “spendable points” by playing the AI… (son breached it at level 17) after that you can only gain the IP by playing against real people. Of course you can spend money and buy riot points to unlock packages, toons  and boosts to returns on end of game experience (which sounded pointless unless you were trying to get an account up high quickly) or the IP boosts to gain spendable scrip faster.

    Seriously a lot of fun for free otherwise

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50759

    Issue which peeps complain about is flashing your cock in their face… nudity can be tastefully done and doesn't have to be a full frontal… hell  if you are shy you can set the pose at belt level.

    You don't have to join the protest Apollo'… that's your prerogative… but a visible united stand is more effective then constant whining and griping..

    We take out act into the community… because this forum is read by very few.

    in reply to: Interrogation room issue. Table and Lamp disappears. #50687

    well tried to post some interesting screenshots but the upload wasn't working.

    Went into the city star light  room a few nights ago with a friend to chat, and she asked where my furniture was. I laughed told her it was out being cleaned. Besides I have never seen anything other then the bed and plants in the corner since I got it. Ac couple of nights ago she mentioned oh good it's back… which had me dumbfounded. told her I didn't see anything. She took a screenshot for me and emailed it… damn,.. her viewpoint definitely displayed the table and chairs behind me.

    Me jumped into the interrogation room and Tight apparently had taken the table again.. (comes and goes)
    We popped into two other rooms found her view additionally displaying chairs and table… while mine nothing more then the bed and plants.,,,
    it was not until we checked the room with the maroon bedcover that she saw only the bed.

    Again curious is anyone else experiencing this? Sent my collection of his and hers screenshots to support,.. which prompted a quick… oh this is interesting…

    If you are experiencing this… understanding not all might not be paying attention… please contact support of the issue.

    in reply to: Favorite Video Games #24948

    kool… can always use a reliable teammate…

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20112

    What we do to please our daughters…

    Caught the newest Pirates on Sunday…fun times continue…

    as a footnote… finally saw a 3d movie… Thor… not certain I picked the right movie to appreciate the full effect of 3d… dark shots tend to damper the true effects of the movie

    in reply to: Pantless Fridays! Protest! #50756

    I thought you and Sunny were so close, you didn't need a heads-up, little weasel ;) But now you know.. and it is almost friday… ;)

    Lol… ditto…  and besides I was distracted of thought  ::)

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45696

    Anaconda's can be a little big. ;)

    Why I said python. thick and powerful but capable of squeezing into the basket with out tearing it… ::)

    nice big forked tongues to flutter over the sensitive spots…

    in reply to: MF Pose Review – 54. Gentle Foreplay (F on table) #51467

    *nodding… this and the lap dance too, either of which there is  no reason for delaying release to the others…

    minor modifications might be necessary for the shemale as recipient..
    and as a female giver… but I the see those modifications as relatively minor.

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