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  • in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11529

    these SUCK ::)

    Time to go commando


    I probably moreso  move with the grace of Flatley on acid ::)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49214

    hmm,…interesting, viewpoints. The threads of Tight and Janine give a very stratified viewpoint of the city, . I had to sit back and absorb the flow of the stories there, ponder the weave. I see this city distinctly human, a social stratification segregating the noble families and wealthy from the common folk. This suggests either a segregation of economic neighborhoods, or houses controlling distinct neighborhoods. In such case I am having a hard time to see a natural blending of the races. A sprinkling of the races thru the city no doubt, but I sense  that natural order suggests a enclave of the other races

    Being a port city, the advantages of being an economic hub are obvious, but tempered in some manner that all who follow trade routes would not necessarily be compelled to find such openness and attitudes a comfortable situation. One must also cater to your clients.

    Sexual servitude might be acceptable practice if voluntary, but power, wealth and lust are natural corrupter's,  the desire of possession could easily lend itself to involuntary servitude since not all personalities will lend themselves to attract a voluntary follower, those with enough wealth and influence no doubt resorting to other methods.

    I agree Janine, the forced enslavement would be viewed with disapproving eyes, but man is a weak vessel. I would have do doubt it is prevalent.

    Corruption of such attitudes makes a natural attraction for the demon Zirest,…who might see the the free and natural expression of sensuality with a different viewpoint. To manipulate and twist into forms of decadence of corrupted lust…a natural pool of attitude to press his own agenda. I see the demon as a natural shapeshifter, someone who could easily twist the weak minded, perhaps corrupting  of your target Tight. Humans are weak willed….makes them distinctive from the other races.

    In my viewpoint of the races. a perfect city of sensuality would have been elven in nature,  stronger minds of unified direction. Humans strive to mimic the perfection of elves, but are more selfish in nature, that selfishness the corruption of any idea. That is the nature of humans . A dwarf city of sensuality?….The pragmatic attitudes don't quite fit. The gnomes,…too chaotic of mind to attain. They could conceive, though I see them as finding paths other than straight line solutions. No doubt the gadgetry of invention a heavy undertone of employment. Hobbits?… their nature just not inclined to seek exploration of such an idea.

    @ Tight Timewise though,.. I see my story starting much earlier than yours,..I am 3 days out from the full moon,.. if 28 day cycles, probably at this point of my story, If you are four days from the full moon, I am working currently about 25 days earlier. My characters purpose more muddled as he tries to unwind the mystery.Let me think,…I'll post what ramifications his actions might hold on your story at that point.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49209

    h yes a cult is involved, I see the “ritual of fire” as solstice event, in this matter, a sort of sexual depravity carried with human sacrifice as an effort to  call forth Faule, the demon overlord to Zirest whom my character seeks. Caduceous in fact plays a role in this cult,.., obvious his intent to drug Xegis  has been demonstrated.  Perhaps Janine, your character is hired to protect  a daughter marked for the ritual sacrifice.

    “Bear”: the character has his limits, as the moon wanes, so does the animalistic senses, until with the new moon he is essentially “human”, but for his natural shapeshifting powers. Those attributes which give him an advantage,are by-products of the taint, gone at the new moon, only to return in slow increments with it's waxing.

    ;D I had been struggling with the end game, after all how does one dispose of a demon? But Adera's little gem gave me the hook,… I see that ending now very clearly with that gem. Getting the gem posed a bit of a dilemena, but I think I figured this out, …

    I have a couple principle characters ready to roll out,..Odeus Hammerhand, a Darwven smitty and his 4 gnomish companions (unnamed at the moment).  I see the gnomes as tinkering creatures of chaotic good, full of right intentions, but of random disaster afoot if left to their own devices. (Adera's character encountering the gnomes could be highly interesting.) The pragmatic dwarf is their balance, a character who can set their brilliance to fulfillment. 

    the other a female Elven herbalist,… to follow shortly… anyway it's food for thought in consideration of your stories.

    I can see this as a large city, where the prospects of contact may be fleeting,..or as Janine states potentially entwining.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49203

    should make a note…dibs on that gem  the dwarf has…

    Adera, you keep reminding me the mystical aspect of the city, I keep rewriting my passages,.. torn between a serious story and the chance to play in the non-nonsensical… I keep re-writing looking for that balance. 

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11517

    hmmm a good set of leather gloves needed…something the males do not have…
    like ponchos,… but I use a duster when the weather cools.

    Standing as the barn door with the reins of the mustang in hand, eying the pouring rain,…the yellow fishslicker will provide some protection,…but in this mess just accepting I'm gonna get soaked. Need to move the live stock,… but a warm fire at the days end, and good company to warm the spirits will put the troubles to rest.


    Sinnnn who said there wasn't a romantic streak in you?

    Appears the Goddess of Supreme Awesomeness has found a a prompt to return and play?

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14422

    Sorry for butting in on topic…
    going for the trifecta,…. how about that log cabin room,.. stone fireplace with the western flair… windows open to the sight of the mountains… or that barn…, those horses need some place to settle, and opportunity knocks for a bit of a romp in the hay.

    in reply to: Clothing Ideas and clothing pic wish list #11514

    Well I wasn't going to speak, but with the horse background,… this ole' hand needs his cowboy hat, vest , chaps and boots; time to pull up the dude ranch again,…

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45505

    Got my horses  ;D… thanks achat team  8)

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45500

    mmm, my fashion statement of the day is waders, and a fishslicker (riding raingear)…

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45498

    Winning post of the day…  8)

    I mean,… Damn… looking forward to summer… :P :P :P

    in reply to: Game ideas. Sound Effects & Music for the Rooms #49498

    agree, it's rather annoying having to coordinate listening to music together , it would be so much easier to have access to something streaming into the room.

    would make a nice couch position,.. cuddled up watching the tv together.


    Like the idea of an e-card, runs a bit more personal than token flower, stuffed toy icons to have sent.

    in reply to: Pregnant customization #48372

    😮 well, I see sunny's button can be pushed…. yes a rude remark.

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