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  • in reply to: Gifts. #24782

    LOL,… Get real,.. GUYS currently receive NO benefit from pimping other than rp…whatever exchange is  is solely straight payoff between male and female.

    I personally feel like like the current setup is absolutely perfect. Provide gifting objects… that is enough, but we don't see much already offered to the guys in usable fashion.

    There is absolutely NOOOOOOOOOO need for guys receiving scrip. If a guy can't afford the monthly fee, he needs to find a job or grow up and become legal.  I see the huge potential of misuse if this is opened up.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49163

    Do we have a name for this city?

    in reply to: Gifts. #24780

    @ sunny huh?  :D was speaking of your gift issue in general…  ::)

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48992

    What man could ask for more, the idyllic life in the woods, in love…life was a contiuous stream of bliss.

    Until the time  taint arrived,.. and while in recluse they came. I could sense the foul corruption, of orc, and demon..  it filled the woods. Bound to the lycan form that first night I waited for her,.. but she never came,.. so I set to find her, fearful or the intruders. Orcs were of little consequence but the demon spawn a different matter.  My heart crushed, torn asunder when I finally found her, strapped to the stump of a log. Used,.. tortured by the foul hands which had carved her in brutal precision…my love dead. The scent of the demons handiwork, everywhere.

    Enraged I set the hunt, disregarding that whatever had the power to overcome her magic could easily overcome me. I wanted my vengeance. The lycan form held, even after the passing of the full moon, anger filled my soul, demanding retribution. Oh, I found the orcs… the hundred some no match for the hunt that befell them. I picked them apart through the following days, one by one, tracking them through the woods. They tried to hunt me,.. even using their hellhound in a futile effort. Sometimes darting in,…I wrecked havoc to their lines.. disappearing into the woods as a blood soaked apparition.  I had become ever terrorizing them. Until but one, their leader and his pet hellhound remained.

    My fingers traced the scar on my chest. Hellhounds put up a good fight.

    Only the demon remains… he had long vanished from their ranks. This one I seek,…the name gained not thru the orcs I killed, but the brief binding to the hellhound before I killed it… Zierst. I left those woods so many years ago,.. traveled the lands seeking information… eradicating the corruption of the lycans along the way where I might. I hold lycans in contempt,…mindless killers, capable of a corruption on those around. There are a few who have the control, endure the affliction with purposed will… those I cautiously spare,…but the predators… none should suffer such a curse, if I can relieve the burden, eradicate,  I will with no regrets.

    But no lycan has brought me to this city,, I come for a different purpose to find the one who holds a key. A sage, …

    My thoughts evaporate under the stroke of her tongue at another scar.

    “Hmmm,.. one part remains unscathed,.. are you going to ignore it completely?” I speak,  her attention has reared the flames within me

    She glances up, eyes sparkling of delight, the wicked smile crossing her face, as she slides down gripping my manhood in her hands.  Kissing it softly along the rim,…as she speaks, “In no way would I ignore this.”

    Her lip part pulling over the rim, smack before reaching again, dragging further and further, until they wrap around it,.. sucking the head slowly. Her tongue slowly stroking the crown,… playfully teasing the rim of the slit. I am where I want to be, lost to it.

    Stroking my shaft slowly, she slips further down onto my shaft, running that tongue along the rim,.. creating a soft bed for my cock as she slides further down,.. bobbing slow, pull it free as she takes a deep breath,.. licks slow along the shaft, then kissing slowly as she works back up, collecting herself before descending again. Pressing me into her throat,.. bobbing, sucking,…rising gasping,.. her want filling my lungs, the heat pressing me to mad lust.

    By the gods I can stand it no more,… when she rises gasping for air , , I roll her quick to her back, my kisses falling wildly on her lips, as I press forward, the head tight to the wet gate of passion…the pain on my soul momentarily lost.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48991

    “And this scar?” she asked he lips kissing soft along the edge of the white marks along my shoulder.

    “Howler wolves…”, I replied, the well rehearsed lie slipping easily from me. Should I tell the truth I would not have imagined her willing to share my bed.

    She dipped lower,..kissing slow over the scars of claw marks on my chest…”and these?…”

    “A mountain cat,..” , I answered choosing another lie shortened by a sharp gasp as her tongue danced below,.. rolling around my nipple .  She caught my reaction,.. glancing up,..reaching with fingertips to trace the thin scar along my cheek…

    “and this?…”

    My lips drew in a smirk, not every scar had an exotic tale to it. “Bar fight in Fort Wilderness.”

    “Oh, my a bad boy are we,?”.. Her tone half teasing as her lips drifted off to another scar, her tongue and lips tracing slow across my skin. What is it of woman and scars?

    I smiled, of any of the scars, that one was the result of attitude. If anything, the taint held to predictable patterns of behavior. The aggressive apprehension before the change,.. prone to violence, and anger, the lust filled need of contact which drove me after. Both carried by the heightened sense of awareness, the clear sharpening of all the senses. It’s what made sex so addicting after the change,.. the amplification of the senses. The smell of her desire filled my lungs,. The brush of her tongue and kisses on my skin, mind twisting of effect. The sound of her heart, racing with want,…pressed to the edge of anticipation. My lips smacked with the taste of her scent lingering in the air…. wild,…erotic I needed no other sign of how wanting and willing she had already become.

    It was the sex however fleeting that momentarily gave me reprieve,  that helped me forget what I was,.. consoled the wound to my soul of the events which had led me here.

    The half breed that I was, part elf and part human, marked me as an outcast.  An aberration to both races, the elves looking on me as defective, be they polite, the stoic reserve of judgment ever present. Humans were more belligerent of attitude, their racist guard clearly evident,…though the women more likely to bed me, looking at me as some form of exotic dallying, human enough to warrant crossing the lines in lust, in experimentation. But even those numbers were few.

    My human mother  had bore me late in her life, the birth too taxing, taking her from the world, leaving me to be raised by my elven father. He found himself straddled not only with infant, but of the biased attitudes casted at his newborn. Neither Elve or human  society appeared willing to accept the child, and the wise creature he was, he retreated into the woods,.. rearing me,.. teaching me of the craft of his people and the lore of the woods. Those were years of wonder for me countless for though human, I age slowly. He taught me to handle a bow, a knife, the only weapons he emphasized I would ever need in that land.

    Perhaps, true I doubt that any weapon other than enchanted could have saved him that night when the lycan descended on our camp. The scars on my shoulder a testament to when it drug me from my bedroll, ready to tear at me before my father leaped to the defense. Instead it attention to him, tore into him and my meager efforts to aide met with brutal vicious rebuke. A crushing blow, casting me easily aside,.. the creature taking taking it’s toll on my father instead.

    I laid there broken of body for days dying with the torn remnants of my father close at hand.

    Why she did what she did I never knew, but the woodland nymph who found me close to death the following days, intervened. Though never seen my father always acknowledged her presence in those woods,.. the small gifts of flowered boughs,.. perhaps touched her.  She breathed life back into my battered body,…found the plague of the taint on me, knowing she could not cure,… she used her magic, tapped the roots of elven blood elven , twisted it into something,.. more tolerable, the attributes of a shapeshifter.

    In the following years she continued to rear me, but not motherly,.. but tolerant,.. caring,.. she mentored me. Taught me how to connect to the forest creatures, bind to their souls, and with that the understanding and ability live and breath in that form. It was her gift,.. her ability to change form at will. The countless days at we played as squirrels in the trees,.. the leisurely stroll as a great stag and cow,…the stalking as mountain cat of intruders, and the occasional scare we threw to belligerent interlopers in the form of enraged great bears.

    At least until the moon filled full,.. then the curse of the taint held,.. I was locked to one form,.. that of the werewolf. Her gift made it manageable… the curse undermined to the extent I was still in control. Thinking, rational,.. not a servant to the primal predatory drive that the disease gave to others. I lived as I always did, only condemned to the pattern of that horrific shapel. While  in such form she would come,.. lie with me,.. hold me, the soft touch of her spirit always tempering the edge of the change.

    When manhood finally arrived, she took me as her lover, coming to me in the still of that first night, her beauty radiant as she slipped the translucent gown she wore from her and taught me of the ways of pleasure, intimacy with a woman.

    Timeless… decades passed, and somewhere I must have touched her soul, rose the emotion of love, for she told me her name. Gave me that power… Aldaris…

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy. #48990

    The darkness of alleyways and narrow city streets wrapped to her as she headed home ., but for the full moon these passages would have been near impassible to navigate. Even in the bright light of the moons glow, she walked with trepidation, fear lingering since the killings had occurred only under such conditions. She would not have dared to make such journey, but for the growing  fever of the child,…her fear the daughter would not have lasted till daybreak unless the soothing herbs from the apothecary could be gained. Now with them, she rushed the streets  praying it not too late.

    The gnawing sensation of being watched, raised the hairs of fear… the sounds of movement ever present behind her. Try as she wanted she sensed something there, stalking, close but hidden in those shadows

    The sudden crash of crates made her turn,.. the onrushing blackness huge,  growling as it pounced from the darkness, freezing her in fear… that bottomless grip of doom crashing on her. Jaws of death seemed imminent to tear at her, the clawed digits reaching…

    Then a second shadow streaking by,… colliding, the impact sending both tumbling, crashing into the near crates.  They rose in a flash,… bodies bent unnatural,. The elongated snouts, yellow eyes burning in the moonlight. Canine features which struck dread into her as she backed to the building walls, trembling,..soiling herself with fear of recognition..


    One hissing, snarling, the bared fangs dripping with salvia,.. wild,..eyes darting onto her with anticipation of flesh. The other moving with purpose, measuring its antagonist,.. circling slow until its yellow eyes marked with cognitive intelligence, glanced to her,.. the deformed lips pulling back exposing razor sharp canines,.. a growl,.. almost human like,.. the sound a twisted command directed to her. In Fear she was oblivious to it.

    It growled again,.. the tone underlined with emotion…a stern command, the action enough to cut the ties of her panicked sense. Her mind shaken, deluded seemingly, by the sudden cognition this creature might actually be directing words towards her. She stared hard at the werewolf, it’s eyes barely moving from the vicious snarling creature before it,…the sounds clearly underlined by frustration and impatience as it growled,.. the word barely understandable…but clear enough…


    Pressing to the wall she slid slow, then darted into the street, her legs churning in desperation, daring a glance back to see her flight had not gone unnoticed. The harsh bark clear enough her attacker found her movement of flight distracting. Turning in hesitation, it posed to pounce…  the moment enough as she saw the one who had crudely spoken leaped now attack sinking his fangs into the wild creature.

    Her screams ripped through the stillness of the night as she fled,.. heart racing gripped in fear. Eyes focused only on the flight path ahead, the sounds  crashes,…growls,. .yelps and howls erupting, the violence of a brutal fight echoing through the narrow streets of city. Never looking back she was almost to the door of her home, her legs burning with fatigue, breaths short,…when she heard it,…a singular baying howl of triumph that rose through the city streets.

    in reply to: Gifts. #24778

    @sunny.. undivided attention is the best gift one can give around here…

    I've aired my opinion on Male gifting already… old news,…but to restate I am of the opinion it would open the door to miuse, of guys setting yup female toons, whoring themselves out to pay for their male premiums.

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49155

    Well I like the idea of a large coastal city. Plays to some variety of actions then, if we are weaving our own story lines then…

    in reply to: Trojan Found in achat.exe – FALSE DETECTION! #48618

    Same here Comodo, the only way I could override the Mcafee notification (which I do not have, find that an odd popup) was to run the updater as administrator

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49148

    I'll be there already on my side… and hope the intro clarifies,… though his intent there is to seek counsel,.. he is not as driven by noble virtue… rather of vengeance. Coastal works…nicely…

    in reply to: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC #49145

    Thanks Janine,.. figured it best to lay it out in the open an idea, rather than work on something, that others might be considering… my character… … a halfbreed,..of elven and human blood,.. burdened with curse,.. and blessing of being a shape shifter… (you'll understand the curse…as I post it)


    ah thanks for expanding that idea Apollo,.. I agree whole heartedly that special gifts would be a nice touch,..the only issue though is that you my be gifting an item already in their possession.. say that french maid outfit… that would require some additional filters..a warning that the outfit is already in possession of the recipient… otherwise a waste of of scrip.


    There were some choppy parts,…but I did find some very smooth transitions, the ass” grabbing on the males side is right and left handed oriented, you can choos either, or just both it appears…that test or the pose went certainly further,…

    @hatcher, the foreplay request was heavily discussed last summer, the dance a suggestion which was a pleasant surprise. And the price,..well value is for the consumer to determine. I have to issue with the price since I find high value in this. Not all will agree with that I imagine.

    in reply to: Room Ideas. #14410

    outlining my ideas,… but a side thread of ooc chat for the story might be nice to have… unless we want to just surprise folks… as to the direction..


    Danced with a partner female options:

    Grab butt

    face fondle
    hug neck
    feel heart
    kiss nose
    embrace (very nice)
    rub crotch

    agreed  Tight,… very intimate,..romantic… definite to have fun with this…

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