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  • in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11668

    Slapping my hand over my eyes…  😮

    No,.no,…no,…a beach thong I can handle,  8) … Don't need an image of that mankini outfit burned in the memory..

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19263

    Lol… no worse then the girl who keeps hitting on me,.. describing me as sexy and romantic,. requesting to room and then disappearing, apologizing then playing it out again the next time… to repeat her act…

    The Ignore button employed for wasting my time

    in reply to: Strange girls #48900

    Well I am not going to make a short sighted assumption of their play, they may find extensive satisfying action in their realm, and look only to guys as a means of supporting their activities here, though I might take offense to their approach it might just arise due to the vast numbers of guys whose approach is a turn off to them.

    *shrugs* no concern of mine…, disturbing though that Adera is looked on that way as simply a “cock” for the moment.rather then recognizinfg the fun play she can also offer.

    in reply to: Costumes Ideas. Outfit Suggestions. #49679

    Completely relevant  concern Triumph.

    Some suggestions come to fruit,… the dance was one we often expressed a need for here in the forum as an example.

    Suggestions can be submitted directly to support… and you might get a cordial response of thanks… It's one reason I want to try to rally folks here so I can make a direct reference to a clean thread and say “LOOK”… there is a wide backing for this. The central core of contributors requesting such is fine but we are a very tiny niche here of the membership. If we can magnify these numbers considerably beyond the core group we might meet for favorable response.

    @Tight,.. like the hats… really would like a Van Helsing style of hat there

    in reply to: Room furnishings vanish and reappear. #49867

    Well that is the strange point, I said in the interrogation room that corner desk and lamp were visible even when standing around…I was surprised when it was gone on a visit..(maybe being used in the next room)

    Been in one of the older rooms…and saw chairs present which I had never seen before.. a subsequent visit and they were gone…
    One partner is adamant that the pentehouse does have furnishings… tech gave me a rather bland reply when I queried of the matter.

    in reply to: The Worst Pick Up lines EVER #19257

    Well a possible private chat to avoid the press of chatter when they have found someone interesting..more likely a sign of lack of fun  ::)

    in reply to: Costumes Ideas. Outfit Suggestions. #49667

    And a great post it was Triumph'…welcome aboard..

    Other ideas that have been offered by others in different threads:
    liked the demonic/angel idea

    11) Doctor outfits..(medical scrubs would work)
    12) Pilot/ stewardess
    13) wrapped in a towel..
    14) Military outfits…
    15) English riding outfits..(thinking high society type..with the tight pants and boots…)
    16)Business suit/ office wear… an expansion of the general dress choices for the women)
    18) Lab coats..

    just to name a few,,,

    Another idea which had been suggested skin coloring/texturing widen that variance to include blue hues (for the avatar fans)..reds for demonic play. kin texturing should be an easy adaptation,.. something which came to light in a scene I played recently of a demon/water nymph scenario.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48889

    @Janine I know what a Brain freeze is… not certain if brian freeze is the same… (just teasing her spelling snafu)

    in reply to: Costumes Ideas. Outfit Suggestions. #49671

    Well that is one reason I urge people who might not post to at least vote. A good poll in the forum reaps maybe 20-25 votes. I f poll can create a substantial  interest… say 40 votes  we have a point that indicates a consumer direction…a good flash point is if we see a substantial input from the silent majority. You , and the few others who have been adamant and loyal about expressing views are a pitiful small segment of the population. I may hit on some of the rp'ers out there who I don't see on the forum and campaign them to at least pop a vote and give some suggestions.

    Really don't want my closet filled with mankini's

    Janinie brings up a good point, this shouldn't be a big issue for them to develop. Is it lack of foresight on their part? Or a failure to understand the whole of dynamics of the wonderful site they have created here.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48894

    @ sunny Mmm,… (brian freeze? another Canadian term?  ;D) jkn … there is only so much time… a reason why I don't press too deep…either a person likes you and makes time for you, or has a full table and the matter is nothing personal.

    @Alstott pretty much hit it on the head regarding why I don't play with that type… they aren't interested and it shows in the play. 

    @Adera I understand your viewpoint, as much as you are a free spirit at play here, there is still a a perception that you want of others to hold of you.  The treatment of this group towards you is just as bad as their stance and viewpoint of the male hetero. In both cases shortsighted and extremely selfish.

    in reply to: Costumes Ideas. Outfit Suggestions. #49673

    I was in a rush and kilt was easier to spell ;D

    in reply to: Strange girls #48884

    @Tight from an American English language speaker (distincting that since The American version often  has it's own adoption and bastardization of certain words…) source of the word is rather blurred. I do like looking at word sources.. best I can come up with is that it derives from a Dutch source… in it's rawest form meaning “subscription receipt” a form of currency used in the early days of the Dutch stock market. Probably in it's roots a deviation of the latin word of “scibe”. I think the french translation is “script” , which may have influenced the initial words source if indeed it is of Dutch origin.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11467

    *minds eye flashing…*

    Yeah a white one sunny,.. something semi-transparent so the nipples pressing tight,.. visual… that could be a hot little outfit.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48883

    well you know I say that tongue in cheek with sarcasm… :P

    I have a couple of friends who definitely work the system, and because I rarely gift, I know they come to me because they appreciate me as an individual and my style of play. Ante' hated gifts, as she put it she did not like the sense of obligation. The corruption and use of scrip for buying attention polluted motive behind the gift  in her mind. 

    Which is kind of the issue, the women you enjoy playing with are those who see you, who take that moment to pierce labels and find the soul.  :-*

    When you speak of the “bi curious” you are hitting the nail on the head. The lack of experience, probably too a lack of exposure and interaction in RL of those who live the life of a shemale. I hope you take that moment , (which isn't always available) to breach and and teach, let them understand the spectrum of attitudes.

    in reply to: Strange girls #48882

    Guess you could give them a taste of their own medicine and post you only fuck oirls for scrip.

    If I am made to feel that I have to pay then I move on… good riddance.

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