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  • in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44522

    Yes Antebellum,..I still felt under dressed for our little nightclub adventure… serious would like some “up-scale” costumes a bit more sophisticated to accommodate the girls in their sexy dresses. BTW…That little lace number very sexy…

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24458

    @ Lover…never question your motives nor the underlying support to the development team…

    I just walk here with an understanding that releases are constant,..though some voice the requirement of immediate action, good programming takes time. I can only voice my opinion strive to point out glaring weaknesses that I hope the team will acknowledge and account for…

    In this matter, I am adamant in supporting Janine's cause here and that of the others wanting FF poses…this just hasn't been happening with positive responses from the team.

    and with this new male costume,…it's like the mouth fuck for the FF,…rather disappointing, but a few may like.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44431

    well it's a media station with a set agenda aligned with a political movement. THAT is the fear we all should have. Reeks of mind control…elements which which Europe to disaster 60 years ago. I listen to my ex in-laws spew this nonsense,…cringe and counter-point…

    The vocal side is a minority,..but honestly I see their reaction, fair,…and a right to voice. Remember it is one station,..with a history and mandate to twist the truth to it's own agenda. Several years ago that station was under fire when reporters were fired for NOT twisting stories,…and fabricating facts to support the company viewpoint.

    The sad part,..there are some shocking revelations of truth they do say,…but mired in the lies they are lost.

    You brought the gay marriage issue up,..I have had this discussion at length with a gay friend of mine,too many nights of discussion and I would say that you and I would go on likewise for hours because my viewpoint on this is oriented and slanted towards the religious right.

    However,.this is a point a definition the government needs to step from, distance because it has taken a religious overtone whether right or not. Issue domestic partner agreements to ALL (I think the French government does this),…leave marriage ceremonies to the churches,…be it gay or fundamental right, those ceremonies are religion at work, and should not be subject to government control.

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44429

    The American fundamentalist movement definitely misses that crucial point. Jefferson's remarks were often directed towards the Christian right who were adamant at that time of creating a state religion. Jefferson wrote some some very persuasive points to dispel that movement,…as he noted America needed,…depended on the fundamental right to believe as you wanted without being dictated to prejudiced against by others. that is a point missing on the attack on religion the courts fail to take into account. In no way was the practice EVER to be prohibited, only that you could not be required to participate. 

    but I agree with you on the Williams issue,…personal accountability. NPR has a certain right to make a stance on viewpoint which addresses an attack on anyone's religious viewpoint practice.

    in reply to: More Lesbian Poses. FF and FFF. #24448

    lol,…I waited how long… for this? ::)

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44517

    Well I modeled for Antebellum,…what did you think of that babe?

    in reply to: FM Pose Review – 37. Smothering (with pussy) #42098

    QUOTE: “Who would that be, Bear? And…after last night’s show…thought the costumes were picked out. 😉 😉 :-* ”

    Oh I could definitely imagine you in that little devil number,…am..btw,…and probably will need a cold shower before this is done to tone me down till the next opportunity…

    in reply to: Janine’s Soap Box: Juan Willam’s Whining #44427

    Texas issue was a knee jerk reaction to overtones made in some textbooks to paint  a positive spin on the Islamic society while at the same time pointing out certain deficiencies in the Christian society. Honestly to speak of America one has to grapple with religion and it's impact on society, modern American society has taken such a twist it goes out of it's way to attack or silence it's native religion . Thomas Jefferson was adamant about protecting the freedom of choice in religion. Sadly most of his comments are taken up and used as a base for atheism, a fact he would have been abhorred to hear. He was not an atheist, just not enamored by organized religion and the influence that it dictated on European society. His ultimate goal was to establish a society where religion could be actively (or not) participated  without concern. The current atheist movement has taken that point  organized and pressed an absolute segregation on the practice in public places. That flies in the face of American constitutional rights.

    Juan Williams points must be taken with a degree of salt. NPR  holds itself to certain standards, and I always thought it meant freedom of speech, obviously that is not true.  Is it a first amendment violation to speak one's mind  if it flies with a tinge of concern that others in a majority here might unconsciously and silently hold. Not having heard his comments I will hold my own opinion in reserve. He is accountable though for his publicly viewed opinions. Any employers is allowed to dictate acceptable practices,…we work at will accepting those standards, not with imbued rights.

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44515

    lol,..I bought,…anyone want a fashion show give a shout,…

    Ill named “macho wear” strikes me a sub wear…

    Though I admittedly want the kilt,…not certain where that places me?

    in reply to: Pose Idea. After sex pose. #44116

    @Lover yes it is the one action that pretty much have to lead to the imagination here,…and we did address this in a buried thread, but I don't think we talked of the second action while performing it, a caress,..kiss clit/breast  play or …clearly the team has the ability to incorporate that and would be such a hot addition to some existing  poses

    in reply to: FM Pose Review – 37. Smothering (with pussy) #42095

    gloves can be a turn on, mice if we saw a variation of these outfits…can think of someone who needs this outfit for our Halloween party…

    in reply to: Pose Idea. After sex pose. #44114

    the other modification I would like to see in some poses is a full penetration “stop” coupled with the ability to play with the breasts, grind,…perhaps kiss. That option to plow in deep, hold it while performing other actions can be hot, intimate or a  post actively sensuous,…

    in reply to: Give a new girl time to get her “hairs” done. #44408

    Foreplay… ;)

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44513

    seriously the full front outfit looks like I raided a womans  locker room and had stolen a swim suit.

    Not what I had in mind as Macho wear…

    in reply to: Guys-New Outfits. Macho Man Costumes #44508

    Where is the rest of the kilt?

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