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  • in reply to: Clothes Update. Men’s Ties #44632

    Good basic suggestion,…might add Maroon, with short sleeve counterparts..

    in reply to: Clothes Update. Men’s Ties #44630

    Like the ties,…(and the potential play with them) Looking to see if they expand on the waistcoats,..give us the suit jackets there, something to coordinate the fashion better. A few more color choices to shirts would be appreciated…

    Brrrr…had a light snowfall here one evening,..a rare occurrence in my area at any time of the winter. Night temperatures commonly dip  to -3C -4C at night on clear nights. The low mountains surrounding my valley are cloaked in white…

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45190

    Don't find it strange,..I have no problem paying a little scrip for any means to personalize one's profile or Av. It's a premium privilege.

    in reply to: Ideas for roleplaying #15608

    She has drifted to the sink when my attention drifter momentarily to my own condition. My shirt,..slacks,..runined by a menagerie of food,…I can’t help but chuckle knowing I must be quite a sight….I unbutton my shirt with full intention of rinsing it after Antebellum is done,…at least until my focus is distracted by her.,  and I lean against the door and watch quietly,…like I have done so many times before,…mesmerized

    Such moments happen,…when the simplest of her actions, tug at those cords in my chest. I am not certain what triggers it,..I just understand its profound effect, how it cuts to the core of my being  and my eyes breath her like oxygen to the lungs. There is no cure and if one I would decline,…I simply want to lavish in the moment.

    The rivulet streams of water flowing from her breast,. A singular bead hanging from the nipple…the curve of her body as she bends and tends to her legs…Her breasts jutting forth in the confines of her dress as she reties it,..her nipples prominent against the fabric. I am breathless, …taken.

    Our eyes meet,..I see that sparkle there,..warmth,…I am certain she sees that longing in my gaze,..then the press of her lips,…her fingers tenderly lingering,…instinctively reaching out as her hand reaches the door knob,. Cupping  her fingers in light restraint. I slide behind her, close the other hand running light along her arm. My lips aching for her,…to touch,…taste,, My heart is racing as.I lean in kissing her neck ..dragging my lips light on her chin,…her head tilts,..the offering implied,…and I continue that long feathery caress of her skin with my lips, tip of my tongue and my breath, working slowly along the neck, higher,..lingering at her ear,…my lips hanging a hair from her earlobe.

    A soft caress of air escapes my lips as I blow

    She trembles, ..her hand slipping from that knob

    Amazes me how something, unspoken, unseen can have such powerful effect.

    my fingers drift to the lights,…switch them off.

    (some things are best left to the imagination)

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20075

    Jim Carey's version,…but not my fav….my tradition to watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
    “Don't forget the rubber sheets and gerbils. “

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20073

    Everyone has a perspective of our cosmic dance,..but agree, that to victimize people on the basis of belief is despicably.

    in reply to: Clothes Update. Thigh high black boots. #45826

    will believe that when I see it my barefooted beauty 😉

    IMHO per the regular ones …never have been partial to the platforms,…

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20071

    It's the people perverting their beliefs, not the beliefs.

    not adding further to the discussion.

    Believe you are right victorian,..and for the record,…the fiction is so much more interesting than the folklore.

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45175

    All these tigers ::)

    and Adera, having read your post in the RP ideas…you are a definite tigress my dear ;)

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20065

    Meant to add though,…the development in literature of such a creature with the capacity to feel remorse,…is interesting.

    Been dealing with that premise myself on a story I have tried hammering together through the summer,…only the subject werewolves,…

    in reply to: Favorite Movies (remake from Say…) #20064

    In modern literature yes,…the human side, a premise that such a creature had the capacity,. to recognize rationalize right , wrong,…a lingering thread of humanity. The chaos of medieval times,..constant warfare,…nomadic invasions which continual crashed over society stripping it of any semblance of culture and development,…it was called the dark ages for a reason.

    Vampires of myth were unholy resurrections,…predators on the faithful, and the church the frail thread of holding the seams of society together.  It did not disapprove of science,..surprisingly,…but it did assess whether discoveries were in accordance with the faith. Even now,…evidence is surfacing that Galileo's condemnation by the church was was possibly a result of a snafu on his part of not following proper church protocol in the hearings.

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45172

    mmmm not a bad idea,..mine is a horse,…nice backdrop of  black mustang galloping in open fields always meets my approval

    in reply to: Ideas for roleplaying #15601

    The taste of wine slid welcoming, but no sooner had the the bottle left my lips and my eyes beaming at Ante, then the wet slap of goo splatters on me. I hear her directions. Adera's giggles rapid change as Ante fire back with the whipped cream.

    U follow Antebllum close, pausing only as I rise  from the hiding spot to reach into the relish bowl and fling a handful of vegetables blindly about.

    Turning I almost trip over the Ante, not realizing she has fallen,..quickly reach down half lifting, pulling at her as we beat a hasty retreat to the bathroom. Spinning together as we enter, slamming the door shut to a hail of food peppering the door on our retreat… it closes and I lock it. Then lean back against the door,…as we laugh at the chaos beyond. I take another swig from the bottle,…then offer her it,…eyes finally noticing as she tilts the bottle and her head back, a breast hanging exposed escaped from the confines of the dress,…deliciously inviting smeared in the whip crème.

    Reach out,…sliding my fingers along her breast gathering the whip cream, ,purposely giving attention to a glancing roll over the areola, ,..a brush to the nipple before raising my fingers to my lips, and sucking it clean.

    She casts me a warm look,…

    “Any ideas how you want that cleaned up?,..I had such high plans for us later after the party,…wouldn’t want a bit of the hives to get in the way of that.”

    in reply to: Backgrounds & Create own BACKROUNDS #45164

    Star Wars?

    Like the Death Star exploding? : 🙂
    Guess that has an cosmic orgasmic sense at some level,…or thinking of planet shots with the backdrop of stars,..(the approach to Tatoonie (sp?))

    Would like a lake shot,..mountainous background of snow covered peaks,…perhaps a jet ski on the banks or a sailboat…

    in reply to: Ideas for roleplaying #15592

    My laughter erupts as I watch Booby attack Ante' in her “safe” confines,…lose my balance and fall back into the dessert cart,..jarring lose a french silk chocolate pie  and sending it tumbling into my lap. The spray of wine, catches my attention,..eyes dart to Adera and her rush forward as she dumps some sort of “gooey swedish stff”  over the girls under the turkey lid.

    Biting my lip with devilish purpose,..I grab the pie tin, and scramble up rushing around the opposite end of the table. Adera has taken refuge behind Bobble,..hunched,..her cute bottom jutting out,…too tempting a target.


    I leap forward, grab the hem of that latex dress and lift,..smashing the pie tin against her cheeks,..roll it quick then drop and slide next to Ante' under the table.

    Smile broad,…as I lean forward and lick the creme from her cheeks.

    “No safe zone baby,…there's no safe zone.”

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